
Noel took a deep breath after using that ability. As expected, it drained a lot of Spiritual Energy. But seeing the power behind that phoenix, he knew the Undying Phoenix could become a trump card to defeat his enemy.

'I'm Iadre right now, so the rewards mean a lot to me.' Noel thought for a moment before looking at Dimitri. "It seems that the situation is going to change."

"Are you talking about the Third Prince?"

"Yes. He must be occupied with the current matter, so he wouldn't visit me that soon. So, I'm planning to go back to the Demon Relief Squad's headquarters first before meeting the Third Prince. I'm sure it's going to be easier to handle him that way." Noel sighed.

"At the very least, you have all the alibi you need to handle the matter about the rune." Dimitri waved his hand, telling him that it wasn't a big deal. He would be near as well, so Noel didn't need to worry about the Third Prince.