
"Anna? Oi, what happened? Who did this to you?" Noel kept asking Anna while carrying her to his bed.

On the one hand, all kinds of worries crept into his heart. On the other hand, he didn't have time to think about it.

While he was carrying Anna to the bed, Anna seemed to be able to open her mouth before passing out. However, she was so weak that she could only utter two words. "Don't… Go…"

These two words startled Noel. Noel hurriedly put her on the bed while looking at her body.

He had to close her wounds first, but he had to meet with the rest of the group. At the same time, her message caused a lot of thoughts to appear in his mind.

"What do you mean by "don't go,' Anna? What happened to you?" Noel gritted his teeth before realizing she had passed out. Her breath was stable, but weak.

"Kh." Noel gritted his teeth. He could be late, but if he was too late in treating Anna, she would seriously die.