
"Why did she tell you not to go?"

"Huh?" Noel was confused as to why she asked this question. However, Stella elaborated on her question further. "I mean, from all the words she can use to warn you, why does she ask you not to go? Maybe there is something she sees…"

"Now that you say it…" Noel looked down, falling into deep thought. 'Why did she tell me not to go? She should be aware of my fighting strength. I also have a few trump cards, such as Dimitri. She should be aware of his presence since they met during the expedition.'

'Does that mean the enemies are far stronger than we expect? Still, her father should have told her about Dimitri's true identity. In addition, we have two vice captains and two captains.'

'Even with this lineup, she's telling me not to go instead of warning me to be careful. It means she has deemed the condition to be far worse than I imagined. In fact, our groups might be defeated completely.'