
Heirden rushed forward while covering his entire body with rock. Anna wasn't afraid of him and made the same move.

When they were about to reach each other, Anna waved her blade, using the lightning to drastically increase his speed.

Heirden instinctively realized that this swing was more dangerous than the one he had seen before. He hurriedly raised his right hand, catching the blade.

The energy around Anna's sword burst, stopping him from closing his palm to grab her sword.

Since it was useless, Heirden changed his tactics by stomping the ground.

"!!!" Anna suddenly felt her body become light. It turned out Heirden stomped the ground to turn it into a crater. He used that split second where her body wasn't on the ground to punch her.

Heirden had even used his rock to attach himself to the floor, allowing him to move his body freely.