Raging Lightning Descend

"What?!" Heirden gasped as he instinctively thickened the layer of rocks that protected his skin to the point where he looked like a golem instead of a human.

After that, he raised both hands, trying to stop Anna's blade.

Anna utilized the momentum as well as the fierce lightning to strike Heirden. She wanted to know how much strength she could muster by this Awakening.

Obviously, the power of the Awakening was not at the same level as the True Spirit Body. But the pill had transformed the Spirit Links, including her veins, to a level where her body could assimilate with the Spirit itself.

When her blade struck Heirden's blade, the Spiritual Energy erupted. The lightning was rampaging on the area, shattering the ground even further. The rampant lightning also bounced toward the barrier.