Intermediate Rune

"Ready?" Anna asked.

"Yes, Miss." The soldiers shouted in unison.

"Amazing, you've disciplined them in two days." Howard chuckled.

Anna had truly worked hard in the past two days. On the first day, she challenged them and measured their abilities. On the second day, she practiced together with them, but with much higher intensity than the rest. Not wanting to lose, the soldiers tried to copy her, only to fail miserably.

Even then, they realized that Anna was not a simple young lady; she was also a warrior. At the very least, she had earned enough respect to lead them.

"How about you? Your expression has mellowed a bit." Anna smiled, recalling how Howard was so adamant about not acknowledging her previously.

"I still hold onto my opinion though."

"It will change sooner or later." Anna pointed at the river. "Then, we'll be over there."