
The demons charged toward the shield-bearers, trying to overwhelm them. However, the archers released their arrows to the back area of the enemy's rank, causing a few demons to avoid those arrows and creating a gap between each demon.

With this, the number of demons was reduced, and the shield bearers could easily handle one demon after another.

They stopped the demons with their shields before piercing them with their spears.

The demons seemed to be hurt, but they ended up rampaging and trying to break apart the formation by struggling.

It was the time for the others to come in and slice the demons one by one, sweeping all the enemies.

Seeing how their kin had fallen, the remaining demons tried to chase after their killers, only to be rained by arrows. Some were blinded by their hatred and continued charging, only to succumb to the arrows. The rest obeyed their feelings and stopped, turning back toward the shield-bearers.