Super Logistics

"With the airship having been taken care of, what other suggestions do you have?" Noel asked.

Anna paused for a moment, making people curious. Anna had given an extremely good suggestion, so they expected the same thing with other suggestions. 

"I am not sure about this, but…" Anna raised a finger. "What do you think about having a large carriage?"

"A large carriage?"

"Yes. Since we have an automatic carriage, I think that creating a large carriage is necessary. How do I say this…" Anna contemplated for a moment. "I have an image in my mind about creating a large and long carriage that could carry workers to their destination. For example, the workers of the mine have to go there or camp in the mine's area, right?"

"Certainly." Noel soon understood what she was talking about. "Are you implying that this carriage will carry the workers from here to the mine?"