
"What's wrong?" Anna asked. She was a bit confused as to why Noel's expression turned grim at this moment. 

"I'm going to be summoned to the capital soon."

"If you use your fastest speed, you should be able to reach the capital within three days, right?" Anna frowned, thinking this wasn't a problem. Even if he had to attend the banquet, he would only be gone for about a week.

However, Noel shook his head helplessly and said, "No. It's going to be a month."

"A month? Why? Are you going to do something?"

"Not at all. If that Duke Raymond is like what has been described, then he will be sending a slow carriage to the capital city. If I go by myself, it will be the same as challenging the royal family. In other words, I will be stuck in that carriage for a few weeks. And they will definitely delay the ceremony for a bit.