Ch 27: Kai seemingly Normal

Unexpectedly, the door opened and my mind shut off from seeing Kai coming in. This is the first time I have seen him since he ripped my dress apart. Without saying a word, he took a seat on the couch with me, a cushioned space between us. He looked at the TV just watching the movie. Other than wearing sunglasses while it's night. Kai appeared to be a normal chilled-back kinda guy. Even his posture was leaned back fully relaxed on the couch.

"What is this?" He asked, sounding curious.

"It's called Interview With The Vampire," I replied. "One of my favorites." I wasn't sure why I willingly told him this but it just slipped out.

"What's that?" He questioned seeming casual like this was a normal conversation. Which isn't something I've had with Kai. No. A normal conversation isn't what I'd expect from my lunatic kidnapper.

"It's about vampires," I shared since my mouth just kept running. "I guess you could say I am like a vampire nerd."

Kai's response wasn't what I expected. He nodded his head slightly, making this soft chuckle sound.

His lips formed this hint of a smile and he asked. "What else do you like?"

"Normally, I love watching this movie with pizza rolls." I wasn't sure why I bothered to share that with him but I did.

"Pizza Rolls?" Kai repeated like he didn't have a clue about what I was talking about.

"Haven't you ever heard of a Pizza roll?"

Kai said nothing and only nonchalantly shrugged his shoulders confused. I was bewildered and flabbergast by this strange man. He's so alienated from our planet. "How far off the grid have you lived Kai?" I questioned him outwardly, though I meant for it to stay in my head.

"Not necessarily far but more like too long with the timing," Kai referred.

Hearing him say that didn't make much sense to me. Then again, why am I questioning it since nothing about the Collin family made any sense.

Honestly, I wanna get out of here and be with Orlando and my friends who are also my family. A teardrop slid down my eye to think about them. To think about Orlando, yet I am guilty of practically cheating on him! I'm being so foolish!

Perhaps the food I've been eating has been laced with drugs. It's suspicious how they want me to eat. There is no way I'd be acting like this. For all, I know Kai could've been the one who murdered my team along with the others.

All this guilt weighed heavy on my thoughts. I should've listened to Orlando when he told me not to go on that excavation. If I didn't I would be watching this movie with him. And he'd be teasing me about vampires. He always harassed me about being a vampire nerd. He and I would be cuddled together right now if I wasn't so stubborn. Yet Orlando would never understand my strange psychic gift. For whatever reason, it called me to go on that excavation in Egypt.

"You miss Orlando, don't you?"

Kai pulled me out of my pondering thoughts.

My eyelids feel heavy with tears and I told him from my heart in hopes to get through to him. "Of course, I miss him, Kai. You are taking me away from somebody I love. If someone took the woman you loved away from you Kai, wouldn't you feel sadness?"

Kai remained quiet for a long while. His silence made me sob like a whimpering baby. But Kai never turned his face toward me and stayed watching the movie. I should've known he wouldn't understand.

"You need to stop wasting your tears on him," Kai said some seemingly cold words. "You're too blind to your world Victoria! You don't even know what you're talking about!"

What he said was very insulting and it made me super angry. "I'm blind!" I hissed. "At least I know what a Pizza roll is or about cell phones for that matter! It's amazing that you even knew what a USB drive was! You've gone so far off the grid, Kai. You are like an alien to our human race! No, wonder why you have such a drinking problem! I'm surprised you even have such a nice body since you don't even eat or sleep!"

I ranted more than I thought was on my mind. But I was hurt, broken, and frustrated. Regardless, if Kai spared my life from a terrifying execution. He kidnapped me from my lover, Orlando. They made everyone believe I was dead! I have all the reasons to be upset and what's worse is these aren't normal reasons! I mean yeah unfortunately people get kidnapped all the time but usually, they're found dead. But I'm being kidnapped by this jaw-dropping weirdo! That wants to marry me!

"So you think I have a nice body," Kai said with pride and this cocky grin rested on his mouth.

Oh, I was so mad! "Out of everything I said you only heard the part where I said you have a nice body!" I started to rage!

Kai laughed. "I'm a typical male, it's easy for me to block out what I don't wish to hear."

I growled, "you are so irritating, Kai!"

But Kai laughed at me. "I half expected that I would be."

"What do you even mean by saying that?' I asked, perplexed.

The way he used his phrase sounded like he had somehow always known me. But that just isn't possible since Kai has only come out of his hiding place. Or he's a stalker!

"You wouldn't understand," he proclaimed. "If I tried to explain it. Your little mind wouldn't be able to comprehend it."

"Stop belittling me like I am brainless!" I hissed.

He turned his head facing me to say. "I wasn't trying to belittle you." For the moment I stared at his shades. I started to wonder what his eyes looked like. And why did he wear them?

"Why are you always wearing shades?" I asked him and changed the topic.

"Because I can," Kai claimed, which wasn't an answer.

"That didn't answer my question," I told him.

Kai chuckled, "since you tried to marry Orlando today. I don't feel I need to answer anything."

"Whatever!" I got snippy with him as I felt this building cramp in my stomach. I went to get up but then Kai snatched my forearm and threw me back down on the couch.

"I still have yet to punish you!" Kai began sounding husky again.

He pinned me down with his body. Somewhat over top of me and then his hand wanders up to my soft comfortable black bedtime shorts. I moaned when I felt one fingertip go up around my panty. And then this fast stream of wetness filled my panty as I moaned.

But all of a sudden when that happened. Kai withdrew his finger and growled not in frustration but like he was shocked. I looked down and saw blood on his middle finger. Kai got up and made a mad dash to the bathroom and turned on the faucet. I couldn't help but feel slightly embarrassed that he touched me when I wasn't aware I had started my period.

Kai came out of the bathroom and like a mad man, he quickly left the room. Now I couldn't help but laugh! I guess he's the type of man that gets grossed out when a woman is on her monthly cycle. Well, I would have warned him if I knew but maybe that will teach him. Two points for me! Making this his second failed attempt to punish me since it backfired on him again.