Ch 34: Mr. Collin's Office part two

[This Picks up from Chapter 28.]

Kai's agate color eyes shone brightly looking at his glaring father. Mr. Collin wasn't fooled by the slightest.

"Now you see," Kai told him but Mr. Collin wasn't buying it and stared at him suspiciously since he knew Kai too well.

"Well, then Kai, break them in half and go see Victoria," He challenged his son.

Very slowly he saw the red veins in Kai's white sclera enlarged. Following that the iris part of the eye began to redden a beautiful captivating blood-red color. Kai gritted his teeth knowing well what was going on. He didn't bother putting his shades back on. He knew there wasn't anything to hide here.

Mr. Collin shook his head not with disappointment because he understood how hard this was for Kai. He knew his son wasn't just any Apex predator but his son was an Alpha Apex predator and the deadliest type in their Royal family.

"Kai, you must control yourself," he told his son.

"Easy for you to say!" Kai hissed. "Mom loves you but Victoria hates me!"

Mr. Collin sighed heavily, sympathizing with his son. "Kai, you must be patient and Victoria will love you back."

Kai shook his head broken inside.

"You know what you need, Kai."

Everyone suddenly looked at Rome speaking. "You need another woman around your hip. That will surely get Victoria's mood swings stirring."

Kai kinda nods pondering about this idea. Of course, he didn't like the idea but if it worked perhaps it would be worth a try, he thought.

"Don't take advice from a bachelor! You're just asking for more problems if you do this." Ivan disagreed, realizing Kai was sinking this low to do something so foolish.

"What other choice do I have, Ivan?" Kai replied.

Ace threw in his opinion, "Kai, break the chain some and let Victoria leave the mansion and have her come back to you."

Kai hissed showing his canines growing into fangs at Ace. "Are you out of your mind!" He hissed louder. "She'll fly back to Orlando!"

"So what!" Rome chuckled. "Show her you moved on yourself, women love players. You show her you're a womanizer and she'll be crawling back. She had permitted you to be with other women."

Kai puffed folding his arms annoyed and his fangs shrink back into normal canine teeth. "I'm worried Orlando will hurt her."

"If he wanted to harm her then he would have done it the second they started to date." Mr. Collin added, seeing the pain in Kai's eyes.

"So you think I should let her go?" Kai questioned, feeling a sting in his heart.

"I don't feel a little freedom will hurt," Mr. Collin implied.

Kai's eyes darkened redder as his rage amped far too high at this idea. "No, that will never happen," Kai clenched teeth, retorting. "I don't trust Orlando or his family! Victoria is better off with me!"

"You're right, Kai." Mr. Collin added. "The Mill family isn't to be trusted but that's where the problem lies. They have Victoria's trust and she's blind to what..."

Mr. Collin stopped in the middle of talking from hearing his cell phone. He took it out of his pocket and saw it was a guardian from his mansion calling him.

"Hello?" He answered as Kai watched his father's eyes gape. His gut tightened and his father ended the call sighing.

"What happened?" Kai questioned.

Mr. Collin was hesitant for a second but softly shared. "Victoria, escape and she's back with Orlando. She's at the mall with Crystal Mill. They are planning to attend a wild club tonight."

Kai clenched his fists so hard that everyone heard his knuckles cracking and popping. Ivan, Ace, and Rome were prepared to restain Kai. Regardless that they knew it wouldn't be possible to keep him down.

Kai's veins were even popping on his temple for how raged he had gotten. Until the unexpected happened, Kai's anger eased down. He relaxed back in his chair. But this evil grin curved his lip.

"Ivan call our clan and have them keep an eye on Victoria. Ace tell the vampiresses including your wife and Ivan's wife to know we are going to a club." Kai said in this demanding demeanor.

"I'll tag along with you Kai but my wife won't be available to go," Ace asserted a protective dominance when talking about his wife.

Kai and everyone caught the tone but he didn't say anything. Recently, since Kai came back home, Ace had been acting so odd about his wife. Kai could only assume it was because the last time he saw her. Was when he had broken her heart.

Kai figured Ace was only protecting her from unhealed wounds that he caused. Other than that, Kai couldn't think of anything else as to why Ace would act like this toward him even for being his Alpha.

Without caring to think too deeply about it, Kai continued saying. "That is fine Ace but Rome I'd like for you to set us up with some real hotties."

Rome grinned, looking up from the file. "Oh, you got it, boss."

"You can't be serious, Kai!" Ivan protested. "You're only asking for more trouble. You'll hurt Victoria deeply! She's your mate"

Not caring Kai grinned in his anger. "That's the idea, Ivan! She needs to know how I feel!".

"You're only going to end up hurting yourself along with her." Ace even tried to warn. "She's only human right now, she doesn't understand."

Kai stood up fixing his nice black suit. "She's about to learn the hard way. When you're destined to be mated with a Royal Alpha vampire you don't make him jealous or angry. Now call everyone up."

"Kai, this is a mistake you could hurt her. You almost bit her on the plane and then everyone saw the mark you left on her neck. What if you lose control tonight?" Ivan tried to reason with him, hoping he would change his mind.

"I haven't harmed her once," Kai hissed from feeling insulted.

Like he was incapable of keeping his mate safe. He huffed loudly on that thought.

"Kai, do not make a scene tonight." Mr. Collin was only getting started on his lecture.

Swoosh! But Kai zipped out of his room so fast. The only thing anybody saw was that the door flew open. In a flash, Kai was all but gone.

The only thing anybody heard was Rome oohing and ahhing over the murdered cases like a babbling idiot.

Ivan was mad and without warning, he ripped the file out of Rome's hand. "Hey, I wasn't done!" Rome shouts with a twisted smile. "I was on case forty-two!"

"Have some respect for the dead, Rome!" Ivan said, smacking him in the head with the thick file.

Unfazed Rome laughed, "I always have respect for my prey!"

Ace yelled at him. "Just shut up Rome and go after Kai! You're the moron that gave him such a reckless idea!"

Rome laughed so hard that his fangs enlarged. Everybody could see his fangs from the roof of his howling mouth.

"He'll be fine!" Rome said and then he got off the desk.

Swoosh! Just like that, Rome was gone before their eyes. Only unlike Kai, he shut the door to Mr. Collin's Office.

"Don't worry about Kai." Mr. Collin told Ivan and Ace before they too left. "Just make sure Kai or nobody else hurts Victoria."