Ch 43: Times Have Changed

For leaving Victoria crying like that, Kai was frustrated with himself. So frustrated that he wanted to punch something. But what good would that do, thought Kai. He was far too old for such a childish outlet to do that. Kai felt the need to hunt. Even though he and his friends had just come back from feeding. Kai still craved it as he chugged the bottle in his hand while wandering within the mansion. The bottle of blood wasn't cutting it for him. He wanted to hunt! To feel that adrenaline scorching through his blood and beating heart. He loved it!

Yet he felt drained to think of someone else he loves more when he thought about Victoria.

In his mind, he assumed that he and Victoria could do something enjoyable together. He certainly wasn't expecting to return home and find her crying over a dead human. That part baffled him.

"That woman was a human," Kai murmured aloud and tried to find an understanding of Victoria's feelings. However, his mind was still boggled by this thought to try to understand human emotions. Whereas other vampires would understand, but he wasn't that type of vampire.

Interrupting his thoughts, a guardian who worked for his father came up to him in the hallway.

"Your father wishes to speak with you in his main office," said the guardian.

Kai nodded and didn't play around. He peered about, not seeing Victoria. Faster than snapping a finger, Kai vanished before the guardian's eyesz but he did feel this gust of wind.

Kai was in a rush. His surroundings would look like a blur to the human eye. At this fast speed, Kai saw and smelled everything. His eyes could even focus on objects or his prey in slow-motion. Depending on how he adjusted his sight while he ran or flew. Kai's surroundings would either move around him fast or slow. Right now, he wasn't using his eyes for focus. So the walls and rooms he zipped pasted were blurry colors smushed together. Kai picked up his feet and flew to the door of his father's office.

And the door slammed shut just as Mr. Collin looked up from sitting at his desk. Before his eyes, Kai was in the chair. Other than hearing the door slam, Kai was quieter than a tiny mouse.

Kai saw his father's glare narrowing at him. "What?" he says, confused.

Mr. Collin growled in full rage. "Haven't I told you about hunting on the campus!"

"If you're talking about Elena, it wasn't me," Kai proclaimed.

"You honestly think I'd believe you!" Mr. Collin hissed, showing his fangs. "Haven't you gotten Victoria in enough trouble, and now you did this to her! I understand you're upset that she loves Orlando, but it doesn't mean you act like this! I've told you countless times to never hunt on the campus or any humans that I have working for me! You best not touch them!"

Kai hissed in full defense. "You honestly think I'd do that to Victoria! What I did to her after I woke up was a mistake! I didn't mean to ruin her or harm her as I did. I just couldn't handle the fact of staying away from her then! Regardless, of how she feels for Orlando. I'd never do such a thing! You honestly make me sick to even hear you say that! It's even sickening to think you are protecting these weak puny humans! I miss the old days when you taught me how to hunt them! Now, you're sparing them!"

Mr. Collin rubbed his temples from a headache he was having. He understood Kai woke up to an alienated world from how he used to remember. Mr. Collin cooled down his temper from accusing his son.

"Times have changed, Kai. Humans have flourished since those times. Unfortunately, it may seem like there are plenty of humans to feed on but that isn't the case. Between birth control that stops pregnancy and abortions that kills the infant fetus. There are lower birth rates. If we were to overly feed on them they will go extinct. This is why we vampires created blood banks and shared our medicines, among other achievements with them. The humans only blindly think they're the top predators. Under us, we are over them. We are the Apex Predators. This is why you must control your predator side."

Mr. Collin did his best to explain since he knew Kai wasn't familiar with birth control and abortions.

Kai huffed, "that will never happen! Therefore if I feed on any of your pathetic humans you have working for you, I will gladly tell you!"

Mr. Collin knew this to be true. He realized Kai was open about his kills. What's worse, Mr. Collin knew Kai wouldn't even stop himself from killing any of Victoria's human friends. This is part of the reason why he thought Kai killed Elena. He already knew nothing could stop Kai from killing the whole dorm that Victoria stayed in. The only human safe around Kai for the most part was Victoria or the ones that will be turned to joined their Coven. But they still had to watch Kai since everyone knew his anger could mistakenly harm or kill Victoria.

"Alright, Kai, I'm listening," Mr. Collin asked. "Do you know who killed Elena?"

Kai breathed easily and he said. "I don't recognize his scent but I know enough that he's hunting Victoria. He caught her scent of blood at the club when she tranced into her time-gap. I know his type, he won't stop until he feeds on her but before he catches her. He'll enjoy the chase and the torment. It's a game to him, not a feeding."

"He's the hunter type," replied Mr. Collin as Kai nodded his head confirming his answer. "Is he an Alpha?"

"Unfortunately, Yes," Kai replied. "Victoria must be guarded."

"She will be, Kai," said Mr. Collin. "In the meantime, you must help her through this depression. If she's weak, she'll die when you try to turn her. The brightest blue moon will be here fast. Not to mention, we need to make sure she doesn't fall too deeply into the time-gap. It could kill her if she pushes her limit too far."

"I know, and I am aware of that. I just don't get why she is crying over a human," Kai cluelessly said.

"Kai, Victoria is human," Mr. Collin stated the obvious, and Kai could only roll his eyes in frustration. "To understand her better you must learn about her while she is still human. It's what you should've always done but you failed to raise her yourself."

Kai hissed and before Mr. Collin saw it coming, he vanished. He saw the glass doors to the balcony open before they closed. Until Kai reappeared passed the garden where he saw Kai in the distance. Had went into the thick wood to hunt for deer. It wasn't the same as human blood. So he was happy to see Kai was trying to redirect his hunger to feed on humans. Although Mr. Collin sighed to see Kai like this. He knew he had touched on a sensitive topic for Kai about raising Victoria from infancy.