Ch 44: Watching Over Victoria

It was dark, Kai sat high in a tree. His skillful sight observed the animals from prey to predator either scurrying about or lurking for their meal. Even within the far distance, Kai narrowed his sight to see a bobcat stalking its prey. He watched the stealthy bobcat catch the squirrel from the tree.

Kai took a breath looking up between the thick leaves that hung on the branches. He saw the stars on the map that never changed. While the world he had woken up to did change drastically. Kai was flustered about life and that is why he oftentimes, disappeared here. However, Kai stood up on the thick branch and took off zigzagging in and around many trees. The thought of Victoria sleeping caught his mind. He hadn't seen her since he last saw her cry about her friend.

Within a flash, Kai saw his balcony and leaped onto it. Always being unlocked he opened it up and crept himself in as a shadow to see his beautiful Victoria soundly asleep. Till he turned his shadowy form into his solid vast appearance, gazing at his love.

Her wide-almond- petal-like eyelids were closed and her long lashes were crusty. Indicating that she has cried herself to sleep. Those natural semi plumb lips were slightly parted while she slept. Her square-shaped face was perfectly made for her appearance. Even her pretty straight bridge petite nose was ideal. Then her beautiful long blonde hair curled on the pillow from around her features. Nothing about her, Kai would change. Well, only the human part is what he will change. He thought when correcting himself.

Like he always did those other nights, Kai crawled to his bedside and lay next to her. While he watched the sunrise, he'd protect her while she slept. Minus those eight days, he couldn't be near her when she was on her cycle. Kai was scared he'd mistakenly feed on her.

Before she woke, he'd be sure to leave to either hunt or mingle elsewhere.

Kai never wanted her to think he was overbearing her. Although from a distance, he pretty much did.

When the hour came he left and watched from the distance in the garden to see Victoria did nothing but cry. Kai felt too heartbroken to even be near her. He still couldn't fathom why she cried for this human. Just out of sight within the garden, he watches his mother and sisters try to comfort Victoria. He felt a mixture of emotions to see she was refusing to eat.


By the next morning, Kai watched the same repeat from Victoria. His poor love was looking pale and weak. This was the second day she had gone without food or was it the third day. He second-guessed himself since he felt distressed.

Then it kinda dawned on him, he hadn't seen his friends especially, Ivan. He hasn't seen Ivan or Mia since the club. And Ivan was good at these kinds of talks about females. Surely, Ivan was the right friend he needed for advice. Without wasting any more time thinking, Kai leaps and then crawls up the mansion siding to reach Ivan's balcony. Without a knock, he broke in.

"Mhmm... ahh..!"

Moans and heavy puffing of breath filled his ears and the smell of sweaty bodies entered his nostrils. The whole room stunk of hot sexual pheromones. Kai saw Ivan and his wife Mia underneath him as he thrust her hard under the sheets. Until Ivan stopped catching his breath and looked at Kai staring at them with a blank face. Sweat ran off his face as Mia was panting heavily out of breath. Kai walked to the side of their bed staring at them with not expression.

He knew vampires' mating could last a long time. Never feeling restless or exhausted, it was hard to know when to stop. After they left the club, Ivan couldn't get enough of his wife Mia.

Still, Ivan kinda stared at Kai. If it was anybody else he would have yelled for the interruption, especially if it was Rome. But Kai was old school during those times they mated in front of each other. Ivan knew Kai is still learning about privacy. Plus Kai was his and Mia's Alpha so there was no stopping Kai from doing what he wanted. On top of that, they were all good friends like family.

"When you're done with this round Ivan. Meet me in the back garden to talk. I need some advice on what to do with Victoria." Kai told him and then went back the way he came as if nothing happened.

Mia kissed her husband and pushed him off her. "Go clean up and talk to him. He seems lost."

"Just let me finish," Ivan pushed her back down and continued to thrust. Mia moans getting lost in how good it felt to make love with him.


Once Ivan was done he found Kai hiding in the garden, staring up at Victoria crying.

"What can I do that will help her?" asked Kai, seeming all but lost.

"Let her go to the funeral, Kai," Ivan tells him. "Then she'll have closure and move on. It's what humans do. They bury their loved ones and continue on living."

"Once that's over, what do I do next?" Kai asked.

"Do something she likes," replied Ivan.

Kai nodded in his silence as they felt a few raindrops fall from the sky. Not saying a word to one another.

"Jeez, Ivan you reek like sex!" They both turned heads to see Rome relaxed on the bench with a kid-like smirk on his face. Rome showed up out of nowhere.

"Well, if you need me, I'll be with Mia," Ignoring Rome, Ivan said, starting to leave.

"Does that include a free peek show," Rome teased.

"Don't make me hurt you, Rome," Ivan chuckled and then disappeared.

Rome chuckled and stood up patting Kai's back and said. "Let's inform your parents Victoria can go to the funeral."

Kai kinda nodded and they did just that.


The next day Kai watched from afar on the rooftop of this building with Rome and Ace to see Victoria attend the funeral. Next at the cemetery, in a far-off tree, they still watched her.

Kai studied the whole thing and saw many tears. He watched as Victoria was hugged by many friends. His eyes narrowed protectively and envious to see her hugging male humans. Till he felt a nudge from Rome keeping him from doing something stupid. Kai hissed! Nevertheless, their grumpy Alpha behaved himself. However, Kai felt much more relief getting her back home. She cried herself to sleep but then by morning, he saw her wake from in the garden. She wasn't crying anymore and surprisingly enough she left the bedroom.

After hunting he found she was watching her favorite movie about vampires on the large tv. With his sisters inside the main living room. Now, this gave Kai an idea.