Ch 45: Automatic Doors

Since Elena's murder, I haven't stopped crying nor have I eaten. And in all this time, I haven't once seen Kai. I was shocked to learn he allowed me to go to Elena's funeral. Of course, I had to go with some Bodyguards for my protection from this serial killer stalking me. Regardless, I felt closure but I wished Crystal could be there but I understand she was too traumatized to come. At least that's what everyone told me.

Unlike what the news said about me. None of my friends or Elena's family thought I was guilty. The DNA from the autopsy showed it was more than one man who did it. Detectives, are secretly on the case to find the guys that killed my friend and likely my team in Egypt. Just as Mrs. Collin said, Mr. Collin made the media drop any information about me. The last report I saw was talking about me going under heavy protection for my safety from these murderers.

Oh, so sudden, my eyes kinda crossed the room confused and surprised to see Kai came in. I wasn't sure when he got here. He kinda showed up quietly out of nowhere. As I was watching my vampire movie with Veronica and Zoey. He came around the edge of the couch still wearing those sunglasses but he had an easy smooth smile on his lips.

"Victoria, I was wondering if you'd like to go out?" Kai asked yet there seemed to be some nervousness in his pitch.

"Go where?" I asked him puzzled.

Kai's head kinda shifted up at the movie playing on the big flat screen.

Then he looked back at me through his shades, saying. "We can go buy you some food at the grocery store. Since you don't trust our food. You can get your favorite pizza rolls and then we can come back to watch this movie."

I was slightly baffled to hear Kai suggest this idea. Plus I was even more flabbergast to hear he remembered I liked watching this movie with pizza rolls.

"Sure I would like that," I replied softly and his face around his shades lit up with a shimmer.

On any other day, I would have shunned Kai like no tomorrow but not today, I didn't. His gentle approach was indifferent from Kai's usual coldness. Perhaps, I should give him a chance and be nice. After all, he allowed me to attend Elena's funeral. On a more hopeful thought maybe he'll break off this forced marriage to him.

Kai took my hand and lead me away.

"Rome is waiting for us out front." The second Kai said that I wanted to turn back. To deal with Rome was like dealing with ten annoying kids in one body.

Once we got outside I saw Rome's mischievous gleam to see me. He sat in the driver seat of his blue Nissan skyline that fit five people. Although it was better off with four.

"How ya doing princess?" Rome asked when I slipped in the back.

"Would you stop calling me princess!" I sorta snarled to correct him but Rome didn't care. I think the fact it drove me insane instigates him in the wrong way.

"Nope!" Rome taunted and teased. "It's princess now since I changed."

"Ugh!" I huffed loudly but all Rome did was laugh as he took off at a high speed.

Kai didn't say a word to him. He chuckled some but mostly remained quiet.

"Don't you drive, Kai?" I asked in hopes the next time we go out it won't be with Rome.

"No, I don't know how to drive," Kai replied strangely as Rome sped down the road.

"You don't have a license?" I questioned to make sure I understood him correctly.

Kai was silent but Rome answered for him. "No, Kai doesn't have a license."

"Why don't you have a license?" I asked puzzled.

Kai turned his body around and said. "Because I never had any reason to get one." He then faced forward again.

The more I learned about Kai the more baffled I came.


Once Rome found a good parking spot at the grocery store. All three of us got out of the sports car. I walked by Kai and kinda looked at Rome looking around with this flirty, up to something kinda glint on his smile. If that wasn't weird enough he wasn't following Kai and me.

"Is Rome not coming with us?" I asked as I walked with Kai toward the automatic doors.

"I'm sure Rome can entertain himself," replied Kai, seeming so casual.

I tried not to laugh when I turned around to see Rome heading to this young woman unloading her groceries. Gosh, the guy was such a flirt and charmer. She eats it right up to get his help. Rome was very attractive. I should've figured ladies would melt all over him but to me, he's so annoying!

"I see that," I giggled, turning my head forward as Kai chuckled too.

Apparently, Kai knew his friend well. Once we walked through the automatic doors Kai stopped dead in the center of the automatic doors. His face veered up and then he studied the doors between him. His lips remained straight so I could only imagine what his eyes looked like. It's like this was the first time he had ever seen automatic doors.

I giggled out from how adorable he appeared. "Kai, what are you doing?"

His face looked up before following the edge of the one door on his left. "I am trying to figure out how the door knew when to open." I about died inside for how cute Kai said that. He was like a lost puppy.

"It opens by your weight," I giggled and tugged his hand to see a crowd coming in. I pulled Kai off to the side as he watched the automatic doors close slightly. Till it opened to the people coming in. Some smiled at us before getting a cart. Others walked passed us and went through the next set of automatic doors. Kai observed everything about the doors. I couldn't help but giggle went I released his hand to a grab cart.

"What is that metal wheel?" Kai asked whimsically and I realized he was talking about the cart.

"It's called a cart," I giggled. "Older generations might even call it a buggy. You use it for shopping."

I tried not to laugh but I couldn't help it from how cute he was being.