Ch 46: Grocery store with Kai

Kai kinda nodded while I chuckled at his lost expressions. He followed me in. And this time, I turned around to make sure he wasn't aimlessly standing in the middle of the doors. Although my cheeks glowed to see how he walked through.

With his nose up to the ceiling, Kai walked in while observing the doors. Good thing he wasn't wearing a hat with those shades or else it would have fallen off his head. Just before he ran into me he stopped to look around.

"This place smells funny," Kai said at random.

The way he said it was so funny and cute. All I could do was giggle at him.

"It's a grocery store, Kai," I chuckled. "You don't think it smells delicious?"

Kai never answered and he kinda veered off like a child picking up some blueberries in a plastic container.

"Why are these in a container like this?" Kai asked me as he turned the blueberries upside down. He was so baffled by how he squinted his eyes at it. Like he's never seen blueberries in a storage container. Oh, this strange gorgeous man couldn't be any cuter. What made it better is that other people shopping heard him. The expression on their faces was priceless when they looked over at Kai like he was crazy. You'd think I'd feel embarrassed by him but I wasn't. Kai was seemingly entertaining me.

I took the blueberries off him and placed them in the cart while talking. "Careful, Kai, if that container breaks open. Blueberries will be rolling and bouncing everywhere. And I think you've drawn in enough attention to yourself as it is."

I pushed the cart forward to grab some strawberries. Oh, boy! Suddenly, Kai wanders off to the opposite side of the cooler fruit display from where I am. My eyes gaped, shocked to see he picked up a bag of apples. I tried not to laugh when I turned back and cycled around to get him. Kai was like taking a kid to a toy store.

"You've never been shopping in a grocery store?" I asked him when I put the apples back.

Kai kinda shrugged his shoulders. "No, I've never needed to go in one."

"You never had the need?" I asked, baffled. "How did you eat?"

For a second Kai was silent like my question stumped him. "I always had someone shop for me." He eventually said as we strolled along the fruit section.

"Are you from some sort of isolated island?" I joked.

"Actually... y-yes I am," Kai said, oddly. "I'm used to my produce being fresh off the vines, soils, and trees."

"Oh!" I was sorta stunned to hear him say this. Although I shouldn't since he's looking at the world like it's a strange place to him. Which gave me an idea to keep Kai by my side.

"Well, since it's your first time, why don't you push the cart," I insist and position his hands on the handlebar to push the cart. "And I'll do the shopping."

Kai's lips parted to say something until he closed them. I could tell he wanted to protest. Since Kai's the type who wanted to boss the orders and demand to have it his way. For the first time, I saw Kai stop that domineering ego to wanna be controlling. The whole time I kept a soft smile which I felt worked in my favor to appease Kai from being a bossy control freak. I've seen Kai listen to his friends but Kai did whatever he wanted.

Whatever reason Kai and I seemed to have a connection together but it wasn't a connection I fully understood.

Even though he didn't seem happy about my forced suggestion. Nevertheless, Kai pushed the cart but I noticed he watched others how they push and turn the wheels. So I stood beside the cart and helped guide the nose of it. This way it assisted him with the steering.

My idea to keep his hands busy with the cart worked in my favor. It gave me the time to shop for things I liked. I grabbed strawberries and bananas to make a homemade smoothie. Next, I picked up some spring mixed salad.

"You eat a lot of greens and fruits," Kai noted while watching me load the cart with healthy foods.

"Yes, it's healthy," I told him, giggling.

Unexpectedly, he stepped forward and picked up some spinach leaves. "Indeed, it is healthy, you should get spinach to manage your iron," Kai said, randomly again. "We should buy you some other foods that would be good for your iron."

"Kai!" I tried not to shout when he took off with the cart. Now I lost him when he turned right and passed up all the baked goodies at a fastened walking pace. Holy cow, he was fast! I almost couldn't keep up! Luckily, he stopped at the meats and started loading up the cart with organ meats.

"Kai, stop!" I said taking the gross meat out of the cart. "I'll eat the red meat but I won't eat the organ meat!"

"Why not?" Kai asked as he put them back into the cart. "You need to be sure your iron is good," Kai said with a serious look on his lip but I couldn't take him seriously. To see he did care about me in such a weird controlling kinda way was comical.

"Kai, I've had bloodwork done recently and it showed my iron was fine along with everything else," I told him çhuckling and took the meat back out. This was even funnier to see people watching Kai and I battle over what went into the cart. I'd take the gross meat out and he'd put one of the same packages of meat back in. Kai remained serious while I couldn't stop laughing.

"Kai, I'll get the steaks," I said while putting some in. Finally, that seemed to make him happy that it stopped him from putting the gross animal organs in the cart.

I wasn't even sure how but somehow I managed to get him in the frozen food and got my pizza rolls.

"That's a pizza roll," Kai said, lifting a brow above his sunglasses.

I giggled, "yes, Kai, I just need to grab some ice cream for my smoothie, and then we can head to the checkout."

Once we got the vanilla ice cream, we got in line. Kai didn't seem to like it. I saw his palms clutching the cart pretty hard. I got the idea he wasn't much of a people person. Which would explain why he's isolated himself on an island.

As we were loading everything on the conveyor belt then it suddenly dawned on me.

"Kai, I don't have my money to pay for these groceries," I told him.

But Kai chuckled asking. "You're my fiance, so why would you think I won't take care of you?"

I was baffled and asked. "Do you have cash or do you know how to use a credit card?"

"Of course," was all Kai said.

Yet this was the same Kai that never saw an automatic door? Nor has he ever stepped foot in a grocery store but he knows how to work a credit? Oh, this will be so intriguing to watch.