Ch 48: Beautiful eyes

While I fed the swans and fish I sorta took a glance at Kai and asked. "Why do you always wear sunglasses? You never answered me the first time, I asked you."

Kai sorta curved a grin. "I have an eye condition so it helps me when I wear the sunglasses. I'm just overly sensitive to light and I get red-eye irritation. The sunglasses help even during the night."

Kai was fairly quick to give me a full answer.

At first, I thought it was strange but I know some people aren't born lucky. Yet I was curious because I wanted to see his eyes and know what he looked like behind the shades.

"Would it hurt too badly if I could see your eyes?" I asked him wondering if I could get a peek but I wasn't sure if that would happen. Since he didn't answer, so I stared at the water below.

"For you Victoria, I will show you." The way Kai spoke so romantically made me beam a blush. He faced me and I waited patiently for him. Almost like slow-motion his hands went up grasping the sunglasses before he pulled the shades off his face. His eyes were closed and I saw him take a light breath of air in between his parted lips. Utterly slow, his eyelids fluttered open and what I saw was so beautiful. His eyes were a mesmerizing agate color. They were so majestic that I was covetous. His eye shape was oval deep-set. Kai had the ideal facial features that were flawless in a man. His square-diamond-shaped face matched his narrow straight nose, upper cheekbones, sexy defined heavy cupid bow lip, and defined jawline. Kai was beautifully chiseled like an angel. No doubt he was so sexy in a dreamy type of way. I was utterly stunned and found myself drooling over him. Yet something about his appearance was familiar like I'd seen him before. I thought while he quickly put his sunglasses back on seemingly gloating.

"Like what you saw?" Kai playfully harassed me.

I couldn't even answer him and turned away glowing peach-red when I looked at the water below. In the water's reflection, I saw him staring at me before his hand moved. I stilled my stance while my breath left me. So very slowly, he grasped my chin, curving his finger and thumb between it. Already feeling breathless I went with the sequence and followed his lead. Very gentle, Kai moved my face to gaze at him. I felt this undeniable magical pull between us as he leaned in. My eyes closed and my lips were singing to kiss him. I slanted my head feeling his breath warm the flesh on my face. Just when our lips brush open slightly, touching to latch.

"Gggrl..." This prolonged gurgle came from my stomach stopping us in the act to kiss each other.

Kai kinda grinned saying, "let's get you something to eat."

I giggled and spoke bashfully, "I guess I should eat."

Kai took the bucket of feed and then my hand. "What would you like to eat?" he asked me. "I'll buy you anything you like."

I could only giggle.

We got in line at a food stand which again Kai didn't seem to like being around so many people. With him having a lot of friends, plus he can easily snatch any young woman he wants. Regardless of all that, Kai certainly seemed to be antisocial.

"How may I help you, good-looking?" The girl at the stand asked me or I should say asked Kai. I mean she was googling her eyeballs over Kai and even winked him a dazzling eye. I found her behavior outright absurd but Kai didn't seem to care.

"Order anything you want, my love," Kai paid no attention to her and flashed me a smile. Yup, even this girl was mad and jelly now.

"I'll take a cheeseburger and a strawberry lemonade smoothie," I ordered.

"Would you like a funnel cake for dessert?" Kai asked me.

"Sure." I smiled and everything was rung up and then he paid in cash.

"Are you sure you wouldn't want anything on the house handsome," the girl asked flirting. "It will be my treat."

"No," Kai completely disregarded her like how any uninterested guy would. Unexpectedly, he pulled me in his arm from my waist when we stepped off to the side to wait.

Once my meal was cooked. He helped me carry my food. Instead of sitting at the picnic tables like everyone else. Kai wandered us away till he found this rather large sandstone rock to sit on. That was away from everyone. I started to eat as he just watched me.

"Are you not hungry?" I asked him.

"No, I had a big breakfast," he smiled. "I'm rather full right now."

"Are you sure you don't wanna share the funnel cake?" I asked him since I felt bad to waste any food. "I probably won't be able to eat everything. My stomach kinda shrunk from not eating."

Again Kai smiled, "just eat what you can and don't worry about it."

I shimmered at him as I ate while he watched me. "What do you wanna do after I'm done eating?"

"Kiss your beautiful lips," Kai bluntly said. He didn't even hold back. He caused me to blush like a glowing angel ascending from heaven. Before I even knew what was happening Kai's hand cupped around my facial cheek near my ear. Like a natural flowing stream, my face leaned forward with his. Our breath collided before we touched our lips flesh to skin. My mouth parted to kiss Kai softly. Then our lips partly touch as we go in for the latch.

"Victoria!" Suddenly I heard my name and I yanked out of Kai's grasp. My heart broke in half to see Orlando standing there. His hurt eyes meet mine. Instant, tears welled in my sight but then I saw Orlando and Kai make deadly eye contact. The look they gave was lethal.

"Orlando." I gasped and stood up as my heart kept scrabbling beneath me. My heart couldn't bear it anymore and I was afraid to see them start fighting. I backed away and ran. Never once did I look back while I'm running around trees and leaping over branches on the ground. I even ran around any large rocks that would be in my way. My heart was so broken for betraying Orlando like that. I couldn't believe what I had done.

"VICTORIA!" I heard my name being loudly hollered.