Ch 49: Twisted Cruel Pleasure [R-18]

Before I even had a chance to turn around. My body was spun harshly and I faced Kai gritting his teeth as he pushed my back up against this tree.

"Don't you ever dare run from me!" Kai shouts aggressively in my face. I was confused, how did he even catch up with me this fast? I never heard anybody behind me when I ran.

"Get off me, Kai!" I yell trying to wiggle my shoulders free from his strong grip.

"You're hurting me!"

Kai shook my shoulders. "No, you are to listen!" he yelled.

"Kai, stop!" I kicked up my leg to knee his crotch but Kai was quicker and blocked my knee with his shin. I screamed in pain until he cupped my mouth.

"Shh!" Kai spat. "Rome is coming and we are going back home!"

He took his hand away for me to shout. "I'm not going! I wanna be with Orlando!"

"You are never to see or speak to him again!" Kai asserted. "Now we are going home and if you scream and cause any more of a scene I will drug you again!"

Kai grasped my wrist and pulled me in a different direction from up this patch of woods. We weren't even going in the right direction to leave. I was very frightened and pushed on his hand with my free hand to break my wrist free.

But he squeezed tighter and turned his head. "I warned you once, Victoria! Don't make me say it again!" Kai was quite peril and fearsomely manic right now. He turned forward again as I heard this loud vroom up ahead. When we got out of the trees Rome's car was there on the spot. Kai opened the door and pushed me in the back. Then he got in and shut the door. That second Rome sped off at high speeds. Other than hearing the loud engine roaring like a lion. Everyone in the car was quiet.

"You can't do this, Kai!" Quiet, until I broke down in tears talking.

Neither Kai nor Rome said an utterance to me. I curled up into the back seat praying Rome wouldn't get us killed from his high speed. Like a flash of lighting, we arrived back at the mansion. Kai dragged me by the arm to his bedroom.

The second I was in, he released me and slammed the door locking it.

"You can't treat me like a prisoner!" I yelled at him.

But Kai scolded his lip at me, "I am your fiance and I will do as I wish!"

"You won't stop me from seeing Orlando!" I retorted. "I'll just run away like I always do!"

Kai snickered and slicked his way closer to me while speaking. "Go right ahead, Victoria. I think you'll find that rather hard between my guards and my father's guards securing the mansion quite nicely."

Before I could even tell him off. He caught up to me and his lips slammed into mine in a rough raw kiss. I tried fighting but his tongue jammed, passed my lips, and entered. The kiss was exotic! It ruptured through my body! I was stuck as he depleted me in a wild frenzy. My tongue was forced to mingle with his. Our feet swayed when he pushed me to walk backward. My back hit the wall then his hands fiddled with the button on my shorts. He undid my shorts and pulled down the zipper. Before my mind could even comprehend what was going on. One hand went down my panty and his long slender middle finger searched, finding my slit. He traveled down then found my wet cave entrance and pushed the tip of his middle finger in. I moan between our lips still wildly kissing. The feeling of his finger sliding deeper was slightly painful but it sent a pleasurable hot sensitive feeling inside my core. His tongue got more aggressive and he sucked my tongue. While his finger slid far enough to pump me in and out. Each time he moved his finger out, it went in a little deeper.

My sore lips broke the kiss when he hit a deep sensitive spot that felt all too good.

"You like that don't you, Victoria?" Kai grinned, asking me in this husky breathless voice.

As our lips touched kissing again. Ohh, I became so hooked on how he nailed all the right corners. His finger stirred my juices and I regrettably loved it. I felt a hot sweat damping my forehead as he still worked my core. Our lips released and I groaned as Kai watched my reaction.

"Ahh... Kai…Umm…" I moaned as my lips opened widely panting out of breath. I started to scream out huffing and puffing. Kai's grin grew even more broad and sinister at that.

"That's right my love, scream for me," Kai said so seductively as he still pumped me with one finger. He cycled his finger around inside me. Which caused the walls on my core to flex. I felt dripping wet. So wet that I heard his hand sloshing against the juices overloading outside my slit and panty. Then he sped up slightly faster and I about climbed up the wall!

"Ohh, Kai!" I cried and groaned between slight pain and pleasure. As his hand continued to work me in and out. My legs started to go numb but somehow I still held myself up between him and the wall.

"I-I... be-lieve... I'm gonna..." I couldn't even speak it as he went even faster in that one spot that he knew drove me mad.

"Hum, you're so tight," Kia cooed so deep and husky. "I'm going to love taking your virginity on our wedding night!"

"KAI!" I screamed out in a whimper feeling my climax on the brink of coming. And I started to black out as it was coming now while I screamed and groaned. My legs buckled. I was so there but then Kai pulled his finger out! I breathe heavily, feeling unsatisfied. My eyes flick open to merely watch him lick his finger clean.

"Now that will teach you to never run away from me," Kai told me with a smooth cruel grin on his lip.

Then he just walked away leaving me feeling that burn that needed satisfied.

"You are such a jerk, Kai!" I spat at him while I fixed my shorts.

"Hey, if you want off that badly. You can always do it yourself while I watch." Kai chuckled telling me and tilted his head ready to watch me get myself off.

But I ignored him and lay in bed, feeling nothing but annoyed.

"Suit yourself then, Victoria."

Just like that, Kai left the room since he saw I wasn't about to do what he wished. What a sick twisted pervert! How could he turn me on this badly and walk away? The sexual torment was cruel. Eventually, I ended up passing out.