Ch 41: Heartless Kai

Tears poured from my eyes as Mrs. Collin held me. The live broadcasting footage was switched over to see Mr. Collin speaking on the tv with the sheriff and other important associates. They vouched for my innocence and said I am being framed and harassed. I was under the protection program and will not be questioned by authorities.

Nonrelative questions were brought up about Kai because his name wasn't familiar. Mr. Collin explains that his youngest son is a very private man and he wishes to keep it that way.

These nosey reporters started to ask over a million questions about my engagement with Kai. Reporters wanted to know the gossip as to why I broke off my engagement with Orlando Mill and then got engaged to Kai Collin. The reporters bombarded Mr. Collin with question after question. Even questions about the date of our wedding and whether are we planning to have kids right away was asked. You gotta be kidding me here! They even wanted to know how Kai felt that I was with Orlando and the Mill family around the timing of Elena's tragic death.

Stupidly enough, they even asked if I had a fight with Kai, so they wanted know if that's the reason why I was with Orlando. If only I could scream I was kidnapped, and I am being held hostage against my will to marry Kai.

Mr. Collin mostly avoided the questions before he ended his announcements. They begged him like pestering cockroaches for him to answer these questions as he walked off the outdoor stage that was on the campus. After that, I didn't hear anything more.

My mind drifts to think about Elena and my team members. I couldn't imagine the fear on their faces. The fear was unimaginable to think about how they felt in their last moments. The last conversation I had with Elena replayed like a record in my head. My eyes leaked like a facet to remember her last friendly smile. Some days on campus Elena and I would have coffee together during our break hour from class.

Most of my last moments with Elena wouldn't stop playing in my head, and I swear I could hear her voice haunting my ears. Oh, Elena, I can't believe you're gone! This isn't what I foresaw I'd be waking up to.

I briefly faded in and out to hear about Elena's funeral after the police were done with her autopsy.

"It's ok, child. My husband will take care of all these rumors." Mrs. Collin said as she held me. "I am so sorry about the loss of your friend."

I looked over seeing Kai, Rome, and Ace walking in staring at the tv, talking about Elena again. Kai wore his sunglasses as I felt his mother turn her head to him. Today he had on a short-sleeved formal black button-down shirt over the top of his muscle shirt. A golden short chain was around his neck and he wore a pair of black nice pants. Honestly, his mob-style outfit looked sexy on him.

Regardless of my attraction for Kai, I was outright mad at him. Just seeing him standing there with a blank expression on his lip made it worse.

Kai didn't move and I saw him looking at the tv. Then his head shifted toward me as I wept. Kai said nothing and just left with the bottle in his hand.

Like a heartless prude, I was learning that he is. I couldn't handle it anymore and broke free from his mother, Mrs. Collin's arms. The memories of what happened last night flooded my mind. Which further fueled the anger I had for Kai. But I tried my best to remain calm.

"I have to go to Elena's funeral!" I said loud enough that it stopped Kai in his tracks from leaving entirely. Everyone was looking at me, even people I had never yet met but I didn't care about that.

"What?" Kai turned back, seeming confused. "Why do you need to go to a funeral?"

I cried more tears trying to explain, even though I didn't feel that I should've had to. "Because Elena was my friend. I wanna pay my respects."

"You aren't going to a funeral," Kai replied coldly and his mouth went back into a cold flatline from talking. Like there wasn't much life or love inside Kai. Hasn't Kai ever lost someone close to him? I shouldn't have to explain this but it felt like I had to from how shut-off Kai is acting.

"Rome said you will let me have my freedom!" I got snippy.

"I changed my mind!" Kai snapped back frustrated too. "You aren't going anywhere for your safety."

Now, this has me thinking I do have a serial killer stalking me.

"It's the same person isn't it?" I asked as tears rained down my cheeks. "Is it the same person that killed my colleagues back in Egypt?"

Kai slanted his head slightly but still, no evidence of emotions folded his mouth. "You aren't to worry about this matter, Victoria. I will handle the situation. In the meantime, I want you to eat and then pick a dress for our wedding."

I shook my head shouting in a lament. "I will never eat anything you guys serve me! I know you're slipping drugs into my food! And you can pick the dress because I refuse to marry you!"

Kai's teeth gritted hard enough that I heard his jawbone pop. His face around his sunglasses was turning red in rage.

"Take it easy, Kai," Ace sighed.

Remarkable Kai's red skin tone tamed back down into his flawless golden warm tan color.

"What gave you the ridiculous idea that I or anyone living here is drugging you?" Kai asked me, seeming rather mellow.

As I took a breath and then shared how I felt. "I know you're giving me some kind of drug because of my confusion and reaction towards you when you kissed me, isn't me." I bluntly told him without any care that his family, his friends, and even his family's friends were here hearing me. There was a lot of eye gaping. Following that, there was this lingering awkward silence. The only thing anyone heard playing was the TV rambling on about my dearest friend