Ch 40: Tragic Murder Mystery

My eyes lifted heavily against the burning rays of light. Even my head felt like a brick hit it when I tried lifting myself.

As I felt soft hands following a soft gentle female voice. "Take it easy, Victoria." Instantly as she touched my temples. The pain in my throbbing head vanished and my vision came back to see Zoey's oval-diamond face and round wide forest green eyes looking at me with this delicate nurturing smile.

A door screeched following another familiar feminine voice. "She's awake." Veronica came around the bed staring downward at me. Her full lips curved a smile on her beautiful heart-shaped face and dreamy color oval-shaped eyes lit up beaming. It seemed as if her eyes sparkled to see me awake.

"What day is it?" I asked while my eyes cycled the room to notice I was back in Kai's bedroom.

"It's only Sunday," Zoey replied. "It's going on mid-noon. If you feel well enough you should shower and then you need to eat something."

As I slowly sat further up straight, Veronica asked me. "How's your head feeling?"

I touched my head and didn't feel any pain like I did when I woke up. Strangely enough, when Zoey touched my temples that painful migraine faded to nothing.

"I feel fine, my head doesn't hurt," I replied, still feeling slightly disoriented. Then anger blazed in my sight to remember Kai and Rome drugged. But that's all my hazy memory could retain from last night. Other than that things were a blur.

"Where's Kai?" I asked, getting upset.

"He went out hunting for his lunch," Veronica replied in the weirdest wording I've ever heard.

"Hunting his lunch," I repeated, baffled by what I had just heard her say.

"I meant he's out having lunch," Veronica quickly rephrased her wording. As she and Zoey kinda gaped their eyes in a weird shocker expression. Um, I'm starting to see why Kai is so weird. it must be hereditary.

"When will he be back?" I questioned and blustered on. "What happened last night? I can't remember since he had Rome drug me!"

Veronica sighed softly. "Let's just get you cleaned up and find you something to eat. I'm sure by then Kai will be back for you to speak with him."

I huffed getting frustrated.

"Relax, your memory will return," Zoey answered my second question. As she and Veronica helped me out of bed. "It's just a mild side effect from the drug."

Once I got out of bed everything ran together. Before I knew what was going on because of my frazzled mind. Zoey and Veronica had me out of the shower. They dressed me in this sweetheart formal style white and blue flower pattern dress. The length was just above knee-high and it looked cute on me. Afterward, they had fun curling my hair in some light waves. If that wasn't enough they did my makeup too. By the time they were done, I felt like they dazzled me like a princess doll. Honestly, they treated me like I was their little sister.


Once the strange dress-up party was done. We walked around the mansion to head to the dining room. In my head, I tried to figure out how to tell them I wasn't going to eat. I didn't feel hungry adding that with the fact I didn't trust what they had been feeding me. When we passed this one large open living room. I noticed Mrs. Collin, Chester, and a lot of people were either standing or sitting around watching, the large flat screen tv hung on the wall. I veered off to hear the news playing on the tv.

"A tragedy happened at Harvard University. Elena Evergreen had been mysteriously murdered. Her body was discovered on a nearby picnic by her dorm building. The police report had determined she died about 12:35 am last night. The cause of death still has yet to be released. Although that is only half of the mystery."

"Oh, my gosh, Elena!" I shouted as everyone turned and looked at me.

"Victoria, you shouldn't be here," Chester said, trying to grab me but I dodged his grasp to listen.

The woman on the news continued. "Only more questions arose as investigators had locked the dorm room shared by a Victoria Perkins and a Crystal Mill. Mysteriously Elena's blood was found inside it. Authorities have shared that Elena's blood was used to write a message on Victoria's bedroom wall and Victoria's bedroom appeared to have been ransacked. Investigators are trying to determine if the bedroom has been staged to frame Victoria. Others are questioning if Victoria and Crystal committed the murder. According to Crystal's family, the police reported her alibis checked out. Even Victoria's alibis check out since Mr. Collin and Mr. Mill claim Victoria has been with her friends and ex-fiance Orlando Mill during the time the murder would have taken place. Then Victoria's recent engagement to her new fiance Kai Collin. Had also told his father that he was with Victoria after the murder. This however stirred up more questions as to why Victoria would be with her ex-fiance Orlando if she is engaged to her new fiance Kai. Since most are aware that Mr. Collin and Mr. Mill are rivals when it comes to businesses. Not to mention a similar incident happened to Victoria during her excavation in Egypt. Vanessa is there on the campus to tell you the story."

My eyes burst into a raw silent cry as Vanessa took the screen at the campus dorm. "Although Victoria's alibi checked out. It is further asked if Victoria did do the crime or are we looking at a serial killer on the loose? Back during her excavation in Egypt, Victoria was framed for murdering her team. After her team had discovered a missing Pharaoh in this lost city. Just like her bedroom here in the dorm you see behind me. Victoria's hotel room was mysteriously covered in blood that matched the members of her team. Along with it was a note written in her team members' blood. Victoria was framed for the murders without trial. Until her fiance, Kai Collin bailed her out. Although Victoria has another good alibi since the murders in Egypt still happened after her arrest. Lately, even here there has been a massive report of mysterious deaths of young women between their twenties and thirties. But no reports mentioned if they had been related to these cases linked with Victoria. The question raises if we do have a serial killer on the loose and is Victoria a victim or accountable for the murders too..."