Ch 58: Like Old Times

Rose wasn't any ordinary vampiress. Which is exactly why Kai was going to mark her as his queen.

Rose was tough vampiress and kept up with the other vampires. Her gift was strength and her instincts to hunt were pristine. Kai knew well if Victoria was born during that that. Without a questioning it, Rose would killed Victoria as an infant.

Rose pulled back her long wavey black hair, asking. "Now tell me what you needed?"

Kai sighed, "I wanted you to protect Victoria but seeing how your pregnant. I can't ask that of you." Kai looked into her bright emerald green hooded eyes. "As your Alpha I won't risk you and the baby you carry to get hurt."

But Rose has that mothering glint in her eyes. "You know I'd never let anyone or anything hurt my baby. I'm pretty sure I can manage to keep Victoria safe," Rose told him.

The name Rose suited her well, not only for her beauty by those jagged thorns that will nail whoever she preys on. Kai new Rose was a vicious killer just like himself. Unlike, his father's clans, Kai knew well, Rose wouldn't domesticate herself.

"I don't doubt that," replied Kai reflecting on the times, he hunted with her. "Why don't you become acquainted with her since you haven't met her. I trust you won't hurt your queen."

Rose couldn't help but laugh. "Luckily for Victoria and you, she was born in the right era or else I would've drank her dry as a infant."

"I never doubted that," Kai said as he thought back during that time. Rose was no different than him. Together, they were the perfect match, he believed at that time. Mates always need to match each other since Kai was Alpha and Rose was tough for such a delicate looking female. Rose was born the strongest vampiress in his clan. Kai honestly thought Rose was the perfect to be his mate and Queen. Since a vampiress needs to handle her vampire, he felt she always handled him quite well. Now Kai could only imagine how powerful Victoria will be once he transforms into her new self. Since having that first dream of holding Victoria in his arms when she was baby, he couldn't wait to find his real mate all those long ages ago.

Unfortunately, he had to break Rose's heart that same day he dreamt of Victoria. Ironically enough, it all happened within the few hours he planned to mark Rose. That dream of his real mate came to him at the perfect time. He understood then that his mate would be far more powerful compared to Rose.

Which it didn't surprise him to learn after dreaming about his mate, Ace had confessed Rose was his mate all along. Ace was another tough vampire that earned his rank to work for Kai. Regardless that he eat human food for Victoria's sake from not learning to soon that vampires exist. Ace's main diet was human or animal blood. Overall, Kai was pleased to learn his friends didn't domesticate themselves during his absence. Whereas his father's clan seemed to give up on hunting for fresher blood.

Rose softly shared, "You broke my heart and than avoided me. However, once Ace told me, I was his mate, I got over you fairly fast. Plus, I think it helped when you disappeared to hibernate yourself. Other than missing you, I can truly say I never loved you like the way I love Ace."

Kai grinned. "I'm glad to hear it."

At that moment, Ace jumped himself in to see his pregnant wife Rose and Kai. He took a seat next to Kai's left happy to see they had made amendments from their past history. He remembers things got ugly between them. Rose was got vicious over it because of her heartbreak.

"Nothing like old times," Ace broke the silence and they chuckled on that statement. As Ace picked up on his offspring's heartbeat was rasing to sense that he was present. Even for a tiny little raisin growing inside the mother's womb. The baby vampire was picking up on it's sense to recognize dad. The growing vampire baby was learning instincts even within the womb. Being the Alpha, Kai even picked up that growing vampire baby recognized him to be the leader.

"Was this baby planned or a surprise?" Kai ask for his own amusement since he knew Rose and Ace well.

"Planned," Rose gloated a gleaming smile.

Ace shook his head çhuckling, "it was a shocker for me."

Kai couldn't help but chuckle. Just as he suspected since he knew Rose wanted to be a mother like most females. Meanwhile, Ace was no different than Ivan and countless other males. The idea of sharing their mates with offspring frazzled them.

"But I am excited about the idea of teaching and toughening up my son." Ace proudly added as Rose leaned forward far enough to see him over Kai.

"Who's to say we aren't having a daughter?" Rose protested. "Then I'll not only teach her to be graceful but a vicious killer like me."

Kai couldn't help but laugh at the two them harmlessly disputing about the gender. He saw it coming since he knew Rose longed to have a daughter. Even though Ace never talked about kids, Kai could've guess he would want a boy.

"Will see," Ace proudly challenge his wife. Before she leaned her posture straight to no longer look at him. She shook her head glowing as she rolled her eyes with this smile plastered on her face

"Are you planning to have a baby with Victoria," Rose asked.

"Of course," replied Kai. "After wedding, I hope she conceives."

"For her human age, she should conceive fairly easy," Ace said but also lectured. "But you need to work on showing Victoria you care. She needed you today and you failed to show her any form of protection."

Before Kai could say he regretted his behavior at the mall. They saw from inside thick deep forest. An area nearby lit up glowing this illuminating starlight white color. Instantly, they stood up to see that bright light dimmed before it went out.

Kai sniffed the air and hissed aggressively showing his fangs. "Ace, wake up the males," he ordered and Ace nodded.

"Rose, go back inside," Ace first commanded his wife in a protective authority. Rose couldn't argue and had to listen. A female couldn't refuse a demand from her mate. Instinctively she listened even if she didn't want to. That authority demand hypnotize her to listen. She walked across the roof and then vanished. Ace and Kai watched her to be sure she was safe.

As Rome flew himself aside from them.

"You father's guardians are surroundings the mansion," Rome informed Kai.

"Let's head to the woods," Kai said before he flew off. From behind him followed Ace and Rome. They flew to the edge of woods where the other males were gathering. Once Kai saw most of the males in his clan were here. They quietly entered the dark thick woods.