Ch 59: White Rose

"Elena!" I sat straight up in a hot sweat. My breathing was rapid and unsteady. I looked around to see I was in bed and awoke from a nightmare. I saw Elena's death again and it disturbed me.

"Oh, Elena I am so sorry!" I wept in a harder cry. Teardrops flooded my eyes, one after another one came dripping on the blankets.

I was all alone and needed Orlando right now. Anytime I had a nightmare, Orlando would comfort me and get me to fall back to sleep. But here I was utterly alone, not even Kai was here. Not that it matters, he didn't understand me or anything that I needed. I pull the blanket off me to get out of bed.

Then a gush of wind blew the glass balcony doors to swing open. The curtains blew up as my eyes gaped to see this Monster-looking thing crawling across the balcony. I had to be dreaming! The monster had no eyes on its raindrop-shaped face. It walked in on four tentacles like an octopus without the suctions. The back hind legs were arched like a werewolf in the movies. Then its body was a smooth flesh that was a dark gray to blend perfectly in with the night. It was about the size of a medium dog. This thing crawled into the room. I wasn't sure how it saw me but it did. Its mouth opened up like venom in the movie and it even had the same type of pointed teeth.

"Aaah!" I screamed when it hissed and rolled my body over on Kai's bedside. Once my feet hit the carpet, I hurried for the door.

"Aaah!" I screamed again to see it was chasing after me when I tried to fling the door shut but didn't snap.

Panicked, I stumbled off my footing and fall flat on my face from tipping over something in the hallway. This strange howl came from the bedroom. And I roll on my biceps to sit partly up to see. But all I hear is loud scuffling and wrestling like something grabbed that thing's attention and fought it.

All of a sudden the light switched on in the bedroom and the noises were gone.

"Aaah!" I screamed as guards came soaring down the dark hallway and Kai opened the cracked door to the bedroom. This bright light shone into my eyes from the bedroom that shimmered around Kai's vast body. He looked like this illuminating angel here to protect me.

"What happened?" One of the guards asked.

"Something was in the room like a monster!" I blurted out in a panic without even taking note of how crazy I sounded.

Kai and the four guards just kinda looked at each other before they stared at me.

"Go take your leave," said Kai. "I'll handle things from here."

"You think I'm crazy don't you?" I questioned when the guards left.

Kai reached his hand down for me to take. "I think you had a bad dream and you're going through a lot," Kai said, standing me up. "Now let's get you back to bed."

I held onto Kai's mid-section tightly and he wrapped his arms around my waist. He walked me into the bedroom and I saw nothing was there. Kai put me back to bed.

"I can't sleep," I told him like an innocent child. Regardless if I am 24 years old but I never had any parents to love. Orlando was the first to show me affection. Orlando, Crystal, Alejandro, Zach, and my professor were the first to show me what it was like to receive love and affection from somebody.

"Would it help if I laid down next to you?" Kai asked before shutting the light off. And I must say I wasn't predicting it.

Of course, I took the offer and he took his shoes off and then crawled into bed with his nice clothes on. It was odd that he didn't dress into something more comfortable for bed but I didn't bother saying that out loud. Instead, when he laid back, I cuddled up on his chest. I think my behavior threw Kai off. He was stiff as a board before he relaxed fully back and took the hint to hold me.

Maybe it's been a long time since anyone ever held Kai. I pondered on that thought, the more I tried to figure Kai out. The more perplexed I seem to get.

Unexpectedly, he kissed my hair and said, "Sleep tight, my love. I promise you will always be safe with me."

The way his words rumbled from his vocals cords sounded so securing. Whether he meant it or not I did feel more at ease since he was here.

"I ever knew you were in the room," I whispered.

"I was on the balcony," Kai softly replied as he rubbed my locks of hair.

"Do you ever sleep," I asked since I'd never seen him sleeping.

Kai made this chuckling sound, beneath his vast chest. "Yes, I just have insomnia. It can make sleeping difficult."

"I'm sorry to hear that," I empathize.

"Why?" His sudden question puzzled me. I wasn't sure why he asked.

"Between your eye condition and your sleeping patterns, it seems like life can be difficult." I truthfully shared my sensitive heart. No matter how cold Kai may seem I still showed him my caring heart.

Kia kissed the top of my head and then said. "It's less difficult to have you, my love."

I was speechless because of how Kai behaves sometimes. He is very quick to switch his personality. So I never knew what to expect from him. However, on that thought, my mind started to shut down when tiredness took over.


The following morning, I woke up to find Kai was gone. But this beautiful smell enveloped my senses as I blinked my eyes to furthermore wake up. To my surprise, I found this white rose lying beside me with a note taped to it.

I sat up and carefully picked up the white rose and I realized someone shaved the thorns off it.

My heart smiled warmly to read in my head. "I'm sorry for my behavior toward you at the mall, my love. I do hope you take this white rose as a token to apologize for my actions yesterday. Holding you in my arms last night while you slept. Has made me realize I need to better support you as my soon-to-be wife. I promise to work on my flaws, my Love.

Sincerely, Kai."

I was awestruck by this man. This certainly wasn't like him to do anything like this.

After I found a vase on the balcony, I put my white rose in it and filled it with water. Then I got myself showered and wore a baby doll black sweetheart style formal dress and left the bedroom to what awaited me for today. Between that psychotic serial killer stalker and that weird hallucination last night. I never know what to expect anymore since I met Kai. My world has turned so strange.