Ch 60: Verbal Cat Fight

After I had some breakfast, I made my way to the large main living room at the front doors. Besides the Butler by the door, nobody else was around but he didn't say anything to me. Pretty much everyone around here let me be. Not even Kai nor his friends weren't anywhere and didn't seem to be home.

So I turned on the large screen tv for the news because I wanted to hear if there were any updates about Elena. Or about Rex and that cult gang he's in.

Right now the news was only talking about the chilly weather for today. Our area will have some scattered storms that may be hazardous due to flooding. This is expected seeing how we are nearing the second week of May.

This loud knocking came from the front door as the Butler opened it. He greeted a large group of high-class noble women and men well-groomed and dressed nicely. The men wore nice suits and dress pants while the women dressed in attractive yet elegant tight dresses. Some of them wore sunglasses while others didn't.

This one young woman who looked to be my age drew my attention away from the tv. Her bouncy curly blonde hair and bright red lipstick match her untied red trench coat and dress beneath it. Her red high-heels clasped the floor lustily in her graceful stride.

"Where's your boss, Rose?" Her feminine voice echoed across the large room. Instead of turning left with her group, she came my way.

"Kai isn't here," replied this other more beautiful voice. Sure thing I was nosey and turned my head to see who this other woman was, that spoke.

I was amazed to see an elegant beauty with long semi-curly black hair. Her lips were a plumped natural rose color. She had a round lovely face, her almond-shaped eyes were emerald green, and her nose was petite. She wore a Gothic-style hooded trench coat untied over her black pants and corset top. This young woman named Rose certainly has my taste when it comes to style. The blonde was your typical pretty-faced big boobs, derision personality Barbie doll. That any man would want and easily get. Rose was delicate with a dangerous side. Only certain young men, up for a good challenge could have Rose.

"Where did he go?" The blonde asked, huffing impertinently, and took her sunglasses off. And there was no surprise that she had pretty bright blue eyes.

Rose showed no reaction toward her rude behavior and blandly said. "That isn't your business nor your concern, Samantha. You aren't Kai's fiancee to even ask. You'll have to wait till his return."

Samantha chortled absurdly and said vaguely. "Neither are you, Rose since Kai dumped you too. Your status doesn't compare to mine. You can now kneel before me."

"You only wish," Rose laughed unfazed by this woman. "I don't work for you therefore I will not yield myself to bow to your rottenness."

Samantha blazed red as she turned her head. Where her cruel glare found me. "You nosey girl best mind your own business before I slap that pretty face off!" I was dumbfounded by how she spoke to me.

Then again I was more flabbergasted to hear Kai dated both these girls! And Rose works for Kai? I am utterly lost about this verbal cat fight happening right being the couch I'm sitting on. Did I hear them correctly?

"That is not how you speak to Kai's fiancee!" Rose stentorian her voice.

"What!" Samantha uproar insulted, pointing at me. "He chose her! She's nothing but a..." Samantha gritted angrily dropping her hand into a clenched fist by her hip. "She is nothing more than a puny..."

Rose stepped to Samantha's face. "You best hold your tongue if you wish to keep it!" She was so close that I couldn't see Rose's face but I heard this hissing coming from her. This was surely strange to witness. She cut Samantha off before I had any chance to hear what she was trying to say about me. I'm a puny what? Did she mean to say I am puny because of my low status?

"Just because my status is puny compared to yours doesn't mean I am weak or threatened by you!" I stood up defending myself from this high-class rich snub.

That obviously had a boob job down. I had zero tolerance for her type. Crystal taught me well, on how to deal with women like Samantha.

Hearing me, Samantha stepped away from Rose and shifted her wicked glare at me. The expression she had on her face was like she wanted to devour my soul. Never in my life have I seen someone give off such a glare so horrifying.

Rex looked at me like I was his mouse that he wanted to taunt and chase. But this vile young woman looked as if she wanted to break me in half.

"I suggest you go with your family, Samantha," Rose asserted authoritatively.

But Samantha ignored Rose's warning.

"Such strong words for someone like you..."

"My name is Victoria!" I shout and shut her undignifying mouth up.

Rose had trouble keeping her stern face. She looked like she was about to die from laughter. Meanwhile, Samantha was stunned enough that her mouth parted. She couldn't even get any words out and huffed a girly screech. Before whipping her bouncy locks when she turned her heels and left.

"I'd say you handled her well," Rose broke out in laughter.

She went around the couch and took a seat in this individual soft square-shaped chair. As I scooched down closer to sit near her on the couch. That was when a maid came into the room holding an empty wine stem glass on a tray and a dark black fancy bottle in her hair. Rose gracefully cupped the glass in her palm for the woman to pour her a drink. Then she set the bottle on the table stand place aside from the comfortable chair Rose sat on.

"My friend taught me well," I replied.

Rose gave a slight nod. "You mean your friend Crystal?"


"Humm," Rose only hummed before she took her first sip of the dark red wine in her glass.

"I'm sorry if I got between you and Kai," I told her sincerely when she swallowed. "I never meant for any of this to happen."

Rose smiled, saying. "That was a long time ago. I am happily married to my husband. Just like you'll be happily married to Kai."

I frowned hearing her words. "I wanted to be with Orlando."

Rose leaned back and crossed her leg saying as she spiraled the wine in her glass. "At one point in time that's how I felt about Kai but I wasn't fated to be with him. I was fated to be Ace. You might not see it this way now but someday soon you will."

I couldn't help but get angry at what she said.