Ch 61: Sounded Suspicious

"Is that what you all told Zoey whenever the Collin's kidnapped her from CJ Mill?" I retorted, blaring out. "She was compelled to marry Chester like I am being forced to marry Kai!"

Rose seemed to show sadness in her eyes. "There are always two sides to a story. Perhaps you should talk to Zoey about her perspective one day."

I couldn't refute that what she said was true but I wouldn't dare say that out loud. Regardless, Kai is still making me marry him and he did kidnap me.

"You still love Orlando?" Rose softly asked and I couldn't even answer. Those images ran through my mind to see him with that other pretty girl. Quite frankly, it broke my heart and I had to swallow my tears to hold my dignity.

"Rose!" A delightful voice peals into the room. I turned my head to see Mia walking in with a girly pink short formal dress on. Mia looked like a princess compared to Rose and me since we share the same gothic style interest. But Mia was this pure and elegantly beautiful. Mia's hair was light brown and blonde. Her eyes were round and teal-colored. She has heavy upper lips and an ideal nose for a girl. Overall, her personality was sweet and kind.

She came and took a seat next to me, asking Rose. "How are you feeling? I just heard the exciting news that you're pregnant!"

"I'm feeling much better," replied Rose yet I was shocked to hear she was pregnant.

"You're drinking wine while you're pregnant?" I outwardly questioned without meaning to. That was supposed to say in my head but it came blabbing out by mistake.

"It's not wine," Rose giggled at my outburst. "I am only drinking juice."

"Oh, I'm sorry for my rude outburst," I said feeling extremely sheepish. "I've never seen such opaque red juice before."

"It's not worry," said Rose. "I'd let you try some but you have to have a required taste for something so pungent. It's freshly squeezed from the vine and I have my prenatal meds mixed into it. So my baby needs it more right now."

"Oh, no, that's ok," I said embarrassed. "I wouldn't take your juice."

Mia giggled, changing the topic. "Anyways, I'm glad I found you both. Mrs. Collin asked me to take Victoria out so we could continue shopping for the wedding."

"Sounds fun," Rose seemed tickled. "I think you both should change before we leave. It's quite chilly outside."

"Yes, that's probably a good idea," I said, standing up with Mia.

"I'll be here," Rose said before sipping her juice.

While Mia and I left for the elevator. Our rooms were relatively in the same hall on opposite ends. I went into my closet and found dark jeans and a black elegant short-length Gothic-style trench coat. I had a velvet v-neck black thick strapped gothic top underneath it.

About midway in the hallway, Mia and I met up with each other. She was wearing a knee-high light pink trench coat. Surely compared to Rose and mine darker style. She was going to stick out like a sore thumb but I didn't care, her taste reminded me of Crystal. Crystal was colorful whereas I stuck with my blacks and darker colors. Together we got in the elevator and chit-chatted until… ding.

"Who's driving us?" I asked while walking back into the living room.

"Oh, Rome is taking us..."

"Rome!" I shouted over Mia talking as Rose stood up laughing like crazy.

"That's right, Princess!" To the front near the doors, Rome came sliding in across the floor on his black dress shoes, pulling a Tom Cruise move. "I'll be chauffeuring you lovely ladies today!"

Oh my gosh! Rome was dressed in a flashy black suit pulling off this Tom Cruise sliding move. He even pulled the sunglasses off his face but thankfully he had black dressy suit pants on. Or less I might have to gouge out my eyeballs if I had to see him sliding in with his underwear on. Oh, this was so whimsical of him to pull such a move.

"I swear Rome if you drive fast I will hurt you!" Rose teasingly warned as she picked up the bottle before laughing his way.

Rome wasn't threatened by her and only laughed too.

"Don't worry babe, I'll keep him in line," Ace said walking in from the left to kiss his wife, Rose. Even Ace was dressed up so handsomely in a nice suit.

"Did you guys just get back from hu..." Rose stopped talking like something was up. "Did you get back?" She asked like she was stopping herself from what she was going to originally ask.

"Yeah, for the meeting but I left," said Ace.

"Is Kai home?" I jumped in asking since they didn't use the front door and it felt like they were hiding something from me. I've been here the whole time and never seen them come in. "Is he having a meeting with Samantha?"

Their eyes widened when I asked, including Rome's eye, which appeared to be frazzled.

"H-he was b-but he left too," Ace stammered. Yeah, it seems like something fishy was going on around here.

"Well, anyway let's go," Rome said. "I got the limousine pulled up front."

"How did you get the limousine pulled up front if you had just returned and didn't use the front door?" I furthermore asked when the Butler opened the door for us.

"We came back from a different entrance," Ace was quick to answer yet it still sounded suspicious.

Uhh, yup! This is my strange world anymore since becoming acquainted with Kai and his seemingly odd friends.

Ace opened the door for us and we all slid in. Then he shut it and got in the passenger seat with Rome driving.

Rome then smoothly drove off without speeding for once. Good thing, Ace was here keeping him in line.

Before long we arrived at a large mall and shopped around for the wedding. Rome and Ace didn't follow us. And surprisingly, we didn't have any Bodyguards either. So it was just us three girls shopping.

"Let's head to the food court for lunch," Mia suggested. "Victoria should eat something."

I giggled as we talked going down the mall. "You guys are always worried about me eating so much."

"It's important to keep your strength up," Rose proclaimed. "We wouldn't want your health to deplete."

"I'm pretty sure I told Kai that my health was fine," I said, laughing as they did the same.

We got in line Mia and I ordered food but Rose didn't want anything, not even a drink. Goodness, they are worried about my health but I am not the one who is pregnant.

"Are you sure you don't want some of my chicken?" I asked Rose once we sit down at the round table.

"No, I'm good," Rose said while she eyed my chicken with a disgusted expression.

"Ok," I started eating.