Ch 62: Uniting Covens

"We had an agreement!" Samantha's father, Mr. Hart, gnashed at Mr. Collin "We augured our Covens to unite!"

"That was long ago!" Mr. Collin argued from across the couch with his wife next to him and their guardians standing behind them. "Kai vetoed this arrangement long ago when he left your daughter."

"Left me!" Samantha uproars. "Don't you mean when he cheated on me for Rose!"

"I'm sorry, Samantha," Mrs. Collin empathized with her apologetically. "We cannot rectify anything that Kai does. He rightfully rejected you and then dated Rose. Kai didn't correlate with you in the way we had hoped."

"You're denying the fact he cheated!" Samantha grated angrily.

"That is enough!" Mr. Collin retaliates fearsomely. "As a princess status, you aren't to disrespect my wife under my territory! I understand our original arrangement didn't go accordingly, but Kai didn't choose you as his mate."

"But yet he chose that insignificant loudmouth, Victoria!" Samantha gritted. "Over me, she wasn't born a pure-blood vampiress! I could lacerate her throat out in one bite!"

"That's enough of your absurd behavior, Samantha!" Her father roared, showing his fangs to his daughter between him and his wife. "Mr. Collin is right, a male can choose his mate but a female princess or not, cannot choose hers. You are the one that failed to keep Kai interested in you. Now you lost him! Therefore you will not lay a fang mark on Victoria! We are uniting our Covnes, not starting a war!"

Hearing her father's harsh unkind words furthermore broke Samantha's heart. So much so that she got up and walked past her father's guardians stationed behind the couch and then disappeared before their sight.

Mr. Hart sighs at his daughter's preposterous behavior in front of a stronger Royal Coven from their Coven.

"We have other unmated available females in my Royal family." Mr. Collin said from seeing the ill face Mr. Hart had. "If one of the unmated males in your Royal family wanted to take one as his mate. However, he would have to speak with the father of the female he would choose."

Mr. Hart thought for a second. "We have a few unmated Royal males. Perhaps I shall see if any of them would be interested in taking a female mate from your family."

"I will do it," Mr. and Mrs. Hart turned their heads to see their son John randomly popping in around his father's guardians. "Mrs. Collin, is your niece Ava still available?" He asked politely.

Mrs. Collin gave a strange look to the young Royal male vampire. "Why yes, she is but you must ask her father for her hand, not I." Mrs. Collin answered, seeming perplexed.

"Mr. Hart interrupts his son from speaking. "Ava isn't blood-related to Mr. Collin. She is blood-related to Mrs. Collin's and is her brother's offspring."

"Yes, but Ava is blood-related to Kai. John smiled thoughtfully, consoling his father. "Isn't Kai stronger than his father?"

"Yes, I-I..." Mr. Hart was practically drawn speechless.

"If I were to marry his female cousin and gain Kai's trust. Then this will save our Coven from our enemies."

John deciphered, "My marriage to her will be for a good cause to save our Coven. We know our enemies fear Kai more compared to Mr. Collin. Mr. Collin negotiates with his enemies, but Kai is known to be more brutal. Once our enemies learn I am married to Ava, Kai's cousin, they will surely back away since Kai has returned."

"I suppose, you're right." Mr. Hart couldn't disagree with this logical solution to spare their Coven.

A loud gust of wind blew the balcony doors open behind the couch Mr. and Mrs. Collin sat on from behind their guardians.

"If I allow you to marry and be mates with my daughter Ava, I expect you to spoil her!" Mrs. Collin's older brother, Mr. O'Donnell appeared sitting by his younger sister on the couch.

"I will treat her with loyalty and respect her as my mate," John corroborated.

"Good because if you cheat on her and break her heart or harm her in any way. I know Kai will break you into two pieces." Mr. O'Donnell warned, keeping an ugly and austere aura.

"Understood," replied John without hesitation.

"Good, she'll make a fine wife for you and be a nurturing mother to your offspring," Mr. O'Donnell said broadly. "I impose the same from you!"

"I will be that and more for her," John answered bravely.

"Then we have an agreement," Mr. O'Donnell amends peacefully. "You have my blessing to marry my daughter."

Mr. Hart's Coven had great relief portrayed on their faces. Now they had better allies to save them from their enemies.


Samantha gritted her teeth sitting on the indoor balcony. She watched her Coven, relatives, and the Collin Coven, swimming in the indoor pool below her view. "I'll get you back, Kai, by any means necessary and you'll be mine again," Samantha vowed to herself as her blue eyes turned red. "I'll kill that Victoria before you have a chance to transform her," she whispered more evilly.

[ To better specify, a Coven is every individual vampire or vampiress royalty or not under that Coven. Sorta like a beehive. Clans are divided between that Coven by each Royal Alpha vampire, so the followers (Vampire or vampiress) will choose which Alpha they work for within their whole Coven. Please don't forget to send me a review to help my ratings.]