Ch 67: Two Bodies Found

As I fixed my jeans and crossed my top together to cover my bra and naked front body.

"You should get a shower," I said, particularly heaving out of breath before I vacated the bathroom.

I changed my clothes from inside my closet and crawled into bed crying. When I heard the shower turn off. I did my best to stop these teardrops. But like the loud pouring rain outside. My tears kept on pouring as I weep rawly. Soon Kai came out faster then I thought he would. He crawled into bed on his bedside and pulled me into his arms from my waist.

"I know why your crying," he kissed my temple softly. "Orlando isn't worth one single tear."

Kai wiped my tears with his fingers and then he rolled me over to lay my head over top of his chest.

"Just like I also know you saw Crystal today." My body was stiffen and the back of head heated up in discomfort to hear him say that.

"Rose told you," I whispered shaken up.

"No, my love," Kai gently shared. "Rose kept her word." I felt uneasy and to scared to respond since I wasn't sure how he knew. "I always have eyes on you."

His soft words were eldritch and sent a chill up my spine. Surely he would punish me since I almost left with her.


"Let that be a warning," His voice cut me off before I had any chance to plead for him not to punish me. "Since you didn't go with her I'll pretend it never happened."

My heart was beating up my chest and my throat sealed from speaking.

He pet my hair and cooed. "I love you, Victoria. I am sorry I did this to you."

He never made any sense but his words were full of care now. Yet just a moment ago, his voice was frightful. Strangely, the way he touched me was soothing.

As the stormy night rolled by. I fall asleep in his arms while he kissed me and continued to play with my hair.


By next day, the aftermath of these storms we encountered yesterday was on the news. Surprisingly, our area didn't sustain a lot damage with flooding and trees up rooting compared to other locations around us. The weather channel was over and it switched to the regular news.

"Breaking News; two bodies wasted out from underneath a road drain pipe..."

"Oh, my..." I turned speechless to see a picture of that blonde trash bag Kai kissed in front of me at that one club. Along with her picture was that same pretty brunette that hung all over Rome that night was found with her body.

The news reporter continued on. "Both female bodies appeared to have been murdered by some form of foul play. On the night before Elena Evergreen had been murdered at the campus. Investigators are still determining if these two young women were murdered by the same assaulters or was it somebody else. More suspicious questions raise since both bodies had no blood in there body. It's a similar case to Elena's and a handful of young women that had mysteriously pass with little to no blood..."

"Do you know those girls?" Rose asked, sitting next to me on the couch.

"Well..." I paused for a second to gather my thoughts. "I don't necessarily know them pre-say."

Rose raised a brow asking, "have you met them?"

"Well..." I restarted to say. "I sorta met them at a clue. The brunette was with Rome and... the blonde was on a date with Kai."

"A date?" Rose seemed to question in bafflement like she was in disbelief.

"Kai kissed her in front of me on the same day I ran back to Orlando." I finally just said and my heart was pounding to think about Kai kissing her. "He claimed he didn't mean to but I don't care."

"Ohh!" Rose seemed shocked that she was drawn speechless.

Across from us on the other couch Mia said, "Kai was being stupid that day but I promise he will never pull such a low move like that again."

"I don't care who he's with."

I shrugged my shoulders and acted like I didn't care. Enough though a part of me did. For some reason it did hurt but I wasn't sure why it hurt, especially since I didn't love Kai. So I wasn't sure why it affected me.

Perhaps since he came from a high-class rich family is why I cared. The last rumor I want going on the media is that my future husband to-be has himself multiple mistresses.

"I just want to be respected so he best not let it leak out that he has his mistresses on the side. Since I am marrying him, I better never know about his disgusting affairs. Better yet he best not even have any!" I said firmly with a lot of attitude even though I didn't mean to express it.

Although I kinda realized my big mouth ramble on saying two different statements in the same sentence but whatever! Honestly, if I see him with another woman I will leave him!

Rose and Mia were still to frazzled to make any comment on the spot.

"Kai would never do such a thing." Mia sighed, "you will be his only one.

I rolled my eyes up and watched the news.

"Hey, ladies," Ava came into main front door living room and took a seat by Mia before I could say anything else. Thankfully, she killed that conversation we were in. With something that seemed to be mulling in Ava's mind.

"Hey, Ava what's up?" Mia was the first to ask her.

Ava smiled asking us three. "Nothing to much but I was wondering if you ladies are up for some fun tonight?"

"What did you have in mind?" asked Rose before she sipped her drink.

"Maybe clubbing?" Ava mentioned and looked for our expression if we happen to like that idea.

"I'm up for it," I answered since I could use some fun to take my mind of things as Mia and Rose agreed.

"Great," Ava replied excitingly. "Will leave before tonight to shop for an outfit."

[Please don't forget to tell me your thoughts by leaving a review. Thank you so much for reading my novel. Writing is never easy.]