Ch 66: Thunderous Storm

Altogether we promptly started boxing up the tiny cake samples. After loading up maybe twelve boxes, we took off. Lightning was flashing across the sky and thunder rumbled the limousine. But we made it back just in time before the rain came.

Once we entered the mansion. We went into this one fancy indoor lanai room. The window was from ceiling to floor and it had two glass doors that entered this garden terrace.

Within the center of the lanai was a large square rose pattern stained glass table. The individual comfortable chairs were like deck luxury outdoor furniture.

Mrs. Collin said it was her tea party room. We watched the storm rumbling in and ate cake with beverages like milk, tea, juice, and coffee.

Rose looked happier to have her red juice at hand in her wine glass. She chilled resting in the back chair, facing the garden view.

This huge flash of lightning lit up the gloomy dark clouds. Soon to follow was a loud thunderous boom that shook the glass, walls, and floors. At the window more than a couple of feet away from me sitting at the table. I could hear the wind whistling as it blew into the glass doors. It was an eerie sound, following it was more thunderous clashing clouds and lightning striking the sky.

My eyes gaped with disbelief to see Kai and a line of his friends all shirtless out in the distance. They walked straight to the edge of thick woods up ahead. I swear it was like watching twilight!

"What are they doing?" I asked flabbergast on why the heck they're out in a storm!

"Being stupid," Rose implied with a sarcastic remark at end of the table.

On perfect cue, Kai and his friends, including Rome, Ivan, and Ace ran disappearing into the woods while lightning flashed and sparkled up the sky. Rose was right they were certainly being stupid!


Hours could have passed for all I knew. When two more violent storms blew in. The downpour of heavy rain and hale hardly stopped.

Out in the distance from underneath the balcony in the bedroom, I could see near the woods. The ground was soaked with large puddles. It was gloomy and gray outside and just nearing sunset but the murky haze made it seem dimmer.

Still, neither Kai nor his friends had returned from the woods. Like a hawk, my sight roamed every inch I could see, and still they hadn't come back. I wasn't sure why I cared about his safety but having a caring heart I guess made me care.

My eyes perked up to see something come forward from the edge line of the trees. Like moving shadows, I thought or it was just the wind blowing the branches. It was hard to tell from the distance but behold to my relief there they were. Kai and his friends came out of the woods.

In their large group, they slowly stride up the wet grassy land. When they got closer they started to break off in different directions. Although I didn't pay attention to them and only kept my sights on Kai. Gradually, he approached and I knew his hidden eyes were on mine too. As he came to the balcony from within the garden.

"Victoria, you're going to catch a cold," he looked up at me through those shades that dripped droplets of water of them.

"Says the man who has been out in the woods shirtless for hours during storms!" I giggled mocking him yet I felt like Rapunzel meeting her prince charming. Well, her soaked prince charming.

Kai chuckled at me as he did the unexpected. He walked up and started to climb on this decorative white vine fence that was attached to the siding on the mansion. I was nervous to watch him climb two story's up to reach the balcony. He hoisted his long legs over the stone guardrail and then stood tall. His hair and body were dripping wet. Even the black long shorts he wore were soaked. Yet the moment of us scrutinizing each other was magical.

"Come inside," I tugged his hand, breaking this marveling connection between us. "You need to warm up."

I took him into the bathroom and made him sit on the toilet while I dried his hair.

"What were you thinking?" I questioned him like a mother lecturing her young one.

"Were you worried about me?" Kai appeared to gloat.

"No!" I attempted to kill his delusional ego. "I'm only thinking you and your friends are stupid!"

Kai chuckled as he stood up embracing me into his warm arms. Staring me down through those shades while I hoop my arms to grasp around his nape. Like a magnetic pull, my lips met his barely halfway when we locked into a kiss. Our lips naturally rotated to the flow of it. It felt so beautiful and it felt so right.

"You were the first to cheat..."

Kai unzipped and took off my light jacket from down my arms as Crystal's words haunted me. His lips devoured and crushed me lusciously. His tongue swirled and taunted mine in a pool of lustful yearning. A heavy downpour beat on the roof like my heartbeat is pounding in my chest.

"He felt betrayed by you..."

Still, Crystal's words guilt me out. As Kai's hands started to tug the string tie at my cleavage from on the black corset top, I am wearing. This unsatisfied desire wanted Kai to touch me.

A loud bang of thunder roared through the sky and then bounced thunderously into the wall within the bathroom.

"Kai set this up to trick you, Victoria."

With one hand, his fingers loosen the crisscrossing tie down my corset. First revealing my black lace bra. The chilly air perked my breasts and his hand untangled the string below my ribcage. As Crystal's voice lingered in my head.

"Don't you love Orlando enough to try and fix this?"

Using both hands, Kai pulled the remaining tie down past my navel. Only my bra kept my breasts covered while the corset's thick straps hung on my shoulders. Other than that my torso was fully uncovered.

His hands then wander to the button on my jeans. He unbuttoned it with ease. My body was stirring with desire while my heart bled for Orlando. All the while Kai's tongue swirled and sucked on mine. Our moans sounded so comparable to Orlando when I found that he slept with that other woman.

"Everything was perfect between you both, until Kai. Just please come back to us and will keep you safe from him," Crystal's voice came intensely into my memory from what she said at the mall.

The flashback images of Orlando sleeping with that girl flooded my thoughts as Crystal's words continuously haunted me. While my lips and tongue entwined with Kai's tongue.

My guilty conscience could no longer take this mixture of these raging emotions.

I pulled away and pushed out of his grasp. Kai seemed relinquished as I did that. For the moment there was a stillness between us from speaking.