Ch 83: Love Bites [R-18]

"Kai..." I started to say something but he cut me off once he overlapped his lifted body with me underneath him. Without touching our bare naked torsos together. His toned biceps held his bodyweight and his groin between my legs was hoisted high enough not to touch my naked slit.

He leans into my right ear, breathing lightly. "I think I'll start from the top of your sexy body and work my way down. Then after you cum in my mouth. I'm going to introduce you to my beastie. I know he'll love your wet sex hole."

"Kai..." I moan as one of his hands fondles my right breast and he nibbles my earlobe.

"I love it when you moan my name..." He moaned and sucked on my ear before licking it.

Then he trailed kisses down and bits at my neck side hard enough that I yelped. He hissed and licked my skin right there on my neck. It felt so good at the same time something about his tongue felt abnormally longer in size. I had to be overthinking things again.

I blocked out my delusional lustful thoughts and enjoyed the pleasure as Kai snatched my lips. Both his hands kneaded and squeezed my breasts like deflating a balloon.

"Kai!" I breathed loudly! It felt like he was amputating them off!

"Sorry, baby." He kissed my lips again and loosen his grip. "I'll be more generous. You're just turning me on so much."

He kissed me tenderly and then continued to lay more pecks down my chin and up underneath my throat. I slanted my face as he followed down to my collarbone where he sucked and licked my flesh. My body squirmed from underneath his masculine muscles as he did it. Then he moved himself to my twin peak mountains, where he licked between them before he took his attention to my left breast.

"Ohh... Ahhh...Oh, Kai..." I groaned out of control when he played and taunted my boobs.

He sucked my left tit like he was nursing. While his fingers pinched and twisted the nipple on my right breast. Then he kneaded and groped that same right boob firmly massaging his palm and fingertips into my heated flesh.

He sucked in and bit really hard on my left nipple, which made me yelp. With a loud suction sound, he pulled away. My tit perks up when the chilly air hits the wet saliva he left there. All the while that left nipple stung and felt sore from his love bites.

He pinched my right boob to perch my nipple up to a higher peak. I moaned when his teeth snatched my nipple harder than I expected.

He suckled roughly like a thirsty vampire. It hurt all the while it felt incredible. It spun my arousal out of restraint and I broke out in a screaming moan while my body fidgeted beneath him.

His head lifted as he bit strongly down and pulled my nipple like he wanted to tear it off.

"Ahhh!" He released it as I groaned and pant heavily.

I looked down and saw my nipple was slightly chapped and bleeding from love bites. My nipple was red and swollen from his painful yet arousing torment. His tongue licked up the tiny broken blood vessels.

"I'm sorry, I'm trying to be gentle." He looked up at me with sincere eyes.

"It's ok, it hurt, but I liked it." Oh, my! What did I just admit?

Suddenly his grin turned darkly aroused.

"In that case, close your eyes..." His voice purred off singing like a sire alluring me into his snare.

Without my control, I did what I was told. Soon I heard this enchanting soft hissing. It was the most sexist snake-like hiss I've ever heard.

"Aaah!" I screamed and flinched when his mouth bit my right nipple. I groaned to feel his teeth sink in! Until he stopped and sucked my tit extremely hard into his mouth. I whimper from feeling a mixture of pain and pleasure. As I heard him taking faint gulps when he sucked even harder and then pulled back before releasing my nipple again. Very skillfully he licked his tongue up and down and then in cycles with the tip of his tongue on my tit.

"Open your eyes," he chimed and then kissed my lips. I looked down at my nipple and saw it was discolored to a purple-red skin tone. It has some blood around it and I noticed a pin tooth mark on the side of my tit. Which looked very unusual, I think as I watched him lick the remaining blood up again before he sucked gently to clean it. This was so strange, yet sexy. I was brought speechless.

My mind fogged when he trailed kisses between my battered and bruised breasts. Then he kissed down passed my navel, where he love bites me again at this tender spot on my stomach. Just before he slowly made it back to where he started. Right next to the groin on my left inner thigh, he love bites me and sucks my flesh.


My legs jerked and my body twitched while I groaned as he continues to suck me. Using his teeth, he pinched my skin between his teeth and pulled back lightly. Until my skin couldn't stretch out any further that he unlatched his love bite. His nose breathed into my slit before he blew on my clit.

He takes one finger and touches outside the folds on my slit. Then he follows down to reach for my entrance. Once he found it, I moaned, gasping as he pushed one finger into my flooding chamber. My insides flexed and swelled as he slid carefully in every tiny inch.

"I'll need to stretch you out some," Kai uttered with a throaty aroused voice. "Then you can take in my large cock a little easier."

"Ahhh... Kai..." I gasped out of breath when he curled and wiggled his one finger up against my walls at several different angles. He pushed in deeper and pumped me. While his finger inside me wiggles and makes circles. My raw whimper was heavy and my breath was panting.

"Ohh, Victoria... Ummm... you drive me insane." Kai groaned as he ogled to watch me getting hot and heated. "You're so hot, baby."

Sweet sweat was beading on my forehead as I was nearing the brink of screaming.

"I'm gotta cum..." I groaned out panting heavier as my mind blacked out. My vision blurred and my hips thrust into his finger getting me off. Wetness gushed onto Kai's hand. My groin felt sticky and I feel my sex juice siding down my bum cheek.

When my mind came back to reality, I heard a deep low chuckle. "You dirty bad girl! You already cummed on me by just working you with one finger!" he gloated as if he was impressed and stunned. "I've hardly gotten started!"

If I wasn't married to this man, I'd feel like such a slut by the way, he said those dirty words to me.