Ch 84: Overly Stimulated [R-18]

Before I had much time to catch my breath from that climax. With no gentleness about it, he threw his middle finger deep and started to stroke.

"Ohh, Kai..." I groaned breathlessly in a weak whimper when he pumped me with two fingers.

"That's right," he cooed deep and hoarse. "Say my name and enjoy it."

Volumes of my wetness gushed and slushed louder when he proceeded to pump me. Along with his humming groans and my panting breath filled the bedroom.

"Ohh, Kai... Please, stop..." My whimper prolonged when I felt myself reset.

Already I felt another overwhelming orgasm building up in my groin. Just when it was nearly peaking he'd slow down and then pump his fingers again.


He deeply chuckled, "alright, I won't tease you, I'll just torment you with one organism after another before I devour you."

"Ahhh... ahhh..." His magical hand sped up and hit what might be my g-spot. "Ohh, Yes!"

I groaned as sweat was collecting on my body. My body squirmed and I buckled my hips up to thrust into his rhythm.

"You like that?" He asked with darker arousal but there wasn't any way I could answer. "I can tell your naked kitty cat likes it by how your insides are spasming around my fingers."

My chest arches up as I feel his free hand caressing both my sore boobs. As he leaned up still working my channel with his fingers.

"Ohh, yeah, cum more for me, baby." He whispered dirty talk into my left ear. Then he gently sucked on the sensitive spot underneath my earlobe.

"Ahhh!" I moaned in a reverberating breath.

And I spread my right leg wider to help him go into me deeper with his fingers. I felt so sore and stretched between my legs but I didn't care. I was so turned on, I just wanted more than his fingers.

Most of his body weight slanted to my left while he continually sucked and kissed the tender spot on my neck.

His breathing was deep and throaty. I felt his enormous boner poking my left inner thigh between my knee and groin but touch neither of those areas.

My wetness was flooding thicker amounts of my juice. He pumped me faster at various angles and rubbed deeply on my g-spot. My body spasmed and jerked like I was having a seizure.

I groaned so loudly and wiggled underneath Kai during my orgasm. When my vision and mind refocus back. I had trouble breathing because he never once stopped stroking his fingers on that sensitive spot.

"Oh, K-Kai, please s-stop..." I stammered. "I-I need a-a b-break..."

He took his mouth off my neck and licked my earlobe before he told me. "Not until I am finished playing with your kitty."

"Oh, Kai..." I yelp when he bites my neck and then pulls out his fingers. He leaned up on his knees. That bulge sticking up against his briefs was huge. Oh, gosh! How big is he? 8inches or 8 in a half!

As Kai sucked my cum clean off each finger. He noticed me gawking at his shaft.

"Don't worry babydoll you'll see my beastie real soon." He grinned sinisterly. "As you can see he can't wait to meet your kitty-poo."

He has such a way with words. His dirty language made me feel dirty. I watched as he scooched back some and then lowered his face between my legs. He smiled cunningly as he looked at my love channel. Using his nose, he tickled his nostril on my left outer labia.

"You're so beautiful..." His warm breath aired my slit and then he ran his tongue an inch from above the hole. The texture of his tongue glides up my slit before reaching my clitoris. I moaned and jerked as he did it.

"Please...S-Stop t-teasing," my voice was shaky and hoarse.

He chuckled at my begging and the way his eye shifted up at me was sexual and darkly luscious. Keeping his predator gaze on me, he flicked out his tongue maliciously and then licked my clitoris. Stuttering moans softly pasted my lips when he did it. Then he does it again but this time his eyes closed when he sucked on the nub and chewed it lightly. Using both his hands' fingertips, he spread my slit apart. His tongue taunts my clitoris when he wiggles it in short motions.

A stream of wetness spewed between his fingers and my widened slit. Oh, it felt so good as he whipped his tongue around the folds of the clitoris. He was so amazing at this! My hips thrust, aiming to help him rub my clit. Until he works his mouth down to where he has my slit held apart. He expertly wiggles his tongue into my cavity. One of his fingertips searched up until he found my clit. He rubbed it perfectly as his tongue licked internally up my vagina. My body was shaking and spasming.

"Oh gosh, Kai!" I cried out fully elicited and ready for him to probe me.

At all angles between his finger playing with my clit and his tongue inside my vagina I was in a frenzy of lust.

I screamed when I swear I felt his tongue stretching deeper in my sloppy wet cave. Oh, I was losing my mind to a sexual fantasy!

My walls inside my sex were spasming as his imaginable abnormal long tongue flicked and wiggled on my g-spot. His face motions back and forth as he tongue sexed me. My hips thrust into his face and his face collided with my puss. My juice was over flooded against his hot breath. He didn't even care that my juice was covering his mouth as he devoured me.

Inside my walls tighten as I screamed to feel this strong orgasm stir me out of constraint. I whimpered and gripped the blanket as I tried to ride it out. But it wasn't lessening while Kai never once stopped his foreplay.

"Kai please I can't take it!" I cried while I was being overly stimulated between my legs. "P-Please I-I want y-you!"

Upon hearing those desperate words. His tongue withdrew before he lifted his face. As I was huffing and puffing non-stop. His face glistened in my love juice as he grinned from hearing my marveling plea.

"Are you ready to meet, my beastie?" His dirty talking was the sexiest thing I've ever heard. I was beyond turned on. My clit and insides swelled with lust. And I felt my small hole opening like I was in heat. I couldn't speak as my overly simulated core kept on further swelling from the continuous spasm. And he wasn't even touching me!