Ch 106: Family Medical History

The next morning I was up early. Just as Rose said, Kai was gone long before I woke up. He left me a note saying he had to go take care of some business affairs at his father's office. So while he was busy this was the perfect time to see the gynecologist.

After breakfast, I went outside toward the front yard across from the lot. Was fenced in around this barn for my pregnant horse. I was very shocked to come back and find Mr. Collin made a rush demand to build a large barn for her and the twins she's carrying. And Kai hired the best care for her and a trainer to help teach me how to ride her one day. Ironically enough, my trainer was also Kai's friend.

Upon seeing me reaching her stall inside the barn. She neighed to greet me. As the trainer was already here to let her out for some sun.

"Good morning!" Glenn cheerfully greets me.

"Good morning, Glenn," I greeted. "How is she doing?" I asked, petting her nose. She stood about 15 hands from me. So she was fairly tall for such a young girl carrying twins.

"She is certainly happy to see you," Glenn chuckled.

I giggled, "I'd say she's ready for some morning sun."

"Isn't that the truth," Glenn laughed, agreeing with me.

We took her out and then released her to roam freely around the square fenced-in area. She gazed and enjoyed her pampered brushing from me grooming her silkie coat.

"You're such a beautiful girl," I petted her long white mane and said my goodbyes.

I hurried off leaving to get ready and changed my clothes. For today's outfit, I just wore a knee-high formal black dress and some black heel sandals. By that time, I was in the car with Ace and Rose.

Memories flashed in my mind to see them holding hands while Ace drove. It reminded me of my fond memories of Orlando and me. I had to stop my tears. Over the fact, I knew my heart still loves that cheating jerk.

The drive to the doctor's office wasn't long. Rose checked in and said to the lady at the desk. "Victoria Collin would like to be seen."

The lady at the desk seemed to be surprised before she smiled. "Just have a seat. The doctor will be with you shortly."

"I don't have to sign any papers for my visit?" I asked, confused.

"Nope, the doctor will personally go over everything with you." Then her hand reached for this sealed plastic cup. "The only thing she'll need you to do is pee in this cup."

Well, isn't that convenient and straightforward, I thought. Taking the cup blushing since she blurted that out. My red face turned around to see Ace sitting here with a sports car magazine. Thank goodness, Rome wasn't here or else he'd likely make a joke. Aside from Rose, only two ladies were here sitting with magazines too.

The bathroom is just down the hallway," Rose softly said, pointing her finger in that direction.

I went down and entered the ladies' room on the left and did my thing. After I cleaned up I opened the door, shocked to find a lady standing there wearing a pair of medical gloves.

"Hello, Mrs. Collin, I'll take that sample and you can follow me back," she said politely. "The doctor is waiting for you."

"Ok." I followed her down the hall and then into this wide-open back area. There was another desk inside it and many patient rooms. She took me back across the desk and into this large patient room. A medical bed is in the center and some chairs are on the side. The sink and countertop were off to the side from when you walked in. The doctor was already here waiting for me.

"Hello, Mrs. Collin, have a seat on the table for me," the doctor said nicely as the nurse shut the door.

"Please, call me Victoria," I smiled.

"No problem Victoria," The doctor said happily.

Once I got myself situated on the table bed. She then rolled up a stool chair with a chipboard in her hands.

"My name is Dr. Riley. I've been working for the Collin's family since..." Her words sorta zoned off like she was thinking. "Well, let's just say my family has been working for them for a while now."

"Ok," I smiled.

"Anyways, shall we start with your family medical history? Do you have any cancers or other health concerns?" asked Dr. Riley.

"Not a clue because I was raised in an orphanage. My mother was a teenager whenever she had me. Both my parents were orphans from the same orphanage I grew up in. She passed during childbirth at sixteen and my dad passed away before my birth. So the same orphanage took me in," I said and Dr.

Riley seemed rather stunned.

"If you don't mind, I'm going to look into your case. I need to know how your mother passed after having you," said Dr. Riley.

"That's fine," I implied since I didn't know a lot about my young teenage parents. And I never cared to ask too many questions.

Other than knowing my dad passed soon after turning eighteen in a motorcycle accident whenever my mother was pregnant with me. To my acknowledgment, he had to leave the orphanage when he was eighteen. And he didn't care that my mother was pregnant with me. I was told he was your typical bad boy all the girls loved.

Unfortunately, he was a daredevil at heart. And it's how he passed not too long after leaving the orphanage from doing a dumb stunt.

So I wasn't given any reasons to care too much about him. But I was told my mother's last whispering soft words before she died were, "I love you, my Melody."

She named me Melody until I turned eighteen and legally changed my name to Victoria Melody Perkins. She was only sixteen so I could only imagine the heartbreak my young father put her through.

"So what brings you here today?" Dr. Riley asked.

I handed her a paper since I penned everything down on what I took. She looked it over as I explained, "as of today I am three weeks late from my normal cycle. I'm a little worried about what's going on."

"Don't worry this isn't a big ordeal," Riley smiled when she stood up. "I'm sure your pregnancy test results should be done soon and will go from there. If you are pregnant, I will give you the proper prenatal meds and I'll check you over throughout the weeks for your first trimester."

"Ok, that sounds good," I said nervously about the idea of motherhood possibly creeping up on me like this. Not to mention I was worried about the baby if I am.