Ch 107: Pregnancy test results

"If the results show that I am pregnant will those morning-after pills hurt the baby?" I asked, frowning.

"I wouldn't think so," Dr. Riley reassured me. "You've only taken those pills for two weeks. Those pills weren't taken long-term so everything will be fine."

"Alright," I muttered, feeling guilty if it turns out that I am pregnant.

"Let me see if the pregnancy test results are in while you change into that gown for me." Dr. Riley said standing up and then she left, closing the door.

I got up and took the gown off the countertop. I stripped down to nothing underneath and sat back down on the table.

Knock. Knock. Knock. A few taps came at the door as I now embraced myself for the results. The door cracked until it opened up wider.

"Kai..." My jaw fell to the floor to see him come in with a big smile. "What are you doing here?"

He latched the door shut, chuckling, and then kissed my lips. "I got off early. So I had Rome drive me here since Ace told me you had an appointment."

"Y-yeah but you didn't have to come," I stuttered while trying not to sound suspicious.

He wasn't supposed to show up. If I'm not pregnant then I wanted to get on birth control without him knowing. Now how the heck am I gotta do that with him here?

Kai sat comfortably in a seat asking. "What sorta husband would I be if I wasn't here to support you? I know you're three weeks late, Victoria. I don't wanna miss this chance to hear we might be pregnant."

Gosh, I wanted to slam my head upside a brick wall. Ok, I just need to calm down and figure out how to get rid of him after we hear the results.

Knock. Knock.

Dr. Riley popped herself in with a gleaming smile. Oh, gosh! I knew it! I'm pregnant!

"Hello, Kai! I'm so happy that you could make it," she brightly smiled at him.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world." Kai said before he shifted a glance to me sitting here in a thin piece of paper over my body!

Regardless, if he's seen me naked. This is a gynecologist doctor. There isn't anything comfortable about getting your breasts and who-who checked! Especially in front of a man that kidnapped you and forced you to marry him!

"Well, I have your results," She silently clapped her hands together before taking a seat.

Talk about the suspense you're giving here doc!

"So your test results came back negative."

I signed a breath of relief as Kai's smiling glow seemed to dim. Great! Don't tell me he's gonna go back into his bad moods again. Add that to the fact that I had so many questions but I can't ask her because he was here.

"I guess that's.... shocking..." I didn't know what else to say.

"That's discouraging," Kai sighed in disappointment.

"Well, there is still a chance you could be. Depending on the last time you had intercourses without using any pregnancy prevention," specified Dr. Riley.

"The night before," Kai was quicker than me to answer. "We haven't once used anything since we've been married."

"I'd say you're not out of the woods. Unless you have your cycle you could be a week or less pregnant. And you're having the common pregnancy symptoms." Dr. Riley notified us and Kai's eyes seemed to brighten.

For the moment, he wasn't wearing his shades, so I could read he was happy to hear this news.

"Well, let's check you over and finish the rest of your exam. I'm also going to give you some Pregnancy tests to take with you," explained Dr. Riley.

I implored, looking at Kai. "Before we start, could you step out? I'm just uncomfortable is all."

Kai smiled, "Of course, I'll be in the waiting room with Rome."

He got up and left while I am thinking that was easier than expected. I'd figure he'd at least make a fuss or even refuse. I swear I will never understand him.

I lied back as Dr. Riley did her thing with my check over. Within a matter of minutes, she was done.

"Alright, is there anything else I can do for you?" She asked me after she was done drying her hands from washing them.

"Yes, I want things to be confidential from my husband. I wanna get on birth control if I am not pregnant but I know he won't allow it," I told her with a stressful frown.

"I understand," Dr. Riley said. "I'll give you a five-month supply of birth control and then I wanna see you again. The only thing I recommend is that you first wait to take it and see if your menstrual cycle starts. I recommend no intercourses until a test shows your positive or if your cycle starts." She gave clear instructions.

I nodded in agreement and was out the door with my pills and over six pregnancy tests. I found Kai and Rome out in the empty waiting room.

"So how did it go?" Kai stood up and kissed me.

"It went well she only recommends that we not have sex until we know what's going on," I told Kai as he kinda acknowledged what I said in agreement.

"What's the fun of that!" Rome said, chuckling.

Yup, I am so glad Rome wasn't here when the lady handed me that cup to pee in.

"I guess we have a chance she's pregnant but we aren't sure," Kai told Rome.

"So the pee test came back negative for yeah princess," Rome chuckled looking at me and I wanted to strangle him. He made me so embarrassed.

"Y-yes..." I giggled, awkwardly.

"I don't recall trying to make a baby, being this complex," Rome said, laughing.

"Well, apparently it is," Kai complained before he started to walk back down the hallway. "I'll be back, I gotta go take a leak."

Kai disappeared down the hallway as Rose and Ace came back in the opposite direction. They were both giggling over the ultrasound pictures.

"How's the baking baby?" Rome asked.

"He's doing great!" Ace laughed.

As Rose smacks his chest, "You mean she is doing wonderful."

Rome and I couldn't help but laugh at them.

"If it's a boy you're giving me a nice back rub after you heal." Ace teasingly said.

"And if you're wrong you are pampering my feet," Rose jokes. "I'll make sure they're nice and smelly too."

None of us could stop laughing as Rome said. "That is so nasty, Rose!"

Once we calmed down from laughing, Ace asked. "Where the heck is Kai?"

"I guess his leak must have turned into a dump," Rome whimsically said, cracking up.

"Correction Rome you're the nasty one," Rose said çhuckling. She and I laughed in agreement. Ace and Rome laughed the hardest as we all still waited. I swear men are so stupid.