Ch 115: Bladder Calling

Just nearing the end of the movie my bladder started calling me. I've had so much salty buttery popcorn that I ended up drinking a lot of tea. Now I had to pee like a mad woman! But the movie was almost over and I didn't wanna miss it!

Unlike Rome and Gabby who were making out during the entire movie. Then Kai was slouched back in the seat, seemingly bored. I wasn't sure how he could find an action movie boring, between all the gun fighting and karate chopping action but I guess he did. Me, on the other hand, I think the movie has been good.

Good enough that I'm crossing my legs here so I don't pee myself! I couldn't stop fidgeting around in my seat.

"Is something wrong?" Kai leaned over whispering in my ear.

"I have to pee," I sheepishly whispered and he lowly chuckled.

"Then go pee," he stated the obvious in a low tone.

"I don't wanna miss the movie," I whispered in a strained voice because my babber hurt.

All Kai could do was shake his head and lowly laugh at me. While I sat here wiggling from time to time from my full bladder! I stirred and twitched, repeatedly. Ohhh, I can't do this! I stood up from my seat as Kai stared up at me smirking.

"Do you need me to come with you?" He whispered loud enough to hear him.

"No, I'll be back or just find me outside the theater," I whispered and took off shuffling my legs between the line of seats.

Once I reached the aisle I ran up it and out of there to find the ladies' restroom. Luckily, I found it just a little way down the hallway inside this squared-off enclosure area. I hurried in and found an empty stall and relieved my bladder. Once I finished I washed my hands and then left the restroom to head back.

"Victoria..." I turned around with a shocked look plastered on my face.

"Orlando..." I muffled my voice and turned away to leave.

"Wait! Victoria..." Orlando hollered and cycled around me so I couldn't avoid him since he was faster. "Please, let me explain."

"There is nothing to explain," I said, bitterly. "Your one girlfriend named Ashley was at least kind and brave enough to do that for you. So do us both a favor and at least stop cheating on her since you've never once stayed faithful to me!"

I went around him but he cut me off in my direction. "What are you talking about?" Orlando asked, entirely shocked. "Ok, yeah, I made a mistake with Ashley but aside from that in all the five years we've been together and two years we've courted you were my only one."

I rolled my eyes and snarled. "Kai showed me multiple photos of you dating tons of girls from all these years we've dated."

"Victoria, you can't seriously believe that?" Orlando pleadingly questioned. "Baby, I love you and I will always love you. I'm not dating Ashley or anybody else. "

"Kai had proof that proves you never loved me," I said fighting my tears, trying to walk around him but he still kept stepping in my way.

"Baby please you have to listen to me," Orlando begged. "Kai is lying to keep us apart. Don't be like this, just come back home with me."

A teardrop fell from my eyelid. However, I tried keeping it together but it was too painful seeing him.

"I'm married now Orlando, just move on," I suffocated telling him, and tried to go but he wouldn't let me.

"I can't move on!" Orlando spoke from his soul while he grasped my shoulders. "I won't move on because I love you and I know Kai is no good for you. I gave you everything and I will never stop loving you. I won't give up on you."

"I'm sorry Orlando I don't love you anymore," I lied, crushing my own heart. "I love Kai so you have to move on to one of your other collections of girlfriends."

A tear rolled down Orlando's cheek. "Baby, this isn't you," Orlando said, brokenhearted. "I know you don't love him. Kai doesn't love you as I do. He brainwashed you into thinking I'd actually cheat!"

"You did cheat!" I snapped pushing him off my shoulders but he still wouldn't let me past him.

"And I regret what I did!" Orlando emotionally snapped to get my attention. "Kai is the one who cheats on you, not me! He edited those photos of Alejandro dating those girls! You have to see that Kai only wants to control you. He doesn't even let you have your phone or your car for starters. He won't even allow you to talk to your old friends. Crystal is brokenhearted that she hasn't heard from you because of Kai!"

"I have to go," I pushed forward.

This wasn't a conversation I could bear to have anything longer but he still tried keeping me back.

"Baby please just come with me and we can make this right and figure out how to get you freed and divorced from Kai," Orlando begged as he gently pushed me up against the wall with his hands to keep me from leaving. Then he pinned me between both his palms resting on the wall aside from my shoulders.

Another tear falls from my eyes when I say, "it's too late." I swiftly slid my back down the wall and duck low enough to get around his one arm.

"Victoria, please don't go back to him!" Orlando pleaded behind me while he chased to catch me.

I looked up only to stop dead from Kai standing here broadly and tall. I stepped aside toward the wall between the two men fighting to have me. There was a terrifying silence between them.

No doubt, Orlando was a good fighter and handled himself well with defenses. He knew many forms of karate, kickboxing, and more. Orlando was like your heroic Romeo.

Kai on the other hand was more chilling. His presence was much like a creature of the night. And I knew nothing about his fighting skills. But having a built body, I knew he worked out.

Unlike a hero, Kai's like a vampire within the shadows. He could kill you with one hand around your neck. Before you knew what hit you. You're dead. Kai was worse than a villain.

"Victoria, please just come with me," Orlando bravely implored when he reached his hand out for me to take it.

Yet his eyes never once left Kai, who was still standing there with this emotionless composure, and wearing his shades masked him to look more terrifying.

"I'm sorry, Orlando," I murmured with a tear. "It's over between us and tell everyone else I am sorry."