Ch 120: The Collin Brothers

Three weeks passed, and Kai's cousin Ava and John had returned from their honeymoon. Kai watched from outside his mother's indoor tea party lanai. To see Ava was passing out gifts she had bought for the ladies. He studied his loving wife hugging Ava for the gift she had opened.

Begrudge filled his heart as he stood there watching. Since Ava and John announced they were already pregnant and knew so early. Which was expected among Royal families. And so far, John was still thriving up to Kai's expectations with caring for Ava.

Nevertheless however joyous Kai felt for Ava and John. He couldn't stop that envious feeling over the issue that Victoria wasn't pregnant. No matter how hard he tried to impregnate her. Those fertility pills weren't doing the job, Kai felt.

Then it hasn't helped Kai's mood to see Victoria has gotten so depressed after seeing Orlando at the theater.

During these three weeks, Kai has mostly fought with Victoria. First, the fight was about her working again. He didn't like the idea of his wife working at a store in the mall. Then the second argument was about her returning to college.

Kai didn't understand why she wanted to pursue a career whenever he could provide for her. Being thoughtful to settle the argument, his father offered that she could work with him in the office. Just to see Victoria happy, he allowed his father to take her with him to work.

In his mind, he assumed that was good enough to make her happy. But that was far from the case whenever she fought with him about investing answers as to what happened in Egypt.

Since she's getting closer to her father-in-law at work. She started asking him more questions about Egypt. Kai overheard his father tell her he wanted the Pharaoh for his museum collection.

Over the week, Victoria kept asking furthermore questions and doing her best, reaching for clues on how her team died. When Kai gently implied that she drop it, Victoria had a bad fight with him. To his surprise, she shunned him for a few days.

Overall, Kai noticed her temper has been moody from normal. So much so that Kai talked to Dr. Riley about it. Ultimately, he was told it was normal mood swings from the pills. Including, her depression was normal. Despite all the fighting, they still had incredible sex. Although it was more lustful rather than loving. Kai reminisces about those juicy nights.

Creeping into the room from behind Kai as he watched Victoria socializing with his family and friends. He felt this familiar presence nearing.

"Since the ladies are busy. Why do you come out with me?" Chester pats his back, asking.

Kai didn't say anything and willingly followed his older brother Chester. They got in his sports car and took off.


Right in the city, Chester parked his car in the garage of their father's office building.

"Why are we in the city?" Kai finally asked once they went on the busy sidewalk.

Chester chuckled past the beeping cars. "We're taking a walk in the city. I have to buy my son Joshua something."

Joshua was 10 years old, so Kai could only imagine what a 10-year-old vampire would want. Especially whenever, Chester and Zoey are domesticating their offspring to the human ways.

"Whatever he wants, it better not be human-related," Kai asserted, rolling his eyes and Chester laughed.

"Zoey and I chose to raise them more like a human rather than a vampire," Chester said lowly enough for others not to hear him. Not that anybody paid attention.

"If it wasn't for Victoria, I never would've woken up from my slumber," Kai snorted. "I miss the way our family was once so fearsome and now dad turned into a marshmallow."

Chester laughed fascinated to discover, that Kai learned from his niece and nephews what a marshmallow is.

"Dad hasn't gone soft and we are still fearsome. We're just more blended in with the times," he tried telling Kai as they were just nearing the store he had to go into. Now Chester embraced himself for this when he turned to the store he needed to go to.

Kai stopped dead before the door to see fluffy cute baby bunnies on display in the right window. To the left window were baby guinea pigs. Only his eyes steered up reading The Pet and More Store.

"You have gotta be kidding!" Kai ranted loudly as two girls came out with pet bunnies. "Has the world gone insane to turn food into pets!"

Both 13-year-old girls screamed and ran off with their pets down the block from being frightened. Others bypassed and stared at Kai disgustedly for saying such a heartless thing.

Chester couldn't stop laughing. "Now that the whole block heard you, let's head in."

"Why are we going inside that smelly store?" Kai grimaced, asking.

"To buy my son a pet," Chester informed. "You'll be happy to know Coraline ate his guinea pig last night."

"That's my girl," Kai grinned pridefully to hear his 4-year-old niece is still feeding on blood.

"Anyways, let's head in and pick him out one and then will buy dog food for Veronica's poodle," said Chester.

"You aren't being serious?" Kai gruffed.

"Just remember you did buy Victoria a pregnant horse," Chester teasingly said.

"Only to teach Victoria how to hunt one day," Kai denied the fact that he bought that horse to make his wife smile but Chester laughed seeing straight through his pathetic lie.

"Yeah, keep telling yourself that," replies Chester when he heads towards the door and opens it. As Kai reads a posted sign on the window saying kittens for adoption.

He suddenly charged off ahead of Chester, saying. "Fine! Then I'm buying myself a kitten to teach my niece and nephews how to properly hunt."

Chester chuckled and then followed in from behind him. Inside, Kai glared around seeing happy families with kids getting pets or buying pet supplies. Kai wandered until he found the adoption agency for those kittens. He sneered around seeing fluffy white blue-eyed fur balls either sleeping or playing in the cages.

"May I help you, sir?" A friendly man asked him.

"Yes, I'm looking to adopt a fur... I mean a kitten," Kai said with a slight pause to avoid using the word fur ball.

The man smiled happily to think he had found one of the kittens a good home. Unaware that was far from the truth from Kai's real intentions with getting a kitten.