Ch 121: Deceitful Adoption

"I am happy to hear that. Please have a seat for me so I may ask you a few questions," he said, smiling.

Kai took a seat in the chair. And the man took a form that was next to him on his side of the table.

"What are these questions?" Kai asked neutrally. As he glanced a glare at this tiny white fluffy kitten sleeping in a pink cage. That is angled to his view from on top of the table.

"Well, sir, before I can just allow you to adopt one. I need to make sure a kitten is right for your home," he said.

"Sure," Kai plainly stated.

As Chester came up next to him. Surprised to see Kai was serious about buying a kitten. Simply to teach his niece and nephews the skills of hunting.

Which was how their father once taught them. By first hunting small animals before they fed on humans their age. Therefore Chester sorta stood there grinning entertained to see how this would play out.

"So my first question is. Are you single or married?" The man firstly asked.

"My wife and I have just gotten married," Kai truthfully answered and the man made a check mark on the paper clipped to the clipboard.

"Do you have kids or plan on having any?" He asked.

"We plan on it but we haven't been successful. Which has been making my wife so depressed lately," Kai gave a convincing sob story that was all but deceiving.

Chester wasn't shocked since vampires especially Kai were good at this game to swindle their prey.

"I am so sorry to hear that," the man sympathized. "Is that why you wish to buy one?"

"Yes, as a surprise for my wife because we both love cats," Kai lied with a convincing sad expression behind his shades.

"Understandable," said the man. "Now would this kitten be outside or indoors?"

Now Kai was thrown-off as Chester tried not to laugh and instead he coughs.

"What sorta tarnation of a question is..." Kai stopped in mid-sentence as the man knitted his brow. "Uh, I meant indoors."

"Sir, I won't be able to sell you a kitten unless you follow our policy," he said, handing Kai the chipboard to fill out. "Fill those questions out for me. If you fill them out correctly only then will I let you adopt one."

Now Kai grew tired of dealing with this pestering man and his questions. Chester watched as the man unknowingly set the clipboard down while his eyes dilated.

"Forget the questions and pack me this sleeping kitten in this pink cage and I'll be on my way. And neither you nor anyone else isn't to bother me about this kitten anymore." Kai bade like using a Jedi power.

"Yes, sir." said the man in a trance. Then he got a box before he opened the cage to the sleeping kitten that was wearing a purple gem bell collar.

"Meow!" The kitten cried from being woken up and then dropped roughly into a box. After closing the box, he handed it to Kai as the kitten still cries non-stop. Then just like that, Kai walked away. Saying nothing more to the man.

"Good luck to you and your wife," the man happily said without any regulation that Kai had deceived him in a mild mind control to obtain this kitten.


Chester shook his head as Kai shook the box whispering to the crying kitten, "Shut up!"

Chester picked up their sister's special formula dog food and then he picked up a small bag of kitten food.

"It won't need that," Kai protested and sneered at the kitten food in his other hand.

"You should let it grow before you do what you're intending," Chester whispered as he made sure nobody heard him when he took the food. Kai could only roll his eyes as they left the pet food aisle.

Already having the guinea pig picked out for his oldest son Joshua. Chester paid for that and the two bags of food.

Then Kai paid for the kitten still wailing in the box.

"Oh, wait, here's your adoption certificate sir," the cashier lady said all cheerfully.

Again Kai rolled his eyes before turning back to grip this sheet of paper. Then he finally left with his brother. Furthermore rolling his eyes as he looked at the adoption certificate for this kitten. While they strolled back down the sidewalk.

"You gotta be kidding," Kai gruffed like a grumpy old man.

As Chester peeked at the certificate in his hand to read it. "Awe looks like you adopted a baby girl," He teased his younger brother laughing. "Perhaps you should think about keeping her."

"Not happening," affirmed Kai with a disgusted expression.

"Even your demonic ex-girlfriend Rose has a black cat for a pet," Chester notified him.

"Unbelievable!" Kai shook his head disgustedly.

Although he knew most of the Vampiresses like Rose and Mia either had a cat or dog and he couldn't understand why. Nevertheless, he didn't stop it since animals can't be turned into vampires.


"Would you go back to sleep you little nuisance!" Kai hissed while slightly shaking the box.

People walking by looked at him as if he was nuts. And Chester couldn't help but laugh at his insane grumpy brother. As they strolled back to the city's parking garage.


Once they returned home, Kai wasn't predicting that his wife, family, and some of his friends were in the main front living room. When the Butler greeted them back into the mansion. As the tiny kitten still screamed in the box. Everyone, including Victoria, turned heads. Towards Kai's direction to hear this constant meowing.