Ch 130: Woken in Regret

The next morning, Jack woke up to this warm body next to him. His eyes snapped open as a migraine smacked him like a semi-truck. He looked next to him to find Sharlene was naked in his bed out cold.

Panicked, Jack lifted the blanket to find himself naked. He saw no condom nor could he remember anything that occurred last night. A heavy lust drive blocked out his memories.

"This can't be happening!" Jack scowled himself loudly enough to wake the sleeping beauty cuddled next to him.

Her eyes widened when she found herself naked in Jack's bed. Between her legs felt super sore and her body aches from love bites and hand marks. Then her head left like a subway train hit it. Keeping the blanket on her chest, she sat up. Trying to remember what happened last night but like Jack, it was all a blank.

Seeing Jack's regretful face, she asked. "I'm guessing we didn't use protection?"

"I can't recall what happened last night to know," replies Jack with huge guilt weighing him down.

Authority-wise, Jack was Kai's advisor and protector of the vampiresses and offspring in the Coven. Right now he felt like he failed that job. By doing this to Sharlene.

Meanwhile, next to him, Sharlene was infuriated at him and herself for letting the heat overcome any common sense she had. She looked around the carpet and saw no evidence that they were careful.

"Great!" She hissed angrily. "The last thing we need is a vamp baby!"

"Let's not jump to any conclusions," Jack tried to rationalize even though he knew better.

There was nothing to rationalize in this situation. Unlike Sharlene, Jack gathered that somebody drugged them both.

Loss of memory, tiredness and his sickly symptoms gave that away. Over Sharlene, he knew vampiric chemistry potion drugs well because all higher authority vampires had to know this knowledge. But how did that guilty being get away with it since he can detect threats faster than most vampires? Unless a vampire out there had the gift to block out their threats, thought Jack.

Unaware, Sharlene was only thinking they got too drunk on a vampiric drink and he took advantage of her being in heat. Thanks to the blood moon.

Anger consumed Sharlene and she scorned him, "we slept together on the blood moon! You know how easy it is to impregnate some vampiresses on any average day! Now times that by over double when a vampiress is in heat because of the blood moon! You should've known better, Jack!"

Jack's brows knotted, not caring to explain what really happened. "Hey, that's not fair when you know the power of the blood moon affects us, vampires, worst. Like you, I can't remember anything either!"

Sharlene was so furious she crawled out of bed naked and gathered what was left of her torn dress. After hastily getting dressed. She then took off out the door, slamming it shut.

Jack raked his fingers through his black hair. Regret made him wish he told Sharlene the truth. But for now, letting her think he took advantage of her was better than her knowing another vampire purposely set this up. Jack had many enemies. Add that with being Kai's advisor and guardian to protect the coven because Kai single-handedly had tons of enemies as well.

Therefore only two conclusions made sense to him. His first theory is that this could've only been a scheme to pay him back for some stupid reason. Then the second reason was much worse to think this was a direct hit to threaten Kai. By bringing down his defenses because Jack is one of the leaders with his defenses.

Overall, Jack couldn't believe this. As he was trying to collect all these possibilities and whatnots, his head killed him. Then something else pulled his attention.

A voice called to him. It was far far away but yet Jack could hear it as plain as day. The calling from his offspring was starting. Jack realized his son's instincts to search for him had been awoken.

"This is not the time kid," Jack muttered to his far away 18-year-old son who couldn't hear him.


Meanwhile back at Mr. Collin's tall office building. Kai wasn't in any better of a mood to watch Ben with his wife. Nothing made it any better with Victoria looking real fine in her tight knee-length black skirt and her fashionable black v-cut top. Victoria looked too good. Multiple times, Kai caught Ben looking down at her cleavage.

Beside him, Ivan gave him a nudge to knock off his jealous behavior.

Kai snorted and left Victoria's office. He burst the door open to his father's office and ignored the fact that his mother was there on the couch with his father. Today she visited him at the office. Then his guardians were there, same with Rome and Ace. Ivan shut the door behind them, knowing well Kai's temper was simmering with jealousy.

"I want you to fire Victoria!" Kai childishly scoffed as he plummeted to the couch across from his parents that looked at him with shame.

"Now why would I do that?" asked Mr. Collin. "She's working beautifully."

"Then get rid of that Parker!" Kai snorted, ghastly.

"Get a grip of yourself, Kai!" Mr. Collin snipped. "Ben is doing nothing wrong! He and Victoria have been working very professionally together."

"Professionally!" Kai was only getting started. "He's flirting with my mate! And if he doesn't keep his eyeballs off my wife's breasts he's going to lose them!"

"Honestly Kai, you're being ridiculous!" Ivan scorned him for his jealous outburst. "Rome, Jack, and the others unmated from our clan check her out and you don't say a thing! Ben is a human guy that thinks she's beautiful. He's not crossing any boundaries as a man."

Kai snapped his neck toward Ivan at the end of the couch. "I trust my friends but I won't trust him or anyone else with my mate!"

"I can see why you and Victoria have your fights," Ivan grumbled ghastly as he sat down at the end of the couch. Two cushion seats away from him.

"Just shut up, Ivan!" Kai scorned angrily. "Like you and Mia don't fight!"

"I'm not saying we don't!" Ivan bites back. "But at least I don't make a big ordeal about other males checking her out. I know she's mine and that's what matters."

Kai growled viciously showing his fangs at Ivan. "Luckily for you, Ivan! Everyone seems to have forgotten that I don't have my mate's heart!"

Everybody saw Kai just wasn't getting it or seeing it.