Ch 131: Tell Victoria the Truth

"Kai, I don't think you're noticing the bigger picture here," Mrs. Collin spoke softly to her son. "Victoria is growing more fond of you. She's doing so much to make sure you are happy. And she does all she can to work out your differences. I've witnessed her calm you down whenever she notices you're stressed. She's doing everything to ensure your marriage stays together. She's doing what it takes to be a good wife."

"Yes, she is," his father agreed. "And she's an independent young lady and wants her freedom. She wants to work and finish college. She's ambitious and you need to stop holding her back. She has the perfect qualities to be the Queen of your clan."

Kai rolled his eyes. "She isn't wasting her time at college!"

Ace jumped into the conversation from behind Kai's parents. "Glenn doesn't hold Alice back from being a teenage human girl!"

"That's different!" Kai protested. "She's only a kid and he's been raising her since infancy."

"It's not any different, Kai," urged Mr. Collin. "With our age on us. Victoria is only a child too. It's time to tell her the truth about us being vampires. This way she can understand what is going on and who she is to be. She'll better understand why you behave as you do. Once she understands you are destined mates. It's not like she can reject you so there is no reason to keep the truth from her any longer."

Kai hissed, "she's not ready to know!"

"She's not ready to know but you feel she is ready to birth your offspring?" This time his loving mother gave it right back to him. "How do you think she's going to react when she gives birth to a vampire infant?"

"I'll get there when we cross that road," Kai said, brushing this whole thing off like it wasn't a big ordeal. Although in the back of his mind, he knew this was a huge problem because his offspring will know he or she is a vampire.

"I'll just say our baby has a red eye condition," Kai lastly added, sounding very immature for his age. "Or I can say our baby is part albino."

Almost everyone sighed irritatedly at this nonsense. Before anybody could further lecture him. His phone rang in his suit pants. Kai took it out seeing it was Jack.

"What is it?" Kai answered snippily.

Jack swallowed hard to hear that edgy tone but he blurted to get it over with. "I messed up big time and I may have slept with Sharlene without using protection but I can't remember anything."

"You gotta be kidding me, Jack!" Kai hissed into the speaker. "You didn't learn your lesson the first time about keeping it in your pants! Now you really did it!"

After speaking, Kai looked up at his glaring mother. She didn't appreciate that type of language coming from his mouth. That realization of her presence slipped Kai's mind.

"You think I don't know that!" Jack yelled into his phone under great stress. "Kai, someone put us under a lust spell! You know that's not entirely my fault!"

"How did that happen when you can detect threats?" Kai asked in this hostile tone.

"I'm not sure!" Jack whined in his ear. "Look, I'm not myself right now and I think my son's instincts kicked in. I feel that pull to his call and I need help because I can't think straight. I'm weak and sick."

Kai signed as an alpha he knew he had a responsibility to the clan. Lust spells were too powerful for anyone to defeat. It wipes the memory clean of both vampires and vampiress, including humans. This means something they both drink caused this to happen. In turn, it also means someone drugged his two clan members.

"Where is Sharlene?" Kai asked more settled with understanding this wasn't Jack's fault. "Is she safe?"

"She locked herself inside her bedroom and won't talk to me," Jack sulked over the phone. "She only thinks we were drunk on vampiric drink . I didn't tell her the truth."

"Alright, we'll be over," Kai got off the phone. Everybody looked at him puzzled as to what happened.

"I thought the Vampire Covenant banned us from using lust spell drugs?" Kai finally spoke to ask his father.

"We did," Mr. Collin verified. "Why, what happened?"

"Someone put a lust spell on Jack and Sharlene. They may have mated without realizing their actions. Nor does Jack think he used protection."

Everybody was shocked as Mrs. Collin said, "Oh, that poor baby."

"Are you talking about Jack or Sharlene?" Kai cocked his head, asking.

"Sharlene, of course," said Mrs. Collin. "Jack can certainly handle himself but Sharlene is more vulnerable. She'll be pregnant if that's true because of the blood moon. Kai, you need to deal with this situation."

"I'm leaving to do that," replies Kai. "Jack said he thinks his son is calling him. He feels his instincts kick in. And Sharlene locked herself in her bedroom. She won't talk to Jack and he didn't tell her the truth about the situation. She only thinks they were drunk."

"I already texted Mia to handle Sharlene so we can help Jack," Ivan informed them. "I'll inform her, Sharlene isn't aware of the truth."

Kai nodded as Mr. Collin suggested. "You should test their saliva and be sure it was a lust spell or another type of drug."

Kai stood up as his friends were ready to roll. "I'll do that. Just keep an eye on Victoria. In case this was used as a distraction on my defenses."

"I'm sure this doesn't have anything to do with Victoria," said his father. "Jack has a lot of vampires who hate him. Likely someone did this out of childish actions."

Kai didn't say anything and walked out with his friends. In the middle room, he saw Victoria and Ben talking to Ms. Thorn at her desk. Coldness darkened his heart which caused him to act as if Victoria didn't exist to him.

"Hey, Kai!" He hears Victoria's lovely voice but he goes in the elevator with his friends. Without giving her a second glance as the elevator closed.

"That was cold, Kai!" Ivan growled at him for doing that to his mate but Kai said nothing in return. Instead, he remained quiet until they got out of the lobby to head back home.