Ch 132: No Memory

"Hey Kai!" I hollered but he never gave me one glance when he loaded on the elevator with his friends.

Before I could speak again the elevator shut. I stood here baffled by his behavior and I could tell he was upset. Honestly, he's been childishly sulking from the moment he stopped in to visit me. I know he was jealous of Ben. Even if he didn't admit it, I knew Ben was part of the issue.

"That seemed rude," Ben said and I turned to see his face was annoyed.

"I don't think he heard me," I smiled to dust this whole incident off.

"They seemed stressed," Ms. Thorn commented behind her desk.

"Yeah, something must've happened that he had to leave right away," I said, shrugging my shoulders.

"I guess so because I'd never leave my wife without a goodbye kiss," Ben stated. "If I was married that is."

His last statement caused Ms. Thorn and I to giggle at him when I looked up at the hand clock on the wall. Which caused him to blush pinkish. I got the impression, he was crushing on Ms. Thorn.

"It's our lunch break," I pointed that out to them. "You guys should head off. I'll let Mr. Collin know we're leaving for lunch."

"Sounds good," Ben replied.

"Hey, why don't you join us for lunch this time," Ms. Thorn invitingly proposed "Ben and I are going to this diner down the opposite block."

"I made other plans but maybe next time," I kindly turned down her invitation.

"Alright, we'll see you in a bit," said Ben.

Once they left, I went into Mr. Collin's office and found him and his wife on the couch together. And his bodyguards were stationed in the back by the floor-to-ceiling panel window.

"Lunch already," Mr. Collin smiled.

"Yes, I told Ben and Ms. Thorn to go on ahead," I informed him. "I'll be down at the coffee shop."

I went to turn around but heard Mrs. Collin ask. "Are you alright, Victoria?"

"Was there something wrong with Kai?" I asked neutrally to hide any emotion. Truth be told, I was upset about his jealousy but I didn't wanna talk about it. I just wish Kai wasn't so jealous about me having guy friends. Outside his group of guy friends.

"There was an incident with Jack and Sharlene," Mr. Collin frowned. "He went to help them out."

Perhaps I misjudged Kai's full behavior when he left. I know he's close to Jack and Sharlene. If something was wrong, I knew he'd be there for them.

"I hope everything's alright," I said, worried.

"It's nothing to worry about," Mr. Collin assured me. "It's only some drama between them. You can head off to lunch."

I gave my goodbyes and left to run into Dr. Riley smiling. "Hello, Victoria."

"Hello," I said shocked to see her but she said nothing else and entered Mr. Collin's office.

I didn't know why she was here and it looked like it was urgent by how she hurried in.

So I just grabbed my handbag from my office and went to the elevator to reach the lobby.

"Have a good lunch, Victoria," the security guard told me and I waved at him before exiting the tall building.


Just nearing the coffee shop I saw a familiar bubbly smile up ahead.

"Hey, Gabby!" I greeted her, excitedly.

She was dressed in a tight pink dress with round framed sunglasses on.

She took them off and slanted her head.

"I'm sorry, do we know each other?" I was baffled when she asked me.

"Uh, we..."

"Oh my gosh!" She cut me off with this squealing girly tone. "You're Victoria Collin!"

"Yes," I smiled as her memory clicked together or so I thought. Until she dove into her purse and pulled out a pen and paper.

"Oh, please, can I have your autograph!" Gabby squealed cheerfully and held out this paper and pen for me. "You have no idea how much of a fan I am with the Collin family! And I am so jelly you are a part of their family."

Like usual she rambled on and on about this but I couldn't believe she had no memory of me. I knew something was wrong with her head but I didn't think it was that bad. It's like I was wiped clean from her ever meeting me on that double date.

"Sure, Gabby," I replied and signed my name.

"Oh, my goodness! I can't believe you know my name! I guess my daddy's business affair is paying off since you knew me," Gabby said, gleefully.

"Yeah, Mr. Collin mentioned your name," I lied since I knew something was wrong. She should know me but she doesn't.

"Maybe we can hang out sometime," Gabby said. "Anyways, I'll see you around. I have to meet up with my girls. They're not going to believe this!"

I hardly had time to say goodbye when she just veered off walking past me in her own little world of bubbles.

"That was strange," I whispered to myself and went down the sidewalk. Once I entered the coffee shop, I stopped dead wanting to turn back. Crystal surprised me by bringing Zach and Orlando. Until I saw those sea green eyes smiling at me and knew it was Alejandro.

Curse me for falling in love with someone who has an identical twin brother. Thank goodness, they had different eye colors.

I waved at them and then changed inside the restroom. Afterward, I went to the table and saw Crystal had already ordered my food. Before I had a chance to sit down Alejandro engulfed me in a huge bear hug.

"How's my baby sister doing?" He asked, kissing my temple.

Silently, I allowed him to hold me for the moment. It's been forever since I've seen Alejandro and he's always been like a brother to me.

"I've been fine," I pulled away and answered.

I could tell by his face he wasn't sure to believe me. Considering the fact I was forced into marrying Kai. I can understand why he would be unsure to believe my words.

"I mean it," I repeated. "Kai hasn't done anything to me."

Alejandro seemed to knot his forehead lines. "He's done more than enough to you," he bitterly said.

"Let's not waste this time," Zach interjected and hugged me next. "We are glad he hasn't physically harmed you or starved you to death."

After my hug, I sat down with them at the high stool round table to eat. I was kinda shocked they'd think Kai would go to that extent.