Ch 140: Fundraiser

"Oh, come on Kai!" I playfully argued with him in the bathroom mirror. To put on this tie for the fundraiser Gabby's father was throwing.

As I attempted to tie it, "Forget it!" Kai playfully fought and pulled the tie off his collar and then kissed my lips. "So when are you going to take a test?"

I was shocked that he randomly asked me. Right in the middle of us getting ready together. I faced the mirror, ignoring him.

"Victoria?" I heard his voice again before he kissed my cheek. He turned me to him as I was putting on my lipstick. "Come on, baby, I know you're five days late."

He reminded me but I didn't wanna take a test and disappoint him. Birth control is known to change your cycle. And he still hasn't got a clue I am on the pill. I mean it's like a 98% chance I can get pregnant. And everybody I've known using birth control never got pregnant. Therefore it's not likely that I am pregnant.

"Let's give it more time," I urged and faced the mirror to finish my makeup.

"You're seriously going to make me wait!" Kai whined like a child and I couldn't help but laugh at how cute he's being.

"Wear the tie tonight and I'll take one tomorrow morning," I played his game as I blended in my makeup.

"Fine, I'll wait," Kai playfully sulked and I kinda figured that would get him off my back. He's been in such a great mood lately. I'd hate for him to go back into his bad tempers.

"Alright, are you ready?" Kai asked me.

"Yup, let's head out," I smiled.


Altogether with Kai's family and his friends and theirs. We entered the building and were welcomed by Gabby's father Mr. Jones.

"I am so delighted that you and your family and friends could come," he shook Mr. Collin's hand firmly.

"The pleasure is ours," said Mr. Collin.

"This is my wife and our daughter Gabby," Mr. Jones introduced us as I looked at Rome and Gabby to see if she remembered him.

"I am so excited to meet you all!" Gabby gleefully shared. "I am such a big fan of the Collin industry."

"Awe, we are excited to finally meet you, Gabby," Mrs. Collin said to her.

Gabby really didn't remember any of us and I couldn't believe it.

Altogether we walked right in as I lifted my strapless long black sparklingly seep trail gown. Ben was already here with Ms. Thorn. We found our assigned table and I noticed Rose went flying over to the dessert bar.

Sharlene took a seat as Jack asked, "do you want something to drink?"

"No, I'll get it myself if I need anything," she bitterly rejected.

Poor Jack looked defeated and full of guilt. She found out she was pregnant and Jack has been doing everything he can to butter her up.

Rome tapped Jack's shoulder and they veered off to mingle. So I took this opportunity to slip out of Kai's arm as he was chatting with Glenn and Ivan.

I found Rome getting himself and Jack hooked up with some pretty ladies.

"Hey Rome, where's your girlfriend?" I came up to kill his ego.

Both pretty blondes huffed and walked away in great anger. They were so mad I'm surprised they didn't slap him.

Suddenly I heard Kai, Ivan, Ace, and Glenn cracking up behind me. I never knew they even followed me. More surprisingly, Jack was even laughing. Nobody has seen him smile lately since the incident with Sharlene.

"Touche, Princess," Rome was beaming red as we continued to laugh.

"Hey, I was just making sure you don't go around breaking any more hearts," I teased. "Plus Jack has enough going on."

"I can agree with you on that," Ivan stated.

"Anyways, is there a reason why Gabby doesn't remember us?" I questioned Rome.

"Oh, yeah, I forgot to tell you," Rome came up to me whispering. "She has a head injury from falling on a set of stairs."

"Really!" I was shocked.

As Rome frowned, "yeah, but don't say anything because the family just wants her to live her life as if nothing happened. They're not sure if those memories will come back."

"How much memory loss did she sustain?" I was so upset.

"Not much at all," Kai answered. "Just a small portion when she met us."

"I understand," I said sadly. "I won't say anything."

Kai hugged me. Then we all saw Sharlene fly to the restroom. Mia and her sister were running after her. She was starting to have morning sickness.

"She'll come around," Glenn pats Jack's shoulder. "Give her time."

"I'm trying," Jack replies. "I just wish she'd let me help her."

"She needs you more than you know, Jack," Ace encouraged. "Keep trying and she'll come around."

Jack kinda nodded as I hugged him. Honestly, he made a mistake but he's owning up to fixing it. He's an honest man and I hope Sharlene will come around.

"I think she's just too emotional from being pregnant," I told Jack as he smiled.

"I know," Jack said. "I'm going to wait and do whatever I can to help. Even after the baby's born she'll have my full support."

"Let's go get some wine," Ivan suggested as we all walked off to a caterer.

We each took a glass as Rose came up to Ace with a plate of cookies and anything else chocolate. Overall, her figure was small with no water weight but her baby bump was bigger than a basketball. Ace and the guys looked at Rose like they didn't recognize her anymore.

"That baby really likes his chocolate," Glenn commented around our cycle.

"He has his father's taste buds," Rose giggled. "Ace's mother told me she craved chocolate."

Most of us chuckled and Ace expressed, "she never told me that."

"She's at the salad bar," Rose mentioned. "So why don't you go on over and ask her."

We laughed as Ace kissed her head but he didn't say anything back with that reply. I took a few sips of my wine and suddenly it didn't feel right going down.

"Are you alright?" Kai asked me.

"Yeah, I'm just not in the mood for wine," I declared before I walked away from the group. I sat my glass down at our table.

"Are you feeling alright, Victoria?" Mr. Collin and his wife come up with their friends asking.

"Yeah, is there a reason why you're asking?" I inquired.

"You seem a little flushed," Mrs. Collin truthfully answered with a softer smile.

"Why Victoria, you look absolutely beautiful!" Before I could reply this familiar vast voice thundered behind me. I turned around in disbelief to see they were here.