Ch 141: In The Middle

Shock took my breath away! To see Mr. and Mrs. Mill standing behind me. Matters only got worse when Orlando and Alejandro strolled up. I looked past them and saw Zach, Crystal, Max, Crystal's brother CJ, other friends, and family members.

Oh, the nightmare this will be! To add to it, the Mill's table was right next to ours.

Over the Collin's the Mill's had more blonde or light brown hair. The Collin was a mixture between blonde, red, and black hair. On both Collins' and Mills' sides, the older folks looked so youthful from their cosmetic surgeries.

"Victoria, my child it's so wonderful to see you," Mrs. Mill came right up to me and hugged me tightly. She then checked my arms and physique before she cupped my face. "I am so glad you look healthy and well cared for."

"Of course, she is well cared for," Mrs. Collin's soft voice countered with feeling such an insult and she couldn't hold back. "You honestly think we'd harm her!"

"Well, it's hard to say whenever you did what you did!" Mrs. Mill slashed back in full anger. "You took her from us!"

"We did no such thing!" Mrs. Collin denyingly spat and I was literally in the middle of a cat fight between two head of the household wives.

Mrs. Collin's fiery red hair was blazing like her temper towards Mrs. Mill. Then Mrs. Mill's snowflake blonde locks were as icy as her gaze with Mrs. Collin.

Fire and ice collided like a treacherous storm. The animosity between both glamorous yet still youthful-looking head wives was smoldering and freezing altogether. Unfortunately for me, I was the one caught in the middle between two beauties.

"Please stop!" I interjected and got out of being between them. "Please, I can handle this."

"Mother please," that's when Orlando stepped up to me with those soft ocean blue eyes. Just one look and he already had me melting for him.

"Victoria is right," he said sincerely as he took my hand. "She's been through too much."

Both ladies looked my way with the same carrying eyes. No doubt, they both loved me like a daughter.

Just when I thought things will mellow down suddenly I felt a vast embrace around my waist. Orlando's hand was shoved away and I realized Kai pulled me aside to him.

Now it was like being between two headstrong bulls ready to charge. I don't understand why everyone is fighting over me. I was only an unwanted orphan! Now two multi-billionaire Empire CEO families are fighting over me!

Folks within the lively party were staring at the dispute between the Collin and Mill families. The nightmare was only beginning.

"Now let's not spoil our evening with Mr. Jones's fundraiser," Mr. Mill became the voice of reason. "I'm sure for one evening we can all put our differences aside for Victoria's sake. Like we did when the Press tried to frame her for murder."

"I agree," Orlando kindly added with a soft look at me. "I don't want to start any trouble."

"Like I honestly believe that!" Kai's tone strikes out like lightning and his glower was frightful. I knew he wouldn't back down.

"I must agree with you both," unexpectedly Mr. Collin stepped in more respectfully and with a higher class. "We've been business rivals but we aren't monsters. Equally, we've defended Victoria's innocence. This evening should be about the fundraiser."

"You cannot be serious!" Kai gnashed at his father.

"Yes, son, I am," Mr. Collin asserted with a glaring eye.

My stomach turned and I couldn't handle this any longer. I jerked from Kai's grasp. But he stopped me and tugged me back. Now I saw Orlando was getting protective.

"I'm going to the restroom!" I snapped at Kai and pulled forward before Orlando had a chance to step in and protect me. I passed the Mill's and ran to the restroom. With no time to waste, the first stall I saw I charged in and locked the door.

Then I vomited whatever wine I had sipped just a second ago and I heaved painfully. My ribs felt like they were being crushed. Finally, it all stopped and I flushed the toilet.

"Are you alright, Victoria?" Mia asked me behind the door.

I unlocked it and found her and Sharlene right there. But I didn't reply and went to the sink. I rinsed my mouth out with water and Mia rubbed my shoulder.

"I think it was just too much to take in," I shared.

"It's understandable," Sharlene sympathized with tears. "Running into somebody you love is never easy but you know Orlando isn't any good. Just like my cheating ex."

I hugged Sharlene as more tears came down her cheeks, "you deserve so much better."

I understood she was emotional from being pregnant. Just as we ended the hug my best friend Crystal came in glaring at Sharlene and Mia.

"Can you guys give me a second?" I softly asked them.

I could tell they didn't wanna go but they didn't protest.

"Will be outside the door," Mia affirmed as she and Sharlene glared maliciously, passing Crystal. Once they left Crystal came up and hugged me tightly.

"I'm so sorry that happened out there," she empathized and then dried away my tears. "My aunt had been so heartbroken."

"You know, I used to think they never approved of Orlando and I dating," I truthfully divulged. "I must've misread them."

"At first yes, but that didn't last long," confided Crystal. "They adored you right away. You bring out the best in Orlando."

"I wish you would've told me you were coming to the fundraiser," I looked at the closed door whispering so nobody could hear me.

"Shhhh," Crystal hushed me with one finger on my lips and nervously turned around to look at the door. "I didn't know you'd be here either. None of us did."

I gestured skeptical if this was true because maybe nobody told her. "I should head out," I stated. "Wait five minutes so I can be sure the Collins aren't at the door."

"Ok." Crystal fretted.

I left the restroom and I wasn't wrong to find Kai and his buddies around.

"Are you alright?" Kai pulled me into his arms asking. "Mia said you were vomiting."

"I got worked up," I verified.

Kai nodded and took my hand. We walked back into the gallery room and took our seats just before Mr. Jones started to speak.

"I'd like to thank you all for coming. We shall start the auction and whatever money is made will be donated to the fundraiser to help better our schools and other children's foundations. Let us start the bidding," Mr. Jones ended his speech and another man took his place.

Super expensive and rare jewelry was being bid on. Other things were paintings, fabulous antiques, and rare items.