Ch 147: Farewell Dearest Friend

"Hey, this is Ben leave a message after the tone," beep.

"Hey, Ben it's Victoria again. Let me know what's going on. I've been waiting for you at the Museum. Call me back or text me." I clicked the end button on my phone.

Yesterday evening was the last time I heard from Ben when he told me he got Ms. Thorn a golden bracket. Previously, we had made plans to meet up today at the Museum around lunch since we didn't have work.

It's been an hour and I haven't heard anything from him. Regardless, I kept busy and analyzed those wall hieroglyphics I took back to Egypt. The Museum had a high-tech computer that would split the layers of stone. This way I can see if there is any hidden message or something else underneath it. From the beginning, I never thought these hieroglyphics were right whenever I found that first clue in Egypt.

Within ten minutes it was done and I started to analyze each layout very carefully. Instantly, I found something strange. Behind these writings where the Pharaoh was talking about his lover.

Right there in plain sight were completely different hieroglyphics. I couldn't believe I found the original writing that talked about Osiris and the river of life.

Very carefully, I looked through another layer to synchronize the data. Little to behold, this written hieroglyphic came into focus alongside Osiris's arm. There was a hidden message written in ancient Egypt that said, 'imposter.'

"Could that Pharaoh be an imposter?" I whisper aloud as a creepy chill ran up my spine to think about this possibility.

Buzz! I jumped out of my seat and saw my phone ringing. It wasn't Ben but Kai calling.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey, I'd like for you to return home," Kai neutrally said over the line.

"Is there a reason why?" I asked. "You know I was meeting Ben."

"I know but I wanna see you," Kai pleadingly said. "Please."

I couldn't help but be guilted out. Recently, it's been like we've had two separate lives since we both worked. More oddly since my head injury, we haven't had much sex lately. And Kai has a high sex drive. So it's unusual for him to randomly not wanna have it. Especially, when he wants a baby so badly.

"I'll be home," I confirmed and we ended the call.

I gathered my stuff and was back in no time. Getting out of my car, I heard my horse Sky neighing inside the barn. Instead of going in, I went into the barn and found Alice and Glenn grooming her.

"Hi, Victoria," Alice smiled when seeing me.

She was the same girl that caught the bouquet at my wedding. Alice was only fifteen and glued to Glenn. Their relationship reminded me of the same relationship in Twilight with Jacob and Bella's daughter.

Also, Alice and I had something in common, we were both orphans. Glenn claimed he found her on the streets and saved her whenever she was little. But he isn't a father figure to her. Glenn's connection with Alice is more strong holding and unexplainable with the bond they cherish together in their friendship. Glenn is like Alice's guardian angel.

"Hey, Alice," I said. "You look so pretty today."

"Thank you," Alice giggled and blushed. "Glenn and I got your horse some extra proteins today."

"Yes, we did," Glenn shared. "It will help benefit her pregnancy."

I petted the snout on Sky's nose and she neighed, delighted to see me. Always I make sure to see her daily. I took a brush and started grooming her with Alice.

"Are you ready to go back to school?" I asked Alice on the opposite side of Sky. As Glenn was raking in fresh hay.

"Yes and no," Alice was honest. "It's been a fun summer."

"It was a fun summer," Glenn agreed as he playfully winked at her which made Alice giggle.

Time passed by when I saw Kai texted me. "I guess I forgot to tell Kai. I've been home for like thirty minutes now." Glenn and Alice laughed at my remark.

"I do that sometimes when Glenn is looking for me," Alice giggled.

"This place is too big," Glenn stated when he wiped the sweat off his brow with his forearm. "It's hard to know where anybody's at."

"I'll be back," I told them. "I'm going to go talk to Kai."

They waved and I left the barn. Just as I did, the sheriff and the police pulled in. Ahead of me, they went inside and I was puzzled as to why they were visiting.

Finally, I reached the front door and the Butler opened it for me. Mr. Collin was here with the sheriff and police. Same with Kai, his friends, and his family. Almost everyone had a stressful expression to indicate something was wrong.

"Victoria, we need to talk," Mr. Collin put it lightly and I read sorrow in his eyes.

"What happened?" I forwardly asked and there was a brief reluctance.

"Ben was murder yesterday evening inside a city garage after he left a jewelry store," the Sheriff sighed in empathy. "Rex and his gang did it."

Darkness surrounded me and I felt Kai's arms embrace me. Tragedy struck me with losing somebody I cared about swallowed me up in this black hole again. Teardrops rolled down my cheeks as I silently cried while burying my face in Kai's chest. Then I had no choice but to push him away. I ran as I heard a stampede of people chasing after me.

Within the mere nick of time, I dove my head into the toilet and puked my lunch. Kai held my hair up before Veronica came in and pulled it in a bum for me. I had no time to even shut the door so everyone knew I was vomiting. Once I finished Kai cleaned me up and carried me to the bedroom. I felt so sick between my unexplainable vomiting and now for Ben.

"I just spoke to him yesterday evening before he left the jewelry store," I whispered heartbroken to Kai.

"I know, honey." Kai cuddled beside me. "I'm sorry."


Never in my heart have I ever wanted revenge. Not until I stared down at Ben laying inside his coffin. Had filled my heart with such hatred for Rex and his gang. All for what? To get to me! First Elena and now Ben. Nobody confirmed if Rex killed my Team back in Egypt but I'm sure it's highly plausible.

Mr. Collin touched my back so I laid this historical documentary in his coffin at the side. Then we moved past letting others say their final farewell to Benjamin Parker. Another one of my dearest friends.