Ch 149: True Heartbreaker

It was the third Friday of August and five days after Ben's funeral. My sickness calmed down and most of us went to this wild dance club to let loose and chill.

Music was blasting into my ears. The bass was turned up so high that it beat up against my heart and body. Mia, Sharlene, Ava, a few other ladies, and I danced together as our husbands or dates watched us from the side. The guys hung back and chilled with each other. They weren't in that particular mood to dance like us but it was obvious they didn't mind watching us grind our hips and swirl our bellies together.


Over an hour passed Mia and the other ladies scattered off to be with their husbands or dates. Some of them were at the bar getting water or something else to drink.

Meanwhile, I wandered the crowds as the smell of alcohol and greasy food turned my stomach. My sense of smell was getting stronger for some reason. The smell only intensified after I got here and it was making me very nauseous again.

I pulled off to the side that was less crowded and not as noisy. The only other option I had was to text Kai. So I took my phone out of my purse and texted him. Then I waited and heard nothing. So I called him and his phone rang in my ears until it cut out.

"You still haven't set up a voicemail, Kai!" I said, getting quite frustrated.

"Yeah, Kai's never been one that was good with a phone." A coldness ran up my spine to hear a familiar voice answer me even though I was talking to myself.

I looked behind me and saw Samantha, Kai's ex-fiancee was here. Of course, she was wearing a skin-tight short-length pink dress and her blonde hair was curled cutely and attractive.

Makes me wonder why Kai broke up with her and Rose just to be with me. In my opinion, Samantha and Rose were far more beautiful compared to me. I only considered myself average. I'm easy on the eyes but nothing special like Kai's two exes.

I kinda glared at her and said. "I'm not in the mood for trouble."

I went to walk elsewhere but she lightly stopped me by grasping my wrist. "I'm sorry about my behavior before. Samantha expressed and then released me. "I was being childish because Kai hurt me like how he crushed Rose. He's a true heartbreaker. It's easy to fall in love with him but then his mood changes."

She explained Kai's weird personality on point. "It's ok," I smiled. "I understand."

"So do you need help finding him?" She asked.

"Probably," I giggled. "Or else I'm going to leave him here and head home."

"I can't blame you," Samantha giggled in agreement. "I think I saw him head out back."

I motioned and started following her around the crowds. She led me to this back door that would lead to an alley.

"I saw him and his buddies go outside," she claimed, and then her phone rang before she could open the door. She looked at it as her eyes enlarged. "I'm sorry Victoria. I need to help my friend. She's puking in the restroom but I swear Kai's just outside."

"It's fine," I replied. "I'll find Kai and if I don't I'm going to leave. He can catch a ride home with Rome."

"See ya around," Samantha said walking off.

Warm air hit my face when I opened the door. Behind me, the metal door latched closed. The alley was dark as I looked around for a second.

"A-hh," I heard a moan down through the darkness. This horrible feeling knotted in my gut as I heard a woman's voice moaning again. As quietly as I could be I went a little way down. Only to find something so devastating.

Kai has this attractive woman in a slutty dress, up against the brick wall. Her one leg curled around his hip as he lifted it when his hips thrust into her. She groaned rawly while his face was busy sucking away at her neck. Her pink french manicured nails dug into his black dress shirt on his shoulders. Then her painted red lips parted when she tried to breathe from being turned on so badly. She pushed against him and he thrust his weight back into her as she groaned weakly.

Anger filled my already bleeding heart to witness him having sex with another woman far more beautiful than I am.

Instead of making myself known to them. I turned my heel and ambled out of there. More igniting anger built up in the pit on my stomach to think this is why he hasn't wanted to have sex with me lately. He's been sleeping around with other women! This was the final straw! I've had it with Kai! I am leaving him and I will never look back.

"And to think I was starting to feel something for him!" I grumbled out loud to myself when I reached the parking lot.

Just seeing my car up ahead. Painful hard tears burst out of my eyelids. Brokenness split my heart into two pieces before it shattered into tiny glass shards.

"Don't cry baby girl," this frightening voice blazed behind me as I barely reached my car.

"Rex..." I gasped beneath my lungs to see him standing hardly nine feet away from behind me. I looked around and saw his buddies coming forth from out of the parking lot's shadows.

"You killed Ben!" I outcry.

"Indeed, I did," Rex gloated with no remorse.

"I know you killed my Team back in Egypt," I gritted my teeth angrily as I tried to inch my way to the car.

"So you think?" Rex raised a brow which was all but confusing.

"So you deny it?" I fire back as I still move backward towards my car.

Until suddenly I stopped walking to spot something lurking out of the shadows from down the parking lot. My breath started to deplete when I recognized this dark gray smooth skin that was about the size of a medium dog. That raindrop-shaped head came into focus. As it treads on all four tentacles like an octopus with its werewolf-like arched hind legs. I couldn't believe I was staring at the same monster I saw back in my bedroom at Mr. Collin's mansion.