Ch 157: Little Vampiress Bat

'Make love to me," Victoria's whispering words emit in Kai's mind that day he made love to her in the shower.

'I always have,' the memory of what he told her feathered away.

"Uncle Kai..." A soft adorable voice woke Kai up from his daydream to hear his darling little niece Coraline. He lifted his head from resting it back on the couch. Then he looked down at the little vampiress beaming her bright agate eyes up at him from coloring on the coffee table.

"Yes, sweetie?" He softly asked.

"Do you like my picture?" Coraline held up her coloring book with a picture of a cute butterfly on it. She had it colored in a combination of colors and almost stayed in-between the lines.

"I love it," Kai preciously smiles at her.

Coraline smiled and stood up, then she clambered his lap. Kai lifted her and she hugged him.

"I miss Auntie Victoria," Coraline whimpered innocently and so sweetly.

Holding in his sorrow, Kai softly murmured as he hugged her, "me too."

"When will she be coming home?" Coraline raised her head and asked with a pouty lip.

"Soon," Kai put up a disguised smile. "You really like Auntie Victoria."

Wildly happy, Coraline shakes her head. "She plays games with me." Kai smiled lightly while trying to hold back his sadness. "And she smells yummy!" Caroline shimmered as her eyes started to dilate red.

"Just remember, Auntie Victoria is family, not food," Kai chuckled and knew little ones like Coraline had to always be watched closely around the humans that will be turned one day.

Otherwise, little vampires and vampiresses can mistakenly try to feed on them. If that hunger for blood overtakes their self-control. Even a full-grown adult can lose control. Kai can relate to this happening to him one too many times.

"I know," Coraline gleamed as Chester came into the sunroom.

"Daddy!" She wiggled off Kai's lap and ran over to hug Chester's knees.

"Hey, baby fangs!" Chester leaned down and kissed her head.

She giggled and then let him go when her mother Zoey came in.

"Chester, we need to talk," Zoey said quite seriously as Chester relaxed back on the couch. About one cushion seat away from his younger brother Kai.

"I already heard," Chester let out this exhausted sigh as Zoey sat on the coffee table.

"Well, I guess we can't send her back to preschool after this incident," Zoey exhaled. Only Chester and Kai became more enthralled to see Coraline walking up the glass window on two feet without her mother noticing it.

"Coraline bit another little girl at preschool! I mean what are we going to do about this?" Zoey ranted on as Chester and Kai were still more interested in Coraline, dangling upside down from the ceiling above them.


"It's not to worry," Chester looked back at his wife. "Rome already took care of everything."

"That's not my point!" Zoey harangues. "Her going to preschool gave me free time! How am I going to send her to preschool again? Without her trying to eat her classmates and teachers! "

"Don't worry," Chester said confidently. "I'll take her to work and the family said we can all take turns to watch her. This way you can relax and get time for yourself."

"Alright, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt," Zoey said skeptically as she stood up.

"Look mommy, I'm a bat!" Coraline giggled from the ceiling as Zoey veered up and widened her eyes. To see her daughter hanging upside down like a bat with her eyes glowing red.

"Coraline, get down from there," Zoey said, trying to remain mettle. "Who on earth taught you that?"

"Uncle Kai and daddy," Coraline blurts out innocently in her cute tiny voice. Now Zoey glared her motherly scorn at Kai and Chester, who were trying their hardest not to outburst in laughter.

"Ok, Coraline is becoming more connected with her predatory instincts. We can't stop that babe," Chester tried buttering his wife up with sweet words.

"And I thought her brothers would be more difficult to manage," Zoey stressed as Kai stood up. "How are we going to cover her red eyes in public?"

Kai took this moment to leave while Chester and Zoey talked in private. After all, raising a little vampiress or vampire was never easy. Especially whenever the parents are trying to raise them on the human level, thought Kai.

Once he left the room, he zapped fastly and smelled the scent of his mother. Lately, Kai hasn't seen her much and he had that need to talk with her.

Kai peeked into her tea party lanai to see her knitting. As she rocked in the rocking chair. Just when he was going in, a new scent caught his nose. He focused past his mother's heartbeat and found a second one beating too. Inwardly, Kai smiled to discover he wasn't going to be the youngest offspring anymore. Instead of disturbing her, Kai let her alone while he figured out she was knitting baby booties for the new baby.

As he walked away, his heart broke into nothing. He couldn't take the pain of being away from his mate. Just when he was about to speed off, Glenn came up cautiously.

"You have a letter," he genuinely said as Kai took it. He opened it up and so suddenly, his eyes burned hotly to see Victoria filed for a divorce, and the reason why is what got under his skin the most. Fastly, he took off and burst through his father's office to find him at the desk.

"She seriously thinks I cheated on her!" Kai slammed the papers on his father's desk.

As Mr. Collin picked them up when Ivan, Rome, and Glenn caught up with him. Since Victoria's absence, Kai had been dangerously calm. His equilibrium was like a ticking bomb. Ready to explode at any time or second. Finally, Kai lost it. Just as his father except that he would.

"Just relax Kai," Mr. Collin said gently as Kai flopped onto the seat across from his desk.

"That wretched wife of mine lied to me!" Kai shouts in full anger at his father. "Giving her freedom was the worst advice that you ever gave me! First, the college, and then I find out she's been seeking off to hang out with Crystal during work! Now she thinks I had sex with a sleazy woman! When I was only feeding! Even after I give her easy access to her money! This is how she repays me!"