Ch 158: Alpha To Alpha

"Regardless, that she kept this from you, Kai. The important thing to realize is she came back to you the whole time she met up with Crystal. Victoria didn't seek off to be with Orlando," Mr. Collin tried to rationalize. "And you were right to give her back her money, it's what she's earned."

"If it helps, Crystal was the one that filled that form out over Victoria," behind Kai, Rome added.

"It doesn't Rome!" Kai ghastly hissed. "She's with him now! How will I never get her heart? First, Orlando set me up to look bad at the fundraiser. Now, who knows what lies they're feeding her."

"I know he did son," Mr. Collin confessed. "He made sure that you mistakenly hurt Victoria. And I know Mr. Mill purposely joined a partnership with Mr. Jones for that to happen. However, most of this happening could have been avoided if you only told Victoria the truth about us. Then she'd know you weren't cheating. Not that knowing you were feeding is any better."

"Oh, she's going to learn the truth the second I bite her neck off!" Kai said quite angrily. Although he and everyone else knew he didn't mean it.

Misery swallowed Kai whole as Mr. Collin sighed to see something else was deeply troubling him. His behavior was almost worse compared to the beginning when he first woke up.

"Everyone, may I have a word with my son alone?" Mr. Collin looked at his advisors and Kai's advisors.

Altogether they obliged by leaving the room. Once the door shut, Mr. Collin took a long sigh to know something more was going on.

"Victoria is pregnant, isn't she?" He straightforwardly consulted.

Kai swallowed hard as he slightly shook his head, "yes, she's pregnant and she doesn't know because our baby has been hiding its existence."

"How long have you known?" asked Mr. Collin.

"When that monster attacked her during that windy storm in the woods, I suspected," Kai confirmed. "That night of her head jury, my offspring responded to me while she was healing in her sleep. And I'm sure she conceived on the Blood Moon."

"You never told me or Dr. Riley," Mr. Collin frowned.

"Like you didn't tell any of us that mom is pregnant," Kai shot back in a non-rude kinda way. "Plus, I was waiting for her to discover it for herself. All those pregnancy tests were negative because the vamp baby is hiding its existence."

Mr. Collin knowledged sometimes it's nice just to stay quiet to let the mother be at peace. Rather than have everyone overly bomb the excepting mother with joy and stress about the new vamp baby. So he understood why Kai didn't announce anything. Like how Ace did the same thing.

"I should have figured, from those dizzy spells and her sickness," Mr. Collin felt joyous to hear this news.

"That would be why," said Kai as his mood shifted. "I'm going to get her!" Kai acted without thinking and reached for the papers to rip them in half. But Mr. Collin snatched them before he could.

"No, don't you do anything irrational!" Mr. Collin advised. "I promise we will get her back. All you need to do is give her what she wants."

"What?" Kai knotted his brows. "Why would I give in to her requests? I'd rather kill her kitten and horse and then shred that stupid car I bought her!"

Mr. Collin sighed, "you may want to but we both know you won't because you love her." Kai didn't respond because he knew this was true. "She is carrying your offspring. Therefore since you can't be near her. You will give her what she wants to keep her stress free."

"You want me to sign this divorce?" Kai questioned his father like he had gone nuts.

"No, I want you to cooperate with me. Just trust me, I will get your wife and offspring back. "Mr. Collin said, without fully explaining his plan.

He understood even without the sacred mark, it was hard to be away from your destined mate. Especially, whenever she carries your offspring. Mr. Collin could remember the times he was away at war while his wife was pregnant with Veronica.

"We don't have much time!" Kai feared. "My offspring will only be able to hide its existence for so long. And without my presence, the baby will lose its instinct faster. Other vampires will likely sense the offspring of an alpha. Victoria and our baby will be at risk."

"I know, Kai," said Mr. Collin. "And I won't let that happen."

Before Kai could speak a rapid knocking came at the door. "Come in!" Mr. Collin hollered to know this was urgent. Otherwise, nobody would disturb two alphas from talking privately.

Jack, Ace, Glenn, Ivan, Rome, Duncan, and Mr. Collin's other advisors came hurrying in.

"Kai stood up and knew something was wrong. "What is it?"

"It's Victoria," Jack was hesitant for a mere minute. "She's at the hospital. She had another bad seizure caused by her psychic gift. She's in the ICU and they aren't sure if she's going to make it."

Kai felt faint and sick to his stomach. "I have to get to her!" He lunged but everyone stopped him, so he growled viciously.

"You can't do that, Kai!" Mr. Collin pulled him back. "It's too risky!"

"I can't lose her!" Kai breaks down. "I told her that gift will kill her!"

"She doesn't have control," Ace reminded him.

"Those Mills did this on purpose!" Kai accused in out-of-control anger. "They sent that team down in Egypt and had her watching it live to trigger her gift!"

"It's possible Kai," Mr. Collin couldn't controvert this possibility. "Over me, the Mill's owned the farming lands. So I couldn't stop it."

"I need Zoey," Kai stressed. "We have to seek her in the hospital so she can heal Victoria."

"It's too risky, Kai," Ivan exhorted him not to.

"I'll go and distract them," Kai was adamant and pushed forward in his alpha authority. "We are leaving! So go get the vehicles!"

Unfortunately, his advisors couldn't refuse their commands and left the room to do what they were told.

"Kai, if she passes you'll still have a part of her!" Mr. Collin tried saying to stop Kai. "You have to care for your offspring."

"I can't do that without her," Kai sulked.

"You must if she doesn't make it!" Mr. Collin tried but Kai disappeared before his eyes as Duncan and Mr. Collin's other advisors found out he was getting another vamp grandbaby.