Ch 159: Weakness


Faint sounds of this machinery entered my ears. Heaviness smashed down on my chest. My eyes stir and flutter with the first attempt to open my eyelids.

"Victoria?" This voice whispered before I felt lips kiss my forehead.

"Kai..." I spoke so weakly against my raw throat. I could barely hear my raspy voice.

Light blinds my sight when my eyelids merely peeked open. I squirmed my face and all I felt was so frail. Someone's hand caresses a few stray hairs away from my frame. Then the lights seemed to dim. Again, I attempted to open them up against the heavyweight locking them shut.

Once I did, I stared upward at this beautiful angel that stared down at me.

"Kai..." My voice withered too lowly.

Which was probably a good thing when my blurry vision recognized those ocean-blue eyes staring down at me with this heart-warming smile.

"Will give you some privacy," I distinctly heard Crystal's voice say somewhere.

"Hey, baby," Orlando whispered heartily as I now remember Kai cheated and I left him. A piece of my heart pined for him and I wasn't sure why that was.

"Where am I?" I asked and glanced around to find I was hooked up with monitors on my heart and an IV.

"You are in the hospital," Orlando replies softly and these tears compress his eyelids "You've been here for two days. You had a severe grand mal seizure and you almost died..."

Emotions overly took his reflections as he held his mouth for a second. Teardrops were waiting to burst but he held it together and harshly choked down his dismay. "I thought I almost lost you," he weeps as he cupped my hand.

Weakly, I squeeze his hand and whisper, "you didn't lose me." Orlando leaned down and kissed my head and hugged me for a long while.


A few moments later, Crystal returned and she smiled to see half of Orlando's body cuddling with me.

"Why don't you get something to eat?" She touched his back shoulder. "I'll stay here and keep her company."

Orlando kissed my head one last time and agreed. Crystal sat in the chair at my bedside and smiled at me.

"Orlando hasn't left your side once," Crystal smiled, telling me after he was gone. "He truly loves you."

"I know he does." I knew this but asked. "Does Kai know I am here?"

"My uncle called Mr. Collin but Kai never once came by to visit you," Crystal delicately frowned. "But Mr. Collin said Kai gave his constant to do whatever treatment was needed to care for you."

I was fairly heartbroken to hear Kai never cared to visit me. Divorce or not, I'd still see him if he nearly died in the hospital.

"Well, at least he didn't try collecting life insurance on me," I tried joking to lighten up the tense mood that weighed on my heart. Crystal chuckled lightly at my joke and I did the best I could not to be upset about Kai not visiting me.


By the next day, surprisingly I was released from the hospital. Just resting stabilize everything to be normal and I felt great for someone who nearly died.

Nobody understands why I had such a severe seizure but I knew it was from my time-gap gift. But I couldn't tell any of the Mills about that. Otherwise, they might think I'm crazy. Only to this day, the Collins know and Kai is the first one that can communicate with me while I am in that trance.

I do recall he said it will kill me and here it nearly did just three days ago. However, I couldn't help myself. I had to know what happened to that ancient civilization. All I gathered is that the attack came from the Palace. Unfortunately, I still didn't have any answers as to who massacred the people in that ancient city…

Perhaps, a better question to ask is what killed them?

"Guess what came in the mail today?" Crystal came into the living room, waving an envelope at me. Which totally took me out of my head. I took the mail and saw it was from the courthouse.

Orlando, Alejandro, and Zach came in as Crystal took a seat beside me.

"This will be my given answer," I breathed deeply.

"No matter what, we'll get you through it," Alejandro reassured me with encouragement.

I took another deep breath and opened it up and started to read. And I couldn't believe it!

Standing between Zach and Alejandro, Orlando asked with concern since I was speechless. "How bad is it?"

"Kai signed it..." I gasped in greater relaxation.

Right there on the line was his signature to the divorce. He gave me all that I asked for. I only wanted the kitten, my horse, and the car he bought me. I didn't ask for any money or anything other than those simple requests. Kai approved of them all and our Court date to finalize everything was coming up soon.

"He gave me everything I requested and said my car is parked at the University," I told everybody.

"Wow!" Was the only word Zach could say.

"I'm with Zach on this one," Orlando added.

"Yeah, I kinda figured he'd put up a fight," I stated. "But I guess not. Once I can find a place to live and a new job. I can reset my life back in order."

"I don't know if I trust that," Orlando disagreed. "This could be a trap to get you alone. Plus, you have someone trying to kill you. Are you sure you honestly wanna live alone?"

"One step at a time," I tried reasoning since I saw Orlando was in one of his protective moods. "Let's just get my car first and then I need to buy a new phone. And hopefully, it will be my last cell for this year."

"You're breaking a new world record in how many times one person can get a new phone within four months," Crystal burst out laughing as the rest of us joined her. She made a huge point here.

After laughing Alejandro offered. "Alright, I'll drive you so let's go get your car."

"I'm coming with you in case it's a trick," Orlando said sternly. I didn't refute him. Although I thought he was being absurd.