Ch 160: Stabilized

*Three days back*

Victoria was rushed to the hospital. She slept in a deep coma as medics just got her stabilized in the ICU unit. Dried blood covered her nose and mouth, and some crusted on her neck. Oxygen was blowing down her throat and her heart and head were hooked up to the monitors. Orlando got a wipe and cleaned up the crusty blood around her face and neck.

"You need to come to the lobby, we got company," Alejandro rushed in to tell his twin brother.

With Victoria stabilized, everyone went rushing to the elevators. Once they left over several minutes ago. Seven shadows slipped into the room. In a solid stance, Zoey, Chester, and his five advisors looked down at Victoria's fatal condition.

"Be quick and don't make contact with the baby," Chester whispered as he and his friends crept at the door to be on the lookout while Zoey did her thing.

"I won't, I'll only heal her."

Firstly, Zoey checked over Victoria and saw she was stable but her heart was just barely beating and her breath was far too weak to breathe on her own. Being a professional doctor, she knew none of this was good. And she was far from ok.

"Kai was right to ask me to do this," Zoey whispered as she placed her palms on Victoria's chest. "I don't feel she'd make it through the night. This was a fatal one."

Zoey closed her eyes as this illuminating green, glows around her hands. Then she concentrated all her healing gift into Victoria's body. Internally, Zoey's gift heals the damage she took from having such a violent seizure. Through the tips of Zoey's fingernails, she took in the damaged heart, lungs, and head trauma Victoria sustained. Little by little, each damaged tissue started to regrow as her mind concentrated entirely on Victoria's wounded internal body.

Passion flourished within Zoey to have such a blessed gift to heal others. Humanity thrived in Zoey to keep that little bit of human alive in herself. Before Chester, her destined mate turned her into a blood-thirsty being. It took her decades to control her thirst long before she could help humans without feeding on them. Gaining such a rare healing gift, helped Zoey stay connected to the human she once was. Long before Chester came along and turned her world upside down too. Because he too made that same mistake as Kai and didn't raise Zoey. Over anybody, Zoey understood what Victoria was facing, she thought.

Chester peeked at Zoey, healing this green glow into Victoria's body. Yet he also had to restrict himself from making contact with his niece or nephew, Victoria was unknowingly carrying. Deeply he was heartsick for Kai to take on such a burden to be away from his pregnant mate. This was the time Victoria and the offspring needed Kai the most, Chester felt.


Meanwhile, the Mills just reached the main visitor lobby and saw Kai and his friends pull up and parked at their Mill hospital.

Angrily, Kai, Glenn, Rome, Jack, Ivan, and Ace stormed through the automatic doors. Already they found Orlando, Zach, Alejandro, Max, and more there waiting for them.

"You aren't welcomed here!" Orlando snapped darkly.

"She's my wife!" Kai snarled his lip coldly. "I have every right to see her and visit her while she is sick!"

"Not anymore," Orlando snickered this malicious grin at Kai and his pals. "She's mine now! We love each other and you got in the way! If you have any care then you'll sign those divorce papers and walk away, so we can be happy!"

Kai looked around to see many human eyes on them to witness the family feud between business rivals.

"Are you still going to play this game, Orlando?" Kai asked in a seethed expression while his eyes still narrowed at him dastardly.

"I'm not playing any games," Orlando exclaimed fiendishly. "Her and I know what we feel. We were happy until you came along and took her from me! Then you go behind her back and cheat on her! She caught you right in the alley with another woman! If it wasn't for me, that murdering lunatic would have gotten her! All because you were too busy messing around with another loose woman!"

"I will never sign those papers," Kai said while he kept his seethed composure.

Behind his shades, Kai's eyes were scorching red hot but he took a breath to eye one too many people around to hear this dispute. Otherwise, Kai would have ripped out his throat. Boiling heat grew between both families as silence swept the atmosphere. He knew the truth and did not need to argue about this matter with Orlando. Then finally, Kai felt his cell buzzing in his pocket. He took it out and glanced at it just enough to read it quickly.

"She's healed, Kai!" Just at the right time, Zoey texts him. "I promise, she'll be fine and live."

Kai took a seethed easy breath of relief and looked back up at Orlando glaring him down.

"You give her all the care she needs! And if she dies, I will kill you Orlando!" Kai's temerarious threat startled the crowd but not Orlando. Then he turned his heel to leave with his friends.

"If you have any real love for Victoria! Then you will sign the papers and let her be happy with me! Or else you and I both know things will be worse on her," Orlando daringly warned with this calm yet intrepid attitude.

His dark warning stopped Kai in his stride to exit the building. He turned back and glared a deadly scowl at him but said nothing. Not one word left Kai's lips. Rather, he turned his heel and left through the opening doors with his friends. Orlando and his family and friends watched closely to make sure they left. Sure fact, they got in their cars and drove off without causing any further problems. All the crowds between workers and visitors watched them silently.

"Nobody better write or report any of this to the media or else you will be thrown in jail!" Alejandro alarmingly threatened the crowds and everyone took it quite seriously. Knowing very well what power both these rival families have. Without further ado, they went about their business.