Ch 163: Mother's Spirit

My body flew up gasping! Hot sweat covered my body as I was huffing and puffing for air. I touched my neck side and down my chest only to find I was fine. There was no blood or bite marks on my flesh. And between my legs wasn't sore, so I knew I didn't have sex with Orlando.

"It was a dream," I breathed a huge calming breath. I looked around the darkly lit bedroom and realized I dreamed that whole thing.

From Orlando's nightstand, I grabbed my phone and saw it was nearing 4 am. I rubbed my head and set it back down on the nightstand. Just when I was going to lie down. Nauseousness spoiled my stomach, I whisked the blanket off and ran to the toilet! I puked up the snack I had before I went to bed.

"What's wrong with me..." I felt so overwhelmed and sick.

I can't understand why I keep getting sick like this since I'm certainly not pregnant. I stood up and flushed the toilet and then washed the remaining sweat off my face. Then I brushed my teeth and got that rotten taste out of my mouth. Still, my stomach felt horrible like none of that vomiting even relieved any of the pain. Honestly, I only felt worse. I turned my heel and entered the bedroom.

My eyes peered up from the floor to see this glowing white orb floating in mid-air. Angel light brightened the room yet it didn't hurt my eyes. This body-like being formed before my sight. This beautiful blonde teenage girl formed her spirit before me.


Although I never once saw her face or met her, I couldn't deny the resemblance between us.

"Mom..." Instant tears flooded my eyes to see that my mother's ghostly spirit came to me.

"Melody, you must go back to your husband. You and your Angels aren't safe..." She warned in this soft sweet echoing voice but I didn't understand what she was trying to tell me.

"What do you mean?" Tears fell to the carpet when I asked her. "Who's my angels?"

"Go back to Kai, Melody, and don't trust them..." she whispered as her light was dimming.

"Mom, please don't leave me," I cried softly to see her vanishing before my sight. "I don't understand what you're trying to say. What angels and who shouldn't I trust?"

Her ghostly hand reached out and I tried to take it but it was like hitting a chilly breeze. "I love you, my Melody...." Warmly, her hand touched my heart. "I am always with you..."

Like her whisper, she faded into my heart where she always remains. Brokenhearted, I cried my eyes out harder. As the bedroom door opened up without a knock. Right away, Orlando came over and hugged me tightly.

"Shhhh," he crooned in my ear and kissed my temple. "Tell me what's wrong?"

"I had a bad dream," I whispered between my broken teardrops. I couldn't tell him I had a dream about us making love before he turned into a savage vampire and nearly killed me. Then my mother's spirit came to me right after that.

No, it was all too weird for me to understand. Let alone for him to understand it. It would be more mind-blowing for Orlando.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" He asked sweetly.

"No, it was only a dream and I wanna go back to bed," I said weakly from this sickness. "Can you please stay with me?"

"Of course," Orlando kissed my forehead. "Always.


"Wake up sleepy head," my eyes stirred to Orlando's gentle voice. Before I opened my eyes and found we were still cuddled together just as we had fallen asleep with me on his chest.

"How long did we sleep for?" I yawned as he played with my hair.

"Not too long," Orlando chuckled. "We have enough time for breakfast and then we are all going out."

"Where are we going?" I asked perplexed and still dead tired. "And who else is going?"

"It's a surprise," Orlando taunts with this mischievous smile. "You, me, Crystal, Zach, and Alejandro are only going."

Playfully, I rolled my eyes and giggled. "Fine, if you wanna be a meanie and not tell me."

With me, Orlando giggled, and then our faces encountered each other's space. Tension of this heat scorched between us. I knew we were wanting to kiss each other. In the heat of the moment, our lips drew closer. Until I stopped and backed away with a thin smile of guilt. For whatever reason kissing him just didn't feel right.

"I'm going to get my shower," I told him before I sat up.

"Yeah, me too," Orlando said disappointedly and then got off the bed.

He looked at me sulking but I couldn't give in. As much as I may want to. I can't forget I am still married to Kai and I can't let Orlando off so easily after he slept with Ashley.

Every bone in my body may have grown weaker for Orlando's charming love but I still need to be firm with him. I want respect and the only way to get it from a man is by keeping your boundaries. If he walks away then you know he only wants between your legs and will likely cheat. God set his commandments for a reason. I may not be perfect but I try to obey His laws. One too many times, I see many women and men using each other for their own benefits and that isn't how I wish to be treated or wanna end up like. So Orlando has a long way to go.

Orlando retired out the door and I was finally able to breathe and clear my foggy head and mushy heart. First thing first, I need to get this divorce over with. Then the next thing, find a place to live and fix myself before I go crawling back to Orlando. If I ever do go back to him because I just don't know if it's possible. On that firm decision and speculation, I got undressed and took a shower. Then I was out and everyone met up for breakfast in the dining room.