Ch 162: Lustful Dream [R-18]

"Victoria..." I felt my shoulder get slightly shaken. "Victoria, baby, I need to talk to you."

"Uh," I stretched in my sleep and rolled over to find Orlando on the bed in the darkness. "What are you doing?"

"I'm sorry for waking you baby but I can't sleep," Orlando confided and he seemed so upset.

"What's wrong?" I sat up on my forearms, asking.

"I can't do this anymore," Orlando muttered heartily. "I almost lost you. At the store, I saw in your eyes that you love me. Please, baby, be with me. I know we can fix this if you give me a chance."

I sat up all the way and hugged him. "Of course, I love you but..." I can't even say that I felt betrayed whenever I betrayed him by being with Kai.

"I know because I slept Ashley," Orlando said more sadly as he raked his fingers along my hair. "I messed everything up."

I caressed his cheek and wiped away his flowing tears. "I messed up and broke my promise. I almost kissed Kai at the duck pond. I cheated on you first and I'm sorry."

"Then let's make things right between us," Orlando whispered seductively as he cupped my one cheek. "Let's make love together." His lips touched mine and we kissed softly.

Magic sparked and flew between our lips kissing. His hands wandered the sides of my silkie sexy nightgown. He removed and pushed the blanket off my body. We broke the hot kiss and Orlando stood on his knees. Neither of us played around. I rolled his shirt up his built abs as he rolled up my nightgown.

Altogether we whipped our clothing up over our heads and then down the length of our arms. His eyes stared at my perky naked breasts and I started tugging on his shorts. Along with his boxers, I slid his shorts off.

Immediately, his cock sprang out like a jack in the box. His erection was enormous and ready to go. Huge was an understatement, for how gigantic and lengthy he is. I wrapped my palm around what I could and he instantly made me feel hot and wet between my legs. As Orlando's fingers pulled my panties.

"You are so big," I seductively uttered as I started to stroke his member up and down. Orlando groaned and ripped my panties off.

"Why don't you suck it, babe?" he asked deeply between his breathless groaning.

He leaned back on the pillows and I positioned my mouth to his huge member. Orlando hoist my naked rear up and then his one hand wandered between my spread thighs. I widened my legs and started to lick his mushroom.

At the same time, Orlando's fingers went in. He didn't play around and started thrusting me with his two fingers. Then he used his free hand and pushed my mouth down his member. I gagged from his fullness and longer length. He crunched a palm full of my hair and moved my head back and forth.

He grunts as his fingers go faster and pound me deeply. I moan with a full mouth, taking his cock. Salty precum hit my taste buds as I moved all the way to the tip of his head. I sucked only his mushroom and then nibbled one side with my teeth.

"Ouch!" Orlando groaned with pleasurable pain as he thrust in his third finger. "Play nice, baby."

I giggled and then sucked his head and cycled my tongue around it. Then I took my hand and started jerking him off. I licked his head and then sucked down his member. He groaned louder and his hand went rougher. Using his thumb, he played with and teased my clitoris. I moaned and mumbled when he found my g-spot and that pleasurable center on my clitoris. My bud swelled and twitched with his movement. Inside my core throbbed along the creases of his fingers stroking me roughly.

All the while his member stiffened and twitched in my mouth. All on the same note, he shot in my mouth while I erupted sticky love juice on his hand. He pulled his fingers out huffing and puffing. And I swallowed his seed down my throat.

Without seeing it coming, from still recovering from this overstimulation created by this orgasm. Orlando sat up and then flipped me on the bed to be underneath his muscular body. The tip of his head pushed into my messy chamber. Hoisted above me, his palm grabbed the sheet and he thrust in deeper. I clenched my nails into his biceps as he entered me. Then he thrust his hips faster with each extraction.

I left my legs and moaned while he pounded me ongoing. His sack whacks between my bum and chamber. It felt all too good. So I thrust along to match his music. Our bodies clash with each other in this hot beat. Stifle breathing filtered air between us making love.

"Oh, baby, I love you so much," Orlando huskily said and he laid his body on mine. He wrapped my legs around his waist and took me for the ride of my life. Our lips kissed on and off. Then he nibbles down my neck as I tilt my throat for him to peck every sensitive area.

Such ecstasy pulsated through my bloodstream with every touch he gave me. Love coursed between our skin thrusting together in one beat. I pushed my waist up like this tidal wave rolling us in a colorful pool.

"Ohh, Yes... Orlando!" He hit dead on my g-spot as his teeth nibbled and sucked the tit on my right boob. Hot sweat collected between the friction on our sticky flesh. Ecstasy compressed my core to feel I was just about there. This orgasm was at the peak of jumping between our greasy bodies rolling and rocking back and forth.

Unexpectedly, Orlando sat up without pulling out, he positioned my legs to web out behind his back. With his legs stretched out behind me, he bounced my bum up and down on his member. I pinched into his shoulders and thrust against his speed. Spiraling in was that orgasm shooting me to the stars.

Suddenly, Orlando pulled my hair back roughly enough to nearly break my neck.

"Orlando, you're hurting me!" I cried and I saw his gaze turning red as hot coals.

My neck stretched back in pain as I was riding this climax. "Now you are forever mine!" He growled as he pounds his hot nectar into me harder. I screamed as fangs grew from his canines.

Iron sharp teeth pierced through my skin as he thrust me deeply penetrated. Hot blood spewed down my neck and streamed between my boobs. I cried and tried breaking free. But it was all useless. In a matter of seconds, I felt weak by the time Orlando released his fangs. I could barely breathe between the pain as he laid me down and pulled out. "Kai will never have you again!" Fire burned into his eyes. He laughed sinisterly while I screamed in terror.