Ch 167: Spy

Once Jack angrily passes Victoria's shoulder, he darts off into the crowds. Then he found an isolated area by this gated ride with nobody close enough to pay attention. His body evaporated into thin air just in time before Victoria could find him.

Far off into the parking lot. Jack planted his feet and was crouched down between two vehicles. Where Kai, Ace, Glenn, Ivan, and Rome were waiting for his return.

"She's safe, Kai," Jack informed, walking toward them the remaining way and then taking himself between Ace and Ivan.

Kai shook his head slightly. "She won't be safe with them for long," he replied, weakly toned from his depression.

"The Mills are stopping her from finding an apartment. For the time being, she is safer with them," Ace added in his viewpoint since Kai had them spy on Victoria all this time. They kept their distance but got as close as they could.

But Kai still shook his head in disagreement and lashed out. "No, she isn't! She just got discharged from the hospital and they took her here! She should be in bed resting! Not riding on those tin buckets!"

Now his friends saw something else was deeply troubling him.

In front of him, Ace outwardly asked, "Victoria's pregnant?"

"Yes, she's pregnant with my offspring," Kai didn't hesitate when answering. Everyone was sorta shocked mostly because he kept this from them but they felt for him. Especially, Ace, he couldn't imagine being away from Rose while she carried their son. More than anyone, Ace knew Kai was taking in a lot on his heart.

"Well, I wish I knew that before I told her off," Jack shamefully admitted. "I should have figured she was. She was rather aggressive with me after she caught me spying on her by mistake."

Rome chuckled lightly as he leaned up on somebody else's SUV. "That would have been amusing to witness."

Jack smirked, shaking his head at Rome's remark and then Kai said. "Don't worry about it. She'll be lucky if I don't strangle her too."

Very lowly, they chuckled at Kai's comment. They knew he was downright frustrated with her and with himself.

Then he swallowed hard to hold whatever mental strength he had left. "She's falling for him again, isn't she?" He directly looked at Jack seeking this answer.

Jack swallowed his tongue on this one. "She was resisting him but I am afraid that spark she had for him is waking up."

"Has he kissed her?" Kai asked with more aggression while clenching a fist.

Jack sighed, "he kissed her but as I said, she's still trying to keep a strong will against him."

Hearing all this information stung Kai's heart in the worst way. Although he felt it. But he needed to confirm it by hearing it from his friend. Not that it did him any good to confirm what he already figured in his heart.

Next to his left, Glenn recommended. "Since Jack confirmed she's fine. Why don't we head out of here?"

"I'm not leaving," Kai stubbornly said.

Across from him, standing next to Jack, Ivan persuaded. "Standing here isn't going to do you any good. You keep spying on her, you're going to end up seeing something hurtful."

"I don't care," Kai bitterly snarled. "I rather see with my own eyes what she does with Orlando. Instead of assuming or smelling traces of him on her."

"You are separated, Kai," Glenn frowned painstakingly to remind him. "She's sorta free to date because she left you. Until then you have to trust whatever plan your father has in mind."

"Try to remember, Victoria is still a human. You know she doesn't understand that you're destined mates. You have to be more patient with her since you didn't raise her," Ivan painfully added.

Hearing these words only killed Kai's bleeding heartbeat.


Hours went by that Kai refused to leave. Sunlight dimmed on the horizon as groups of families or friends left here and there.

Then he finally saw Victoria coming out of the gate and walking into the parking lot with Orlando and the rest of them. Hidden between the vehicles. Kai glared fiendishly to see Orlando suckering up to Victoria by opening up the passenger seat door for her. The sight was sicking to witness Orlando doing whatever he could to charm his way into Victoria's heart.

"It's getting dark. Let's go hunt and call it a night," Glenn tried again once Orlando and Zach pulled out and left.

"No, we aren't leaving her sight!" Kai hissed and then flew off in a shadowy form and followed high above and farther away from both cars. Soon they reached a new destination in this remote area. Nearby, Kai and his friends land within the shadows of these trees. They watched as Orlando, Alejandro, and Zach got out blankets to watch the meteor showers tonight. The spot was a perfect view to see the sight. Just beyond the lake, more crowds gathered below the peak. Unfortunately, the Mills chose a more private spot away from the people on a higher elevation. Kai hated the fact the setting was far more romantic. Then it didn't help that Zach and Crystal went their way. And Alejandro wandered off with Vanessa elsewhere when he took his blanket with them. Which left Victoria and Orlando alone sharing a blanket.

"We need to leave, Kai," Ivan's voice whispered somewhere behind him.

Beneath his vocals, Kai rumbles a low-pitched growl, "no, we are staying."

He was dead serious and they knew Kai wasn't going to budge. Helplessly, Kai and his friends watched Victoria and Orlando sit next to each other on the blanket. Luckily, there was space between their bodies from touching.

Great wrath bittered his heart like a cold stone to hear them talking and giggling together. Right away, Kai noticed that Orlando could make her smile in a way that he never could. This breaks him in pure self-pity and he regrets every mistake he's made with Victoria.