Ch 174: The Truth Revealed

I was very frustrated and glanced around to find an escape route. Yet I didn't neglect to notice, there was a certain glint across Kai's grinning lip. Clearly, he has something more to say.

Kai sneered, shaking his head before he spoke. "I never said the baby you carry is human, now did I?"

My mouth faltered, I knew there's always been something wrong with Kai. Now I know for a fact he is worse than insane.

"You really need help, Kai," I spat as he was nearly pinning me to the wall.

At my statement, he laughed like a madman. "Oh, you poor naive human girl," he mockingly grinned at me.

"Kai!" Ace hollered off to the side around the seats behind the wooden gate.

I watched as Kai's breathtaking angelic features on his face start to flake like a flame burning a painting. His golden warm skin tone changed gray. A widener smirk took his lips as he slowly pulled off his shades. Red demonic eyes stared upon me with such thirst.

"Aaah!" I screamed as he lunged in the air and pinned me on the wall alongside the jury seats. He covered my mouth as he hissed. Four monstrous fangs grew from his upper and lower canines. My whole body shook against his built figure holding me hostage.

"Shhhh," Kai gently hushes me to my face and his fangs shrink smaller but were still very much visible when he spoke. "Calm down, my love. As much as you irritate me. I'd never purposely harm you or my offspring that is growing in your womb. Now what you saw that night at the club in the alley. Wasn't me cheating but I was feeding. I'd never cheat on the only human I will forever love because we're mates."

I wiggled my mouth free and shuddered terrified. "Y-you're a vampire!"

"Yes, I am a vampire," Kai answered. "Our baby will either be a vampire or a vampiress. Then of the brightest blue moon, I will turn you. On that day, I hope things will make better sense for you."

My body trembled as Kai slowly let me go and gave space between us. I was dumbfounded and tried to think before he likely kills me.

Swiftly, my eyes glimpsed down at the pocket knife hooked inside Kai's pocket. With one quick move, I clipped it off his pocket and flicked the blade open. Without hesitation, I jam it in Kai's heart! He backed up hissing and looked down to realize I lodged a knife in his chest. His friends move forward while Kai's eyes steer back up at me. This scary wicked grin curved his lips.

"After you kill me, what do you plan on doing next?" Kai mockingly asked and pulled out the knife. My breath languishes once I noticed his wound was healing underneath his black dress shirt.

He came back up to my face and smiled crookedly. "You surely have some fight. Which you're going to need."

"This isn't possible..." I could scarcely talk.

"Is your next tactic going to be garlic, my naive little wife?" Kai taunted and asked but I was speechless. "Let me clarify this for you. You can't kill what is immortal. What you read and watch about vampires doesn't compare to what we actually are."

Again he backed away and ordered,

"Ivan take her back home and lock her in our bedroom." Kai looked at me evilly. "I need to go feed off my frustrations."

No way was I about to go back home with him. Once Ivan stepped forward to get me. I dashed up toward the seats and leaped over the wooden rail and ran through the seats!

I glanced back and saw them watching me. None of them were in a hurry to chase after me. I burst out the creaky door when they unhurriedly walk up the aisle.

Without looking back, I ran for it and passed up the guards by the desk. I ran outside and went making a mad dash to my car.

I was nearly there but then all of a sudden my body twisted around and my purse fell off my shoulder. Then I was smashed into this man's firm torso.

Steel claws pierced around my chin as this brutal man's voice said. "It's not wise to stray too far from your mate. Unlike, him I'll drink your soul."

I whimpered and I realized he's not a man. Against his built frame, my body shook defenselessly. Aside from him were five more of them.

Up ahead, I saw Kai, Rome, Glenn, Jack, Ivan, Ace, and both guards come out of the courthouse. They came right up as this creature pushed his claws from his free hand, right on my pounding heart. Every beat thuds like a hammer up against his claws.

"If you use your gift on me, Kai. Then I will kill her with my claws!" He hissed, frightfully.

I shuddered helplessly on the verge of crying. While he pinched my chin with his pointy claws. Yet I noticed Kai's eyes were blazing red but his composure was calm. Same with Kai's friends. Only their eyes weren't red. Were Kai's friends human like me?

"Let her go," Kai calmly warned. "You can't touch her. The Vampire Covenant hasn't been summoned yet."

I quivered, not having any clue what they were talking about.

"For now, I'll only kill her if you try anything!" He hissed and I could feel his fangs merely brush my ear from around my hair.

Still, Kai remained intact from his usual temper. "What do you want?"

"I want you to kill her, Kai," he answered in a malign tone. "Spare yourself from what you know will happen. And if you're lucky enough to turn her. You will regret it."

Then his whole body released me as he vanished into vapor. Uncontrollably, my body stuttered when I looked around and didn't see them anywhere. Then just when I looked at my purse on the pavement, I charged it to get my car key.

A firm grip grabbed me and my heel booths lifted off the pavement. Whiplash smacked my body and head. My sight spun in cycles and colors smashed and swirled together. What was happening?

As fast as it happened then it all stopped. Firmly, my feet stood on this soft material and that strong yet gentle grasp released my waist. Although my head was still spinning and my stomach felt squeamish. I looked around panting when I realized I was back in my old bedroom at Mr. Collin's mansion. I looked in front of me and saw Kai staring at me with a furious expression. I stepped away as he came at me!