Ch 183: Goodbye Kiss

Thankfully, it was my last class. So I didn't need to worry about anything at the moment. I took a seat at a picnic table to gather my frizzled mind.

"Victoria!" Crystal said, loudly and sat next to me. "Are you ok!"

She hugged me tight, and I couldn't help but begin to cry hardened tears on her shoulder. "It's ok, you need to come back home with us."

I pulled free from her grasp, and said with watery eyes. "I can't. As much as I want to, I just can't."

"What are you talking about?" Crystal asks, shocked. "Just come back and we'll work this whole thing out."

I shook my head in disagreement, "I'm sorry, but I can never leave Kai, it isn't possible."

"Victoria, I promise it will all be ok," Crystal tried calming me, but I shake my head and stood up to leave. "Victoria!"

She shouts, but I kept on walking.

One of the hardest things I've ever had to do in my life, was to shun my friends and the only one my heart loves for their protection.

Momentarily, I was stopped in my sprint to see Orlando blocking me from passing. He had the saddest eyes that instantly crushed my heart. He came forward and hugged me tightly. Crystal walks away, giving us privacy.

"Baby, I vow whatever is going on. I am going to break you free from Kai," Orlando says when he pressed his forehead on mine.

Many tears overflow down my cheeks. He cupped my wet face and kissed me. I couldn't help but kiss him back. This might be my last kiss goodbye.

Then I whisper after parting my lips. "You have to move on and forget about me, Orlando. I can't be with you anymore. I never can." I tried to collect whatever strength I could to say this to the man that has my heart.

In disbelief, Orlando shook his head heartbroken. "No, I could never live without you in my life. You're my world, and I will get you back," he ensured with teary eyes, and then he took my lips into his again.

He kissed me deeply and our heads naturally slanted and adjusted to the motion surging between our love. His tongue thrusts in and rubs onto mine. I got swept off my feet between this yearning for each other. Nothing else matters right now, only him.

Very romantically, I peeled my lips away to savor the flavor and the warmth he left on my lips. The last goodbye kiss I'll ever give him. Only thinking about it shattered my heart into tiny glass specs. I couldn't bear the pain Kai was putting me through. It felt as if I was dying from a broken heart because the agony was unbearable to face. Yet for Orlando's safety and my love for him. It has to be done. It just had to!

"I'm sorry, but I can't see you again," I touched his left cheek and brokenly told him. Then I tried to walk away, but he grabbed my wrist and made me stay.

"No, I'm not giving up on you!" Orlando said, adamantly, then he pulled out a long box from his back pocket. He opened it up, and I saw it was the Ruby crown necklace he bought at Mr. Jones's fundraiser.

"I bought this for you at the fundraiser. I just never had a chance to give it to you." He placed it in my hand before he kissed my head. "Always remember what I told you. As long as you always love me, Kai will never come between us."

I cried more broken compared to how I ever felt in my life. "I love you, and I'm sorry..." I whispered, then without him seeing it coming, I ran from him. Never once did I look back to see his broken face, and I never heard him try to chase after me.

Once I knew I was far from his sight. I slowed my pace only to stop still once I neared my car. Kai was right there, and I could tell by the look, he already knew what I did. Even behind his shades, I could tell that he surely knew by how his stance looked so stiffened. Before I could speak he was in my face and snatched the ruby crown necklace from my grasp. My jaw stuttered to watch him ball it up into a fist, and then he crumbled it into dust.

Every ruby was turned into powder. Only part of the golden chain was left. Then he wiped his hands together and dust his hands clean. Whatever was left of the powdery gemstones fell on the asphalt. Along with what was left of the chain. Then whatever dusty rubies remained got shooed off by the wind.

No longer could anybody recognize the necklace as a priceless rare jewel. Now it has dissolved into dust and is likely worth nothing.

After he looked around, he tightly snatched my wrist. In one motion, I was thrown against his vast body. Then my head spun in circles. My weight was lifted with ease and I felt like a dog toy being whipped about. Until my feet land firmly on hard ground.

Shaking, I open my eyes startled for a second. Then I looked around and found mostly trees in front of us. Behind us was an old rundown abandoned business building that was five stories high. Same with these three old benches that were maybe a few feet away. Then I looked at Kai beside me and noticed he was standing dead still.

"Kai..." I whisper, defeated and terrified of him. He took off his sunglasses and his red eyes were blazing fiery hot.

"I warned you about associating with those Mills," he seethed his voice and composure when he folded up his sunglasses inside his suit pocket. "Yet you defied me and went the whole yard by kissing Orlando again!"

My body shakes to hear his voice was icy, and there was a darker demeanor about him.

"I'm sorry..."

He cut me off darkly, "Indeed, my love, you will be sorry. It's time you face your punishment."