Ch 182: Shocker Day At College

Early morning came quickly after I got ready. I got in my new glamorous sports car that was the same color and model. Then I drove off to College and arrived on time to reach my first class. Of course, before I entered the building I looked around to see if I saw Kai or his friends anywhere. More surprisingly, I didn't see them anyplace.


Nearing the end of my classes. Everyone assembled in their seats and started chit-chatting until Professor, Mrs. Nasberry came in. A bitter older lady, she was for a journalism class I had to take. She looked more like a granny librarian compared to a professor.

"Whatever due date I give on any assignment, I expect it done," Mrs. Nasberry lectured. "There will be no excuses or any exceptions. I will not tolerate overdue work, is that clear!"

"Yes, professor!" Almost everyone said that, except for a few of us like me. We only stayed quiet and took a mental note that she was going to be hard to satisfy.

After she lectures us about the rules and

what she expects from us. She started a lesson about adding literature to your journalism to make it more enjoyable. This way it has a higher probability to capture the reader's interest.

For an old cranky lady that should be retired, she had some good advice. I copied down note after note from what she wrote on her whiteboard and highlighted anything she underlined.

Soon after her class was done. Hastily, everyone gathered their belongings and left out the door. Of course, sitting up in the higher seats I was like one of the last people to leave.

"Oh, by the way, Victoria Collin," Mrs. Nasberry's firm voice caught my undivided attention before I had a chance to step outside to leave.

"Y-es, Professor?" I greeted with a shaky shudder.

"Just because you are Collin, don't you go thinking I'll be taking it easy on you," she warned, and before I could speak. Her wrinkly old face peeled into an undeniable beauty and her gray hair brightened a fiery red around the bun. Even the saggy skin on her neck smoothed out flawlessly and her wrinkly hands restored beautifully. She took off her granny glasses and her eyes shone brightly red like a jewel. I was shocked to see she was a vampiress.

She smiled cunningly, "after all, being married to my nephew, I expect you to outshine the whole class."

My eyes were shocked and I knew my expression likely indicated it. There was nothing my voice could say because it was dried out from astonishment. Shakingly, I only nodded my head as her old face replaced her true hidden beauty. I got out of there as her next group of students were entering.

Out in the hall, I checked my schedule trying to breathe from what happened. That was Kai's aunt! It had to be Mrs. Collin's sister since they looked so much alike.

I stopped for a second to regain my thinning breath. Parts of myself wanted to go back home but then what am I saying? I'd only go back to Mr. Collin's mansion and then I'll likely have to deal with Kai. Being here gives me something productive and ambitious to do. Rather than crying in my bedroom.

On that thought, I looked more closely at my schedule and a small smile of hope crossed my lips. My professor that was like a father to me is back after I haven't heard from him in months. He was working again and I was in his class. After two more classes, he's the last class I have on my schedule. I just have to breathe and hang in there for today.

In no time the day went by, and I arrived at his class. Already it was full, so the Professor passed me a friendly smile and I returned the same friendly signal. Then I went to walk up the steps to take a seat with everyone else but I was shocked again to see Crystal was there. She waved me to sit next to her but I remembered Kai's threat over my head. So I took a seat elsewhere away from her. My heart broke again to hurt the people I love in my life. But I don't have a choice because I need to protect them from danger.

The Professor's lecture carried on forever but my mind was frizzled elsewhere. All I kept thinking about was my excavation in Egypt.

'You've woken the blood-sucking monster!' All I heard was the Egyptian girl's voice emitting over and over in my head. Rex had to be who I woke. He has to be a vampire! Which would explain the frost, black ice, and coldness during those warmer days. Vampires have gifts so maybe either Rex or one of the other vampires that follow him has some kinda ice gift.

"That will be it for today. I will see you all tomorrow," announced the Professor when he ended his class.

No, differently than before everyone collected their stuff and left. I peeked at Crystal frowning at me before she was one of the last to depart.

"Are you feeling ok, Victoria?" I overheard my Professor's voice asking me.

I put on a fake smile, "it's really nice to see you again."

"I'm sorry, I wasn't in touch," he knowingly frowned and I could tell by his eyes he knew more than he was sharing.

"You know the truth about the Collins?" I whispered when asking but he didn't answer and instead rolled up his white sleeve to his dress shirt. And there I saw on his right wrist a scar mark of these fangs. I didn't understand what the mark meant but I knew enough that he was confiding with me without talking that he knew the truth about vampires.

"Perhaps we can get a coffee sometime and talk," he warmly smiled just when another professor came in to talk with him.

"I'd like that," I gave a goodbye gesture and got out of there.

It honestly felt like I was going to have an attack heart. Right away, I stepped outside for some hair.